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Everything posted by Sheila

  1. I made it home after having to take a nap half way through the drive and drinking a 5 hour energy drink. I was so happy to meet you Cheeky, it was wonderful getting to spend some time with you!!
  2. Be careful, I am aiming for the win next year
  3. Yep, I will be there camping on the beach again, I missed it the last couple of years
  4. I'd like to thank everyone for making it a wonderful festival!! Especially Harry, the Calahans, BIB's, Pyrates of the Coast, and everyone in the encampment. I finally got a chance to hang out with you all on the beach and I very much enjoyed it! I think we will be joining you in camping out there next year.
  5. Which day, Dogge? Diosa? I know it's early, but we can adjust the first post as time goes on. Barring the ending of the world(which my ancestors say I have until 2012 for) or anything similar, I can Vanna both days :) I will be you fill in if need be
  6. It was very fun and great for a first year!
  7. Got mine, Still waiting on Jeremy's
  8. It will be good to see you again........I believe we met a couple of years ago when your group came to the old fort in St. Augustine. You have a great memory!! Getting close, time to start the count down!
  9. Thank you!! I will check into that.
  10. I shall be there, looking forward to it!
  11. I am doing some research on her and would like to find all the information I can. Have any of you read or located some good history her? Thank you!!
  12. Got to keep the Harry happy!!
  13. just popping my head in to stir the waters!
  14. I can tell you he is one less grouchy Captain with his pretty shoes
  15. On the bright side, finding your tent will be a lot easier
  16. It was a wonderful event and it gets better every year. Thank you to Harry and all the wonderful people who helped put it together. I look forward to more adventures with you!!
  17. Very true, I have something green on almost everyday. People have asked me what is wrong when I didn't show up in green.
  18. Those are great! If only I had a valentine........
  19. I love coffee! I must have it every morning. I am a junkie I think. I do enjoy tea as well but that is more a relaxing thing for me.
  20. this is the topic for me! I am here to join the club and I'm sure I will be getting to know you all soon, in a few hours even when I can't sleep. :)
  21. I gave up eating glue for Lent so you can have all of my stash Captain! :)
  22. I am in with Hurricaine and Diosa in the Buccaneer camp
  23. Diosa and I ran into Don at JOHN LEVIQUE DAYS in Madeira Beach. We got one of the first 50 printed and he signed it for us. He is such a great guy!!! Can't wait to see him again at PIP!
  24. I very much agree with you and I must belong to the same loony bin because I just followed Hurricaine's lead and picked up and moved from Kansas City to Florida to live more of the life I want. I am more of a performer but I try to dabble in a little of everything, costuming, education, and most of all fun!!! Some outing with our group is all business, and then some we just sit back and sing sea shanties and drink a tankard or two. I like the mix I have.
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