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Matty Bottles

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Everything posted by Matty Bottles

  1. So my wife and I are going to Fort Myers tomorrow, and we're going to leave the baby with his grandparents and sneak off to Key West for a few days. I've only been once, and that was for PiP, and while I remember a bit of the places I went, I can't remember where I ate. Part of that was following a bunch of people to a restaurant and never learning its name, and part of that might be rum-related amnesia. In any case, I want to know some fun places to go. And I thought, Why not ask the fine folks who have invaded Key West every year for the last decade or so?
  2. Oh, awesome, dude. AWESOME. Remember: never listen to me, and you'll be alright.
  3. Why are you getting rid of it? It's not wildly out of period, you know.
  4. Nobody under English law was hanged for being a witch - even at Salem. Do you mean they technically weren't under English law? Because I'm pretty sure the folks at Salem were killed for witchcraft, except for Giles Corey.
  5. Why not apply black acrylic paint with a sponge? Add some artists acrylic medium (not modeling stuff or spray application) to thin it a little bit.
  6. Yeah, you have to put it in a sealed container, though. A large rubbermaid tub will do, with the ammonia in a small uncovered container, with the hilt suspended above it. Bilgemunky taught me that trick.
  7. Yes, I've seen Jack the Monkey. I've actually browsed your site pretty thoroughly, but missed the velociraptor somehow. I have a severed hand I carry around sometime; I'll see if I can't post some good pics of that.
  8. You can dig out a lot of good info from the master's thesis based on studies of the Belle: Sea Chest Shoes
  9. I mean interesting in a good way. It's perhaps unfair of me to generalize, but most people who use 'interesting' pejoratively live lives of quiet desperation. After reading the velociraptor page, I thought "This guy not only thinks of cool stuff, but he actually does it."
  10. Mission, I have to tell you something: you are a consistently interesting dude.
  11. I've heard they're so sharp they were once used for eye surgery in the seventies, I believe, and then realized the cuts were so fine the eye wasn't healing properly. I can't find any evidence of that, however. I heard it from an archeologist, and you know you can't trust those guys. :)
  12. Well, then it must have been pretty good, I imagine. Iron John, I don't think those look too small - they look just right to me for a Queen Anne. How did you attach them? They don't look screwed on. Do they keep the pistol in your belt?
  13. Hey, how was the exchange rate? For a while it was just murder.
  14. You and a lot of other good people! Shoot, my boxed set is the 1733 pattern.
  15. Unfortunately, the only screw-off barrel version available other than an original is a $450 kit from Britain. Another $300 to have a qualified gunsmith put it together prices it right out of my hands just now. That's why I'm relieved to see that the Pedersoli isn't SO wrong.
  16. Aye, Cascabel, I don't mean to disparage the Queen Anne. Rather, I post this as an example of how the Queen Anne is closer to a period piece than might have been previously thought. Iron Jon, as far as belt hooks go, there is a brass one available here. There's a steel one, too. Needs to be drilled and polished.
  17. I'm all right, the kid's all right, we're all right.

  18. Okay, GoF makes a pretty compelling argument for how messed up the pedersoli queen anne is. He does it so well, I'll let him do it. But one thing in particular stuck with me: he asked what the heck pedersoli thought they were copying. Well, I found the profile: Or view it here or here. Yes, this is a screw-off barrel, while the pedersoli is not, but this one has less of that streamlined cannon-barrel style and more of that what-is-that-does-that-pistol-have-a-goiter-on-its-neck style. Yeah, that's it. It still won't make those non-screw-off, no-ramrod pedersoli queen anne's 100%. And you probably already know this. I've been away for a while, so this is probably old news. But there it is.
  19. Yes! I found that list a few years ago, and never saved it! Thank you!
  20. Eh. I feel like it's been resolved pretty well. These are the same arguments that have plagued this board since I first joined. They'll pop up in other places, might as well keep this thread clean. Not that I think those terms or these discussion should be excised from the boards. Don't get me wrong. I love a good argument. I've tried to start a few myself. Maybe I am even trying to start one now... Anyway, I just think in this particular instance we've moved past it pretty organically, and we have some of the parties from the website in question on the board and even willing to offer a sample so we can come to our own conclusions. That's pretty a good resolution, if you ask me. I don't mean cut out the original posts, or never talking about this again. I just mean going back and quoting after the discussion has resolved, or at least everyone has agreed to be polite.
  21. I slept right through this. Unlike the one five years ago or so, this one didn't knock my picture of Elvis off the wall.
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