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Everything posted by JoshuaRed

  1. Was able to see this stuff up close at the Whydah Museum several years ago. The shoe/legbone/stocking look soooo small in person...definitely a boy. That was cool seeing how they were able to pinpoint who the boy was in the show.
  2. Based on the credits, looks like the Bounty was one of them. Pretty cool show overall. Was GREAT seeing the underwater excavating in HD...it's like being right there on the ocean floor. Was nice to see reenactor footage of pirates portrayed as more low key, down to earth people. No earrings, etc. But reenactor footage always gets a bit stale into the 2nd hour of these historical shows. I want to know what ever became of that one cannon they found that was sealed up like a vault. They had at one time poked an orthoscopic camera down into to it and saw what looked like a cache of treasure....but I recall something about them deciding to possibly never open it.
  3. WooHoo! It's also on NatGeoHD!
  4. What I really enjoyed about CI was the guy who played the Governor, he was wonderfully dry. It certainly was no more accurate than the POTC movies, but it managed to capture a much better seedy atmosphere, imo. LOTS of continuity errors though. I forget the exact dates, but at some point we are told the year the movie happens in...1665 or something like that. But later on there is a scene of Shaw finding a journal with a date of 1679 stamped on the front.
  5. Yaarwwnnn....how goes it peeps? I'm awake, it's 1am on a worknight...and I be thinkin' about pirates. So there's nowhere else I should be but here. Cheers!
  6. No one should be surprised by that...they're first class champs at that sort of thing!
  7. I LOVE watching the Black Pirate...for all the goofy reasons you mention, but also because Fairbanks manages to capture some nice Howard Pyle-esque imagery here. The fact that it was shot in color was remarkable for it's time. If you have the same DVD edition I do, it has a nice commentary track by some noted film historian. He has LOTS of interesting behind the scenes info and humorous stories about Fairbanks and the production. Best part is, since the film is silent you can easily follow the story AND the commentary!
  8. Actually I think Liz would have to "die" to successfully serve on the Dutchman...right? Gawd it's so convoluted I don't even know anymore....
  9. I will say that one appealing aspect is that you can literally construct/do anything in this Burning Sea world. There are allegedly countless player created items, ships, places, etc. The economy is player driven, and sounds nicely complex. So it is not out of the realm of possibilities that some of us here at the pub could form a crew there, and create the only historically accurate crew & ships in the game. We could "reenact virtually", lol. Would be fun to wander down the Port Royal streets in thrum caps, and sensible shoes while surrounded by all the half nekkid, bucket-booted fantasy pirates fighting over treasure maps.
  10. Well darn I was gonna post here, but GOF just posted my thoughts VERBATIM. 'Nuff said. I'll be over here playing The Witcher.
  11. Yeah Mission, I think you're right. Those are some the best ever. AWE isn't dreadful...just dreadfully overcomplicated!
  12. Hey its Bing and Bong! Sweet! Love those guys...but I don't think they show them in the States anymore. Could have something do with Bong's name?
  13. Fantastic! You should blog this stuff...I'd subscribe to it.
  14. There are plenty of "normal" gals who would have associated with pirates. Wives, girlfriends...innkeepers...shop keepers...right? Fine upstanding people who wouldn't be scantily dressed or pretending to be male sailors. There were plenty of widows who inherited their husband's businesses and made them their own rather than sell them off. I recall reading about the families of a group of Rhode Island pirates, who I THINK may have been involved with Tew. Apparently they were fiercely protective of their husbands' occupations...to the point where they were known to lie to authorities to cover for their husbands while at sea. I'll see if I can find it.
  15. Nice, that's good to hear. I think I will subscribe, unless I get lured over to Burning Sea first. Only thing I've seen that really turned me off in POTC so far was the rapid fire cannons on the ships. But I love being able to completely customize the character.
  16. This is the Player Guide on their site: POTC Player Guide I kinda gave up because halfway through the first quest my progress was swiftly halted with a popup screen informing me that I could experience the rest of the exciting adventure merely by upgrading my free account to a subscription. Bah!
  17. Good gawd I love my coffee...the aroma, the taste...brewing at home, or visiting a nice cafe...it's one of those perfect simplicities in life. The only drawback is the headache I get from days when I'm forced to go without! Which means I'm addicted I guess. Ah well! So it goes....
  18. Anyone else taking a stab at the POTC MMO game? It's fairly fun, and designed with intentionally low system reqs so almost anyone can play. Basic membership is free (though there are pretty stiff game limitations). Anyone around here subscribed to the premium account? If so, how is it? Happy? Disappointed? Thanks for any feedback.
  19. Still holding out hope that Tarantino chooses pirates for his first period subject! Though it will no doubt be a Western or WWII.
  20. The bonus features are really well done and give you a profound respect for the craftsmanship and attention to detail these POTC movies have received. But it's also kind of sad to watch, because in the end all that effort in the details is worthless when the storyline is full of holes and all but impossible to make sense of. I can't tell you how many non-pirate friends and relatives of mine have talked about how long, drawn out and needlessly complex P2 and P3 were. Such a shame.
  21. Yeah as a bona fide redhead I resemble that remark! (as Curly once said). Actually this was really cool. Well done, and snappy. Great ending!
  22. Well if it's THAT important to the arkies why didn't they go looking for it first? Kidding. KIDDING... No, I don't like the idea of priceless history being auctioned off piecemeal either. Not at all. However I also feel the pain of these explorer/salvage co's. who do all the years of research and legwork to find a wreck only to have states, governments or countries yank it away. And yet all too often none of those powers that be ever lifted a finger or spent a dime to locate those "priceless national treasures" themselves. They just sit around waiting for someone else to do it, then suddenly leap into action to enforce the laws. Whatever. All I can really hope is that more private marine salvage co's will follow Barry Clifford's lead and keep excavated wreck collections whole and intact, like the Whydah.
  23. The musuem at Provincetown is REALLY cool...if yer ever on the East Coast it's worth the drive from Boston. TONS of stuff there.
  24. That's just disgusting, insipid, moronic and repugnant. Foolish. Did I say stupid? Utterly flaccid. Insulting. Mind-numbing. Those meatheads need their empty gourds rattled against a cannon but good. Revolting. Disturbing. Pathetic. @#$@#%^$#^$^ NETWORK TV IS complete BULL@#$%#$.
  25. I think I recall Marcus Rediker talking a lot about the NY tow-roads in one of his books.
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