Blind Rhoid Pyle
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Everything posted by Blind Rhoid Pyle
Aye, Bilgemunky. Good memory. RenBoots did me right, though.
We broke a few sails ourselves. After a few games they fit a bit better. Fortunately we had doubles of the ships wot got their sails broke. The game continues to be a blast. It's easy to learn, fast to play, and challenging. I've taken to "edging" me ships. That is, takin' a marking pen, and coloring the white bits at the edges of the cards. Sounds like I got too much time on me 'ands? Still, it make the little shippies look even better.
Be careful; not all boots are created equal! I ordered expensive bucket boots, and when they came they were hard to get on and also hurt my feet. I took them to a cobbler who laughed and said they weren't walking boots, but riding boots! Renboots fixed me up with a pair of boots that look good, fit, and were less than a third of the price of the others. Plus, they're comfortable!
I'll be there. Just say 'ello to the blind guy wif the red 'aired wench and four young bilge rats. Sorry to 'ear the Swashbuckler's Pub is gone. 'ad me some great times there. I 'opes they still sell the Old Pegleg Stout. A fine brew it is. If ya can't make any of the shows, or they're not ter yer likin', at least try and catch some of the singin' rogues and wenches who're about. Tartan Terrors are always good fer a tune and a laugh, as well. Check out the find CDs of renaissance/pirate music available. See ya at the Faire, me buckos!
In typical "Pyle" fashion, my mouth overran my backside. We just got back from the NY Renaissance Faire (Tuxedo NY, not Sterling) and I was pleasantly surprised to see.. PIRATES!!! Among the pirates at NYRF this year are: Crimson Pirates, with Captains Grace O'Malley and Jack "Mad Dog" Daniels; Dr. Crossbones McCoy, ship's doctor; Julie McCoy, cruise director. Seahawks, with Captain William "Billy the Butcher" Nordstrom, Scurvy Bobby, Damien Frost, and Rio (a dog!). Plus, the Pickle Vendors are all pirates, as are several of the other shopkeepers and stuff hawkers. Then, of course, there were quite a few Faire attendees in various degrees of Pirate kit. A good time was had by all. My little "bilge rats" broke the fun-meter, and Robin Hood himself addressed them repeatedly by name throughout the day.
The Pirate-Friendly Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire is almost 'ere! I got me reservations for Pirate Weekend, and the Hotel 'as their reservations about me! Pirate Weekend is August 21-22, check it out 'ere: PA Ren Faire's Pirate Weekend... oh just click the silly thing! O'course, on closing weekend there is the big sword raffle and weapons give-away. That's not to be missed for cut-rate steel!
I'll be givin' Tuxedo a pass this year (unless I can stow-away on a freighter). I'll be stumblin' about at the PA Ren Faire for Pirate Weekend (8/21-22) this year.
Ut oh... bad news... Pirates of the Spanish Mail is already SOLD OUT! WizKids games, makers of the popular HeroClix and MageKnight games had developed a reputation for releasing some very bad games. They lost their shirts on Creepy Freaks, SportsClix, Shadowrun Duels and Crimson Skies. Retailers lost their faith, and many refused to order POTSM. WizKids decided to limit the release. Bad decision. POTSM was sold out on the USA within the first 24 hours of release. Few retailers have any packs left. WizKids is scrambling to have more available as soon as possible, but it looks like they won't have more in stores until at least mid-to-late September. Meanwhile, the magazine Scry, in issue #75, offers the Promotional Ship "The Bloody Throne" as well as an Explorer (named Scry after the magazine) and some treasure coins. They're all in the shrink-wrap with the magazine.
The game's been released! I plundered me a whole box of the packs, but ye can play wif as little as two packs, which, at $4 each, is a bargain. Excellent game, great ships and game mechanics. I'd write more, but I gotta play another round!
The songs from Muppet Treasure Island should qualify, especially "When You're a Professional Pirate." Hoist the Jolly Roger by Adam and the Ants is mildly silly. Monty Python's Account-Sea Shanty is very silly.
NJ and PA Pirates... Tall Ships are a'comin! Tall Ships Challenge July 1-July4
I've been to the Tuxedo Ren Faire many times, and truth to tell, I much prefer the PA Ren Faire. They're both good, but the PA Faire is much more Pirate friendly! Best part about the PA Ren Faire is that there a hotel right across the street, and several others very close to the Faire grounds. Plus, the grounds, at the Mount Hope Winery offer some great micro-brews. I'll be swallerin' a few pints a Pegleg Stout durin' my visit. Another plus to PA is that the Faire is in Lancaster County, with plenty other things to do if you decide to arrive or depart a hotel a few days before or after the Faire. Makes drivin' the distance worth it.
The rules is up and the figger gallery 'as more ships than wot you can shake a peg leg at! POTSM Figure Gallery Looks like you can be either English, Spanish or Pirate. Hmmm. which one do ye want to be?
Stem's about 14 inches, the last 4 inches of which are glazed. I wish me other stem were as long!
WizKids 'as a website up for Pirates of the Spanish Main. Ye scurvy gamers might want to bookmark it. Pirates of the Spanish Main This game is a big gamble for WizKids, who are in a financial slump (who isn't... except oil companies?). Baseball card giant, Topps, bought out WizKids, and time will tell if all WK's lines will survive or be phased out. A lot of the company's success hangs on Sports Clix and Pirates of the Spanish Main's profitability. When POTSM comes out I plan on raiding a huge store of them, as they might not be available forever.
