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"Mad Mab" Longfeather

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Everything posted by "Mad Mab" Longfeather

  1. I whole-heartedly agree, mate! He don' deserve to win when there are such pyrates as Rupert on that island. --Mab
  2. Accordin' to the first site, I be...yes, yes... "Wooden Head." Imagine that. The second site dubbed me Red Mary Kidd: "Passion is a big part of your life, which makes sense for a pirate. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr! " Hah! --Mab
  3. I be more than half lost, so I'll just answer the original question, to say that pyrates are still better... space aliens=probes, pyrates=probing... and I'd rather be on the give than the take when it comes to that one! --Mab
  4. For a general yellowed look, you can use the tea bag method mentioned previously... though I like to use coffee grounds (e'en if the smell is stronger... it's less likely to wash out after the first few times). For makin' the garb DIRTY (as in muck and mud and stuff like that)... at work we use this pre-bought stuff called "schmutz" (though I dunno if that be a nickname or the product's actual label), put a few handfuls in a torn-off piece of wifebeater shirt, tie it into a bundle and use it like a pommel. Be sure to really grind the stuff in, and get the spots that are the most likely to be dirtied... that means the creases and seams, especially. for pants, be sure to get the waistband, the crotch, and the hems of the pant legs. for shirts it's sideseams, collar, "the pits," and the hems of the sleeves. If yer cheap like me, ye'll just use real dirt. Ye get that fine earthy smell! But the actors don't want to wear real dirt, so we have to use fake stuff. Spoiled gits. If ye want to go all out, you can use rubbed in baby oil for grease. A word o' warnin' it feels nasty an' doesn't last very long (once the oil dries, the stain disappears, so if you grease the clothes the night before a faire, keep it in a plastic bag until the event). Be sure to wear some manner of plastic or latex gloves though, as baby oil stinks like bloody hell if on your cuticles for too long!! For all agin', just use common sense and get the spots that you would think wear the most. Places that wear easily (the seat of pants, the hems of pants, the collars of shirts.. that sorta thing). Only you can know where your rubbin' and slidin' all the time! Mind, all of this is for a quick, one-day aging process. If you want the real thing, do as the others suggested and just live in the garb! But if ye want an overnight method... here ye have it, the protected secrets of the Sony Studios Wardrobe Dept!! (Just don't tell on me, they'd keel haul me if they knew I were spillin' their secrets!) Have fun! --Mab
  5. Alas, I'm not dressin' in pyrate garb, either. I be dressin' as the Queen of the Goblins... as my pyrate garb is not yet completed, and I'm not allowed to go pant-less at the party I'm attending (though many a wench may end up that way after the party gets underway *chuckles*) --Mab
  6. An' wouldn't it be lovely sharin' those goods with a fyne pyrate lass? Eh? --Mab
  7. I know somethin' they both have in common... short supply of drinkable water! *wink* --Mab
  8. Aye, mebbe, but we'll be gettin' it out of ye, yet *wink* --Mab
  9. Aye, I'll give ye the location... if'n I kin find one that hasn't yet been found! There was a grand one tagged as hidden "when Blackbeard got tired of salt water" (it was hidden at the bottom of a lake), but alas and alak, twas taken recently. --Mab (edited the post 'cos I can't spell worth salty beans)
  10. I recently read an article on geocaching, which is using a GPS to locate "treasure" left by random people that have marked the navigational locations, or clues as to where to go next to find said treasure. My take is that GPS's are expensive, but there are other ways o' finding longitude an' latitude... and it makes the hunt harder and more true to our pyratical natures! For more info, go to either: www.geocaching.com OR www.scgeocachers.og (for those in Sunny So. Cal) --Mab
  11. For whatever frustratin' reason, neither the Target nor Mervyn's websites have any information on the jewelry I bought, and they aren't recognizing the code #'s from the price tags. I will tell ye, though, that I bought a few things of the Cherokee brand, and a few from the Xhiliration brand. All rings (big honkin bronze, NICE rings) were $5.99, I got a few neat necklaces priced at $6.98 each, a bracelet at around $2.00... That kind of thing. If you have a Target or a Mervyn's near you, just go to the jewelry racks (near the glass counters, but they aren't the expensive stuff you find there, they're just hanging on those kiosk-type contraptions). There are a lot more brands that are carrying coin jewelry than the two I named, all at fairly good prices. I apologize for the lack of linkage... I'm still lookin' though, and I'll see if I can find something you can use as a reference. Also, I'd be willing to post images, if ye want to see what kind of thing I'm talkin' about. *mutters about the indecency of store websites not having all that's in their bloody store* --Mab
  12. Welcome! I'm fairly new meself. Hope you enjoy yourself! --Mab
  13. Good e'ening, mates! Just wanted to let ye know that I've recently found some great jewelry that would be suitable to the pyrate attire. Because of Pirates of the Caribbean being such a hit (and rightly so, may I add!), coin *everything* has come "into style." Target and Mervyns has a few whole lines (made by Xhilirations, and a couple of other brand-names) that carry coin earrings, necklaces with silver, bronze, and gold layered with coins, bronze rings... that sort'o stuff. If I have time later, I'll upload a few shots (I sorta went nuts with my recent cash fun, y'see... and thus have acquired quite a bit o' new plunder... *blush*). Just thought I'd letya know! It really is great stuff... and all on sale, too! Arr! --Mab, recently well-adorned!
  14. Another good one is: www.jekylthehidesmith.com (I don't know if that's still his homepage... though I would reckon that it is) --Mab
  15. Sorry 'bout that, mates--I saw just after I posted that there was another subject of this fine nature, and I didn't mean to detract from that post's gallant author! My true apologies! That bein' said, many thanks for the information and the links! I'll be divin' in, to be sure (an' perhaps a pun was intended there *wink*)! I already find it fascinating that most of the pyrates of the female sort were from the Orient. Deadly curious as to why, I am... mayhap for lifestyle reasons? Easier access to ships? Women had more power than those of the Western European nature? Hrm! Raising a glass to women of class (meanin' a firey spirit, o'course), Mab
  16. I have been curious as to how many women pyrates there actually were, but every book I could find in my local library, and the websites I looked at focused only on Anne Bonny, Mary Reade, and one or two others. But how common were female pyrates? Are so few documented because there *were* few... or just because the majority of them didn't get caught? If anyone knows sommat, I would love your learnin'! --Mab
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