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Matty Bottles

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Everything posted by Matty Bottles

  1. And what the hell happend to my avatar?
  2. Well, I have some period patterns (that I actually found on this site - thanks, mateys) but there's more than just what you can see on paper. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not anti-accurate. In fact, I fully intent to EVENTUALLY be as fully accurate as I can, if for the reason alone that I want to fit in as many pirate sub cultures as I can. But if I have to wear cotton undergarments because I don't do so well with wool on my bare skin, I'll wear the cotton. But I would love to be fully accurate. Right now I'm not. And some of the sources are a bit too obscure for me to locate. Some places I don't even know where to start.
  3. It looks great. I've decided to save up for one. That is the 18th century model, right? I was thinking of the carribean hilt, but the close-ups of your sword are maybe changing me mind. Mayhaps we could see some other angles, as well...?
  4. *Sheepishly* Happy belated birthday, Maria.
  5. Looks like a good haul, Hawkyns. Is "Return to Treasure Island" with Robert Newton?
  6. I think'll weigh in now, mateys. I'd ruther not interact wif kids, either. As perverse as it may sound, part of pyracy that appeals to me is the villainy. I'm never going to rape, murder, pillage and plunder, but it sure is fun to pretend ye do. And I sure wouldn't feel comfortable describing my criminal acts to a child. Now, that isn't to say I never will interact wif kids, or that I don't like to on occasion, but I dress as a pirate for me own kicks. I would love to have an historically accurate get-up, but I'm just starting, so I am perfectly content to fake what I can't afford. I'll replace my kit at whatever pace I can. And if I want a silk brocade coat for more formal pirate events, well, then I'm going to the upholsterers and getting non-historical fabrics. This is just a hobby (at least for me.) Plus, I don't know where to find historically accurate thread counts, or how some one would accurately pleat the skirt of a 1780's coat...there's only so much one can learn from books. I need HELPFUL INSTRUCTION more than NITPICKY CRITICISM. Acctually, it might be fun to organize a festival...an adults only festivals with debauchery at night, and seminars on historical costuming during the day....
  7. I just can't get over EP's male misadventures - er, nail misadventures.... I just shiver and cross my legs and weep just THINKING about it.
  8. No photos. but a good haul: Boarders Away Vol. 1&2, Sailing Alone Around the World [Original Edition] (by Capt. Joshua Slocum), and last but not least, The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Wine, Beer, Spirits, & Liqueurs! Woo-hoo!!!!!
  9. 1/6 scale/ (12 inches tall.)
  10. For my tuppence, I'll have to weigh in with Hawkyns. It's true that a broadhead arrow, most effective against flesh, can't penetrate plate armor effectively. But the long, narrow arrowheads that were designed to pierce armor certainly could. It isn't as thick as a lot of people think; most pre-firearm plate armor rarely weighed more than sixty-five pounds for the entire get-up. And when one considers the force with which those armor piercing arrows were delivered...
  11. Just wait a couple of weeks, and I ought to have the waistcoat completed and the frock coat sufficiently modified. The facial and head flocking are done, the gloves are ready, the shirt and britches are ready (thanks to other figures) and the weapons are coming along slowly but surely. A few more weeks.
  12. Merry Christmas, Royaliste. Wot presents are ye hoping for? Ye already get to live on the sea.....so wot else do ye want?
  13. Excellent! That ought to serve my purpose nicely. Besides, just because there's no documented evidence of a commoner's garment doesn't mean such a garment NEVER existed. The finery has survived, for the most part. Besides, it isn't neccessarily out of character to be an inventive sailor, and find my own way to beat the chills.
  14. Hmmmm. Cotton might work well for undergarments, but for insulating undergarments, cotton is a notoriously poor insulator when wet. I could probably line wool with cotton, though. That would work. Now, what shape would it be? Maybe a onepiece, union suit type?
  15. I decided, after long deliberation, to post this question in Captain Twill, instead of Plunder, for two reasons: I am not interested in buying, but making, and I am looking for a fair degree of historical accuracy. My question: What did sailors commonly wear under their work clothes when it gets cold? I wondered after reading people lament not lining their coats with a thicker material, and I figured their must be an undergarment one can wear to fight the cold. But what type of fabric? Wool does not work very well against my bare skin. I think I developed an allergy after several years of kilt-wearing. I'm hoping maybe a type of softer flannel? I'm not sure.
  16. I've actually begun to customize several pirate figures. I have a largish collection (85+ figures) and there's only one you can get in that scale who's a pirate! Luckily, I can order sideshow civil war uniforms and modify the frock coat. I'll post once I finish one to my satisfaction.
  17. That could be. He also could have been handily dissected and devoured by various creatures of the sea. Have you ever wondered how the pirates who get blown apart reassemble?
  18. I thought about poor old bootstrap, strapped to a cannon and living undead under the water, just about to free himself, when his son lifts the curse and he drowns. So has Will commiteed patricide? And I think Jack slashed his hand to lift the curse from himself, for the coin he stole.
  19. And thank ye, Joshua, fer the suggestions. Me party is tomorrow, and horefully it'll go off without a hitch.
  20. I won!!! *looks around* Er... I mean, I enjoyed the challenge of the game?
  21. T'Saucy Nell, on 'er birfday...Take it easy on the'sauce! Har har har!! *erp* *Raise his tankard to his lips, and takes a magnificent quaff of rum*
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