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Everything posted by Zorg

  1. We're only making plans fer Nigel.....
  2. Arrrr. Talk about yr weapons o mass destruction.....
  3. Amen to that. Mayhaps if we sent a few more executives and rich men's sons in harms way, there might be a bit less harms way around in which to send them. Please do not request a diagram of the above sentence. *sigh* Vietnam only 35 years ago and we we've learned NOTHING.
  4. Really?! I loved it! I laughed, I cried, it was better than "Cats"
  5. Due to some schedule weirdness, I made reservations fer th two of us at the Red Roof in on Colisium drive in Hampton fer Thurs. Rooms are reasonable ($56) and available, and its about 17 minutes drive from the Costeau center and the other stuff... Z
  6. Greetings Lass, lots o sources for Faire schedules. My favorite source of sources is <"http://www.atthefaire.com"> which will give you links to several of the Faire databases. Z
  7. Allright you lot. Who's up fer the campin experience or sharin a cheap hotel, I gots mad mistress Hawkinson comin in from Illinois as well and are plannin to head down on the afternoon of the 4th and then probably head out evnin of the 5th or early on Sunday. ante up Z :)
  8. Recently ordered one of the Italian Rapiers from these guys ($49.95) and received it promptly. Some of the polish on the sword is a bit rough, but it seems fightable, and is certainly period accurate (mid 1500s) for my purposes. Pix soon. Z :)
  9. I be a poster-child for pirate self-help! "The Arrgg Inside: Getting In Touch with Your Inner Pirate" by Red Bess Keep a weather eye out for it, mate. A best-seller in the makin', to be sure! How I found Pyracy in an unfree world? Your Pyratical Zones? The Atkins 30 day Pyrate Diet (only eat what you steal)? Ooooooh the possibilities....
  10. Appy *&*%&^*^* Birfday, Mate!
  11. HActually, havin gotten the dog lock from loyalist (a really nice piece that), they recommend an actual calibre of .60 for the gun, with a normal load of 30 grains (50 as a blank load) I really like doing business with these folks and will have some proof and firing shots from the range to post soon. Z :)
  12. also fond o bythesword.com and loyalistarms
  13. Indeed, Maria, "Wicker Man" is an amazing little film. And Elke Summer is an amazing......oh never mind....
  14. I also loved him in the "Island of Dr. Fu Manchu", argueably one of the worst films ever made, but MST3K did a LOVELY send up of it.
  15. Why did they cancel, Elaina, dja know? Just havt ta roll our own...
  16. Okay, so wat say we find ourselfs a campground or park we can take over.... Paisley? Stynky? Anybody?
  17. WHAT!!! KEEL-Haul the lubbers! Okay, so we just has ta have our own Pyrate festival that weekend, so there. :) Everybody still in
  18. These guys have got DOZENS of faux flintlocks from various eras, most of them at around $25-30. Also some very nice costume pieces. Z By the Sword
  19. Im assuming belthooked qualifies as holstered That's good news. 'sides how would they tell the real ones from the costume pieces anyway? Some of the fake flintlocks look more real than the working ones........ .....odd thing to say, but true.
  20. Actually I loves ta stand in front of the lens an blur just ta expose me vicious streak.
  21. :) Oh I think we're gonna have to do a distillation poll once this one as sit up here fer a while.
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