I finally got me a chance to try me clay pipe I got from DawnMist Studios. It's a "Middle Earth" pipe... a churchwarden wif a long curved stem. The tip o' the stem is glazed as to not stick to the lips. I found the smoke cool and enjoyable. 'Twere a fine smokin experience. Heather at Dawn Mist doesn't have anything for sale as of today, but if you want to send 'er an e-mail, she may be able to tell ya when 'er next batch o' pipes will be available.
Well, if you don't want to follow the link... WizKids has once again revolutionized the world of gaming with the first ever Constructible Strategy Game™ (CSG), Pirates of the Spanish Main™. Packaged like a collectible card game, the styrene cards can be punched apart to construct highly detailed 3-D sailing ships. In this fun, fast-paced game, players navigate stealthy pirate ships, majestic Spanish galleons, and speedy British schooners through the treacherous waters of the Spanish Main collecting as much gold as possible while fending off enemy attacks. Each affordably priced pack contains everything one player needs to get their high seas high jinks started including two complete ships, treasure, rules, an island card and a die. There are 68 different ships to collect and construct in addition to 54 different treasure and crew cards. The fleet building and treasure plundering strategies are endless! WizKids’ Approved play program will support Pirates of the Spanish Main with monthly League kits. Be sure to check wizkidsgames.com for more information. Contents 2 sailing ships 1 treasure or crew card 1 cardboard island card 1 rules sheet 1 die
Pirates of the Spanish Main is coming in July!
Aye. I spent too much o' me ill-gained plunder on Hero Clix. The only piratey lookin' character they've made is Corsair of the Starjammers (Cyclops' father). In typical game company fashion, they have yet to set a release date for Pirates of the Spanish Main. I imagine it will only be available at hobby and gaming shops.
WizKids Games has announced the release of their new Pirate game: Pirates of the Spanish Main WizKids makes Crimson Skies (air pirates!), HeroClix, MageKnight, Mech Warrior, SportsClix, et al. They are at the forefront of miniatures gaming, and have a good reputation for making fun games that last. Pirates of the Spanish Main looks to be a radical game, only time will tell if it is a success.
I 'appens ta like the name Crossbones, meself. Or "Skull and the Crossed Bones" Or the less likeable Eyepatch, Salty Seamen, Rogue Scholars, Brigand Young, Bilge Rats, Crow's Nest, The Black Spots, Scuttlebutt, Dhingy, Sand Pipers (more of a bagpipe band name), Flintlock, Blunderbus, Salmagundi, Vampirates (kind of a goth thing), Broadsides (better for an all-girl group), Scurvy, the Scurvy Scum, Gangplank, Cactus Cutthroats, Drunken Sailors... Good luck wif the band!
Pirates? What's not to love? To be at sea, and to be free... A few years ago I was working as a chat room host on AOL in the now-defunct Urban Legends forum. We didn't allow role-playing in regular chats, but I, and a few other hosts, lobbied for an all-role-playing chat. Unfortunately the powers-that-be gave the job of running that chat to someone else, and they started with a Gangster Chat. I thought that if I was to get a chance to do such a thing what would I do? Pirates! It was an easy choice to make. I had spent a lot of time fantasizing about being a Pirate as a kid, riding the ride at Disney, making all the POTC models, etc. I always admired Ceril Richard's performance as Captain Hook in Peter Pan (the Mary Martin version), and wished I could someday play the part myself. Alas, I never had the opportunity. As a young man my friends and I would often "play the pirate" sailing on a friend's boat. When I eventually took control of the role-playing chats I quickly wrapped up the Gangster thing, and changed it to "Swashbucklers" which was highly popular. Although I intended the chat to be historically accurate, it quickly evolved (devolved?) into fantasy. Extremely successful, it ran for 43 weeks (if I remember correctly). It was followed by a Western (Rhoid Pyle was the name of the recurring villain in that), Sci-Fi Comedy, Medevial Epic, Horror theme, etc. What's left of those days can be found here: UL Theme Chat Theatre
A Central NJ Chapter of the SCA, the Canton of Gryphonwald, will be hosting their annual event, the BLACK GRYPHON INN VIII, on February 21, 2004. Each year the event has a different theme, and this year's theme is PIRATES! You can check 'em out here: "Pirates, Plunder, and Pickles!"
We'll both be headin' West from our native Garden State fer that one. I 'opes to be meetin' wif some old mates there. We'll be at the Swashbuckler's Tavern at a time as yet to be determined (I usually needs a pint o' stout at about 11:00 am). Maybe we can all raise a glass together, eh? I'm sure I could recognize Scarlett, what wif that red 'air and all. If ya wants to find me, look fer the blind guy (I really am blind, no joke) wif the red 'eadded wife and four young scallawags (lessen' we can gets a babysitter fer the weekend, then just look fer the extremely drunken blind guy). Fer the rest of us what be goin' maybe we should 'ave a badge or sumptin'. Let's see... Pyracy Pub... hmmm, maybe a big yellow badge wif the letters PP on it... On second thought, showin yer PP at Ren Faire might not be a good idea...
Well STCrowley, iffn ya hasn't already, mark yer calendar fer August 21-22 what be Pirate Weekend at the PA Renaissance Faire. 'Smatter of fact, the Faire is Pirate-friendly all year long. I'm gettin' me a season's pass, and I live in NJ!