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"Mad Mab" Longfeather

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Everything posted by "Mad Mab" Longfeather

  1. I 'ave taken loads of POTC character quizzes and I never fail to get Jack Sparrow. Hm... --Mab
  2. My dad was interested in the sea for a very long time, and being Daddy's Little Girl, he used to take me to a lot of the sailing things he went to. When I was very young we went to this Pirate Festival or something of the sort where they taught you how to rig a sail and fire a cannon. I learned all of the sea shanty's (yeah.. and it was really embarassing when I watched "Moby Dick" in my junior year English class because I unknowingly was singing along to most of them... "Uhm... I uh... heard them on... the radio!"), read a ton of books, etc. I have always found pirates wonderfully fascinating. Then I saw POTC and it was settled. And here I am --Mab
  3. I thoroughly enjoyed it! I thought it was very well done and that it did indeed represent the book quite well. And Pan was a little boy! Not a grown woman! Praise the heavens! And yes... if I see Jason Issacs on the street, I shall willingly throw myself at his feet. --Mab
  4. 'APPY NEW YEAR! It's been said, yes. But I 'ad to say it meself. --Mab
  5. Eep, I'm a bit late on this, but: 'APPY BIRFDAY, MATE! --Mab
  6. I have an interetin' booty. And by interestin' I mean abso-spiffin-lutely fabulous. Wait. *looks around and, embarrased, swims in her cups* --Mab
  7. Oh, he will be. Unless the lot of them are a bunch o' fools... which they might very well be. Considering the state of Lill, that is. --Mab
  8. As someone in the business, I can truthfully say that pre-production certainly would take it until Jan '05, especially if they do it right. There's so much to be done in preparation, an' if they rush it, us fans could be sorely disappointed. I'm just glad it's bein' made! An' wot's this about *2* sequels? --Mab
  9. (meant to press "backspace" an' hit "delete" instead. arg) Thankee Merrydeath! Kind words! Care for a drink? *goes to privy [to much drink tonite], spies feather, takes out dagger* In the roll there was a feather Didn't know til it was nether... Now I got a fyne small tail An' can't seem to hook a decent male! Sad day when there's a feather up yore bum, eh? *Shakes her fist at the Royaliste* What's a roll of paper doin' in here anyway? This be a pyrate privy, not some dandy's powder room! --Mab
  10. *goes to privy, finds a lost garter, sighs, takes out dagger* Passion is pretty An' bare skin is brave Give *public* affection to yer pretty young knave. We're all pyrates here An' we'll call you a priss If you go to the privy to steal a kiss. *promptly goes out to bar and jumps on some stranger, plantin' 'im one on the cheek* --Mab
  11. *NOT MEANIN' TO OFFEND* I just want to point out that though we were attacked, there were numerous lives lost on both sides, an' just as our soldiers do what they are told whether or not it's for the best, so did those of the forces we fought against. Lives are precious, and I would hope that we don't hold a grudge against the soldiers that were just doin' their jobs, when it was their leaders that made the decisions. Families were destroyed on both sides. Lives ruined on both. We are equal in war, because we are equal in death. --Mab, who doesn't want to get into an arguement, only wants to ensure that respect is kept for our "enemies" as well as for our own.
  12. Aye, Cap'n, that he is... and if he wins... *shakes head*. I don't understand why they don't just get RID of the bugger! Even though they don't know about him lying about his g'mother, he's still not worthy of staying on the island. Oh, and did ye hear? Rupert's gone missin'. CBS ain't sayin' anything, either... but the scuttlebutt is that he's involved in some secret project. It pays being a wonderful human being! --Mab
  13. I'm not sure of the island they are inhabiting, but on tonight's ep. they went to close-by Isla Hermita. --Mab
  14. Yeah, what he said. --Mab, who only knows 2 languages (good English and bad English)
  15. Relax when ye can, mate, put up yer feet and 'ave a mug o' the hard stuff. Here's to hopin' that things get back to normal soon for ye, and that all went well on yer trip. Best wishes, wenches, and then some! --Mab
  16. It's Wednesday right now... I just watched the episode that was on tonight, and I loathe Jon even more than I did before. He is foul and wretched, and should be keelhauled, flayed, and *then* hung for high treason. He isn't worthy of being in the game, let alone getting any farther. How dare he?!? --Mab
  17. Sorry 'bout the wet seat, A lass goin' standing is no mean feat. I tried to aim but alas my piss ended up going horridly amiss. I envy you lads! --Mab
  18. For pyrate wenches that wear skirts as opposed to breeches, the McCalls pattern #4090 is right tasty! Also, if ye want patterns for everyone, lads as well as lasses, check out www.alteryears.com They don't have their complete selection online, but I think ye can order a cataloge... and a lot of their Renaissance garb can be turned pyrate with a few choice flares. --Mab
  19. There once was a Captain from Lyme, who bedded three wives at a time. When asked why the third, he said, "One's absurd! And bigamy, sir, is a crime." --Mab
  20. 'ooray! 'ooray! 'appy day of birth (day of berth? a-heh, a-heh) Here's to hopin' it's a fine one! --Mab
  21. Merrydeath, Merrydeath, Quite contrary...eth How doth your cannons blow? With many a rumble, your enemies fumble And with God's speed they go! --Mab
  22. Horray for Lucious Malfoy playing Hook (I don't know the actor's name). I am so excited about this film! --Mab
  23. My crew (family) and I make nearly yearly (har har) visits to ol' San Diego, and the place we never fail to visit is Seaport Village. There's a shop somewhere in the village called "The Captain's Cove"... all sorts o' fine plunder!! http://www.captainscove.net/ --Mab
  24. Aye, Cap'n... 'twas my worry in the first place. Some of them aren't that expensive, but the good ones (so I have heard) cost a pretty penny indeed. --Mab
  25. 'allo! I would think they'd at least lessen the amount a tad, wot fer all the Crowe fans that'll be seein' the movie... meanin' the ones that know nothing about nautical history or terminology and wouldn't understand a bloomin' word. I fancy they'll use some, but they'll make it understandable. --Mab, thinkin' her post is pretty pointless
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