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Everything posted by JoshuaRed

  1. BlackJohn, I've uploaded my pics to the Gallery, under Pyrate Events. Just click on New Images and they should be there, 8 total. Enjoy!
  2. I must confess I like his new outfit much better than the "Fancy" one. It certainly does look like Cotton's outfit. Damn I wish I had the coin and the time to get something together like that.... Last night I dug out my pics of the HP Festival. I'll scan them in this morning and send them your way, Blackjohn. Cheers!
  3. I'll dig out my pics tonight and scan some in. If only digital cameras had been in use then... I looked at the pics on your site...it's amazing - some look like doubles of mine! Stay tuned. I should also mention that I do indeed remember you! In fact my wife is right here looking at the pics and she did a double take and said "Hey! I remember him!" Did you by chance also play a governor or lawyer or something at the mock trial afterwards? I also got a lot of good shots of Eric Graybeard.
  4. OMG Black John, I WENT to the very first HP Festival!! LOVED IT! I still got my pics, my Howard Pyle pirate shirt and more! (at least I think it was the first. Sept. of 2000, right?) Ahhh those beautiful dunes of Cape Henlopen. And the Kalmar Nyckel is just about the best "pirate ship" a band of miscreants could hope for. I tell ya, I'm moving back down to the Philly area in a month or so, so if you need help putting it back together for next summer, we should hook up. As an artist and pirate fanatic, I have the deepest respect for Pyle's work. He deserves a good party!
  5. Want some good pirate reading? Pick up a collection of Poe's short stories that contains one called The Gold Bug. Excellent! I'm reading A Pirate of Exquisite Mind right now....it's just incredible. Dampier is my hero.
  6. Now you are my kinda wench-I mean woman! Yeah, Salty Nuts is good I think. It works on so many levels. It's sorta nautical, also could mean a bowl of stale bar nuts, it's concise and just funny.
  7. Sweating The Captain The Brethren of Questionable Morals Whipstaff The Tar-Black Hearts 10 Fathoms of Blackness Bastards Under Sail The Salty Nuts I dunno...just spouting random stuff off here, for whatever it's worth!
  8. My highest congrats to ya, Redd! That is stellar!
  9. Here's an update on Jack. I perused the Toy Review mag today. It's got some very nice sketches of the 7" figures, including Barbossa, Jack. Will and a skeleton. It also has some NICE shots of the 18" Jack sculpt. The 18" Jack will come in two versions: Smilin' Jack or Serious Jack. Each figure also comes with an alternate set of hands, so you can create some of Jack's more flamboyant poses.
  10. True enough, but other sequels are superior to the originals. Case in point: Spider Man 2. Truly a superb film, one of the better ones in recent years. The reason is because they brought back the same creative team, crew and cast. Lucky for us, the whole production crew of POTC will also be back! :) I think sequels that don't turn out well are usually victims of different directors than originals. POTC 2 and 3 are in good hands with Gore.
  11. Aye sweet! I was gonna mention the PA Ren Faire and someone beat me to it! I love it there, and I'm not even what you'd call a Ren-Faire type guy. Meat-on-a-stick, swords, and all the cleavage you can wag your head at! What more could a guy ask for? :) Having the winery on the grounds adds a nice dimension, although their stuff is on the fruity side for me. Anyway, the grounds are beautiful, and are wonderfully integrated into a hillside forest. For those of you interested, the Mt. Hope Estate (the winery) also does a TREMENDOUS Halloween. It's a Poe festival, where they have actors in period costume acting out/reading his stories in different rooms. You wander about from room to room at night by candlelight in thise gorgeous old Victorian estate, sampling wine, and enjoying some fine portroyals of Poe's dark tales.
  12. Hysterical film, matey!! I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  13. Ya gotta love Michael's...where it's always Halloween in July and Christmas in September!
  14. K' lads an' lassies, here be the deal. NECA will only be doing Sparrow as a jumbo 18" figure. They are also doing a Series I POTC 6" figures. This first run will include Will, Barbossa and a skeleton pirate. Series II will no doubt include Elizabeth, Norrington and probably another pirate. I hope they do Pintel & Ragetti as a set!
  15. Nah, I bet it's a "unich".
  16. Yeah but Thailand? Wouldn't the Indian Ocean be far more appropriate and just as exotic?
  17. Just watched it. The guy playing Sparrow looks a helluva lot like Depp from certain angles! It's downright eerie! Kinda funny vid, basically a soccer mom having a pirate fantasy about Jack Sparrow, with a funny little twist at the end.
  18. This issue should on newstands soon. In the meantime learn more at www.necaonline.com.
  19. The Black Pirate - produced by and starring Doug Fairbanks, Jr. It's a silent-era film, but is the first major film shot in Technicolor, and the result is quite beautiful.
  20. Upon my word! I always found Cooper to be the most inept, sniveling version of Jim Hawkins...can't hold a candle to Christian Bale's. I can't stand the way Louis B. Mayer forced that version to be made so touchy feely, with the "happy ending" and lil' Jimbo cryin all the time....ugh! I will say this - Wallace Beery was verrrry cool. I'd love to see the restored version...is it finally on DVD?
  21. Congrats! That's awesome! Mr. Rush is a tremendous actor and Quills was a tremendous film! Next time mebbe use Red or Yellow though, cause that sonic blue is HAARRRRD on the eyes, matey!
  22. I got Blackbeard the Pirate on VHS a few years ago, from a video rental store. They also are worth checking out sometimes, as they often have bins full of previously viewed movies for sale cheap. I think I got Blackbeard for 3 bucks, Jackie Cooper/Wallace Beery Treasure Island for a few bucks, as well as The Black Swan for 4 bucks.
  23. Aye Bess melady, yer right on that accord. Good ol' Robert Newton...he drank more in real life than Long John could ever hope to in fiction! At first I thought Bobby Driscoll should still be alive...till I read this bit of sad tragedy:
  24. That's where I got mine too! Shame it was so poorly put together, no extras, etc.
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