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Everything posted by Sheila

  1. she grumbles....she growls...... but we all told her to move out of the freaking midwest months ago.... and what does she do....stay there....freeze...then gripe about it.... You just wait and see what I do about it starts devious planning
  2. well then you better tke the one of me off the closet door too.
  3. Check this game out!! http://oberongames.com/game.htm?code=11010...igin=pgame_rg_u
  4. Huzzah to my captain!!!! In return I will do my best not to break all the rules and regulations in one night as I tried to in PIP. ( I have a feeling I will be getting my own list next year) I promise to keep track of my pants wherever they may fall. other than that I plan to get more booty!!!!
  5. Oh that's it!!!!!!! takes beaver (aka Irish Fox) off head and sends him on a mission to kill of course when he get there he will probably bask in the sun and never come home (side note) if anybody wants to see the animal in question just look at my profile pic.
  6. I'm trying not to fall to fast (which has always been my past mistake) and I'm learning to find myself in this rabbit hole. i hope to find that angel in myself.
  7. grumble grumble growl Don't make me sic my beaver on you DR
  8. anybody got duct tape. Somebody tape Nigel's hands down before he puns again!!!
  9. don't let the bikini fool you. He killed 37 Iraqies.
  10. I had trouble with the link sweetheart, it said no photos avalible.
  11. good start. I do want to go someplace warm and I want to be close to all my pirates. alright, let the bidding continue!!
  12. nope, not yet,. I am taking bribes. although I wouldn't mind being kidnapped by a certain pirate.
  13. I'm with ya there. even though I am dating someone, he lives halfway across the country, so when midnight hit and everyone had someone to kiss that hit a little hard. *sigh* cheers to better days
  14. quit invading my nightmares!!!For me it's carnies and clowns. Can not sleep clowns will eat me!
  15. great song Diosa!! I am SOOOOOOOO jealous that I have to miss this get together. Come next year though I will be living in your neck of the woods. You will never lack for Sheila again.
  16. my tribute to Home on the Range Oh give me a ship that takes me to PIP and carries a crewe that is strange Where seldom is heard a sane sounding word ask me I think they're derranged!
  17. Captain Olaf?? I guess once you master elixer you can master anything. You seem low on wenches on this here vessel. I may know a wench who would join your scurvy crew, I've heard she has may talents and abilities.
  18. HUZZAH to the Quartermaster!!!!! I miss the family too!! Heard the song 5 o'clock somewhere and was having Key West flashbacks. I think I'll go out and drink tonight. Do they make golden bananna booty here?
  19. it is midnight so MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!!! I better be good and go to bed so SantaAnimal brings me presents. I left out rum and popcorn for him.
  20. I was keeping up my duties until this darned illness took hold. Dr. I need some medicine Olaf I need some elixer (I heard it kills anything) Studley I need.......ummmmmm.......we'll discuss that later. Don't worry Capt. I'll be back to my duties ASAP!!
  21. let's see, it's a whole 19 degrees here. It will probably get down to single digits tonight. You could say I miss the warmth. STUDLEY!!!!!! Come warm me up
  22. I found a good recipie too. Holiday Whiskey Cake 1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 6 large eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder 3 cups sifted flour 1/2 t salt 1 cup bourbon 1 pound chopped pecans 3 cups white raisins( or use candied fruit) 1 t. nutmeg 1 cup milk AND....Very Large Bottle of Bourbon Whisky First...Sample the whisky for quality. Assemble all ingredients. Check whisky again to be sure its the highest quality...pour 1 level cup and drink Repeat this step.. Turn on electric mixer and beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon sugar and cream till beat. Make SURE whisky is ok...Try another cup for quality...Turn off mixer .Beat six leggs and add to bowl.Then chunk in the cup of dried fluit. Mix on turner. Throw in two quarts of flour. Gradually pour in the cow. Add two dried anything..If the fried druit gets tuck in the mixer, pry loose with a drewdriver. Sample the whisky again and check for tonsistency. Next...sift 2 cups salt. or something,, who cares...Check whisky again Now, sift the nutmeg and strain your nuts. Add one table.Add the spoon of whisky, or something, what ever you find left...Grease the oven. Turn the crake to 350 *, Dont forget to beat off the turner. Pour the oven into the batter, throw the bowl out the window. Lick the batter off the floor. Bake 300 minutes at 50 *. Finish the blobble of whisky and flow to bed.
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