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Everything posted by Hellava

  1. And tales of the tallship Royaliste and her high seas adventures spread far and wide. A wooden beauty upon the waves spinning fantastical thoughts of days of long ago in the minds of those laying eyes upon her. Twas a mighty presence on the water was she...quickly filling with admiration and affection the hearts of all who set foot upon her deck and came to know Captain Gary. And that rag-tag crew under the kind and knowledgable guiding hand of Captain Gary evolved into a lean mean pirate fighting machine that the very sound of her name whispered struck fear in the hearts of other sea vessels' captains and crews. Those of the Royaliste crew bonded as tightly as the planks that formed the sleek lines of her hull. Captain, crew, and ship moved as one upon the water....infinitely defining poetry in motion. The legend of the Royaliste drifted to the east and softly fell upon the ears of a pirate lass there. Fortunate and most privileged she was to join the crew of the Royaliste and live an adventure she thought only possible in her dreams. And she was changed forever.....
  2. Hide? Explain? What for?? Let 'em wonder! (though if wee pirates are about, would be a good idea)
  3. He's in such a state of breathless anxious anticipation that restraints (though fun they be) aren't necessary. But preferences of mine would be.... Silk Rope Leather Handcuffs Never use anything that would leave marks or be injurious.....ok...maybe once or twice I did! (or was that three or four or....??)
  4. Such a thought never occurred to me.......or did you mean you'd be wanting to make me cannon fodder?! If the latter be the case, I'd be interested to know your reason. FOR THE RECORD AND EVERYONE'S KNOWLEDGE...... I hold Gary and the Royaliste in the highest esteem and both not only have my complete respect but hold a very dear and permanent place in my heart and soul as well.
  5. It would be a lot more interesting than the ones already on TV.
  6. Paisley.....Love your emoticons!! Where did you find them? The Blackbeard Festival is 2 days.....perhaps you could make it down for at least one.
  7. What a great day for pirates if Johnnie were to plunder the Oscar!!
  8. "Plunderers" "Plunder and Pillage" "Sea Raiders"
  9. The 2004 Blackbeard Festival in Hampton VA is set for June 5 and 6 with the Pyrate Ball on June 4 (Friday night). The festival on Saturday and Sunday is free to attend. Pirate garb is required to attend the Pyrate Ball but precise authenticity isn't required. There is a buffet (included in the price of the ticket) and a cash bar. John Glass (Gov. Spotswood) will have all the details on the website next month. Here is the link to last year's event......2003 Blackbeard Festival - Hampton VA
  10. Thanks for the invitation to visit your site. Will probably visit sometime over the weekend. *hands bottle of rum to Gluebeard*
  11. Great outfits! Becky is amazing. Her outfits are made to last through numerous wearings and washings. They'll look and wear great for many years. Nice job on her website site.
  12. Great video, DP!! The music and postscript were a wonderful touch.
  13. New Year's on the Royaliste.....doesn't get any better than that! I can't wait!!
  14. That tankard be filled only with the best rum I could plunder.
  15. *hands Penny a tankard* Glad you're ok. Now....Pyrate?? Bob and Claire??? What about the rest of you in the "California Quakers Club"?????
  16. Hope everyone is ok. 6.5!! Definitely worried about you all. (you all were using those spill proof tankards I sent, right???)
  17. Safe and happy Holidays to every one!
  18. Santa baby..... I've been good..... actually when I'm good.....I'm very good but when I'm bad.....I'm better!!!!!!!
  19. Congratulations on your new abode (even if it doesn't float)! May you enjoy it fully!
  20. Totally awesome job you did on the Land Shark!! Hard to believe it's that same hollowed out shell of a boat!! *applauds Claire and Bob*
  21. Sorry about Penny's injury. Glad it went well in other respects. Looking forward to seeing the pictures.
  22. Here's to smooth sailing on the concrete seas!
  23. Incredible job you did on the Land Shark!! No finer ship be sailing the concrete seas!! *applauds*
  24. Picked up my copy of POTC DVD for $14.99..... Target was having a release date special so I took full advantage of it. When I finally got to Target after work, they were down to 4 VHS copies and 3 DVD copies. From what the sales guy said they had about 200 copies that morning but they disappeared from the shelves very quickly.
  25. BTW....Pirata..... you sound very knowledgable about Viagra. Talking from personal experience, are ya????
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