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Cracked Carrie

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Posts posted by Cracked Carrie

  1. I just contacted the sponsors again..With a year and a half lead time, something may develop!..And, we've got bigger guns than the last time!!...(Checks list of eastern gunpowder suppliers)... :ph34r:


    If it ends up workable, that'd be a perfect homecomin'...I'd love to see that. 'Course, I'd hafta buy meself tickets!


  2. Can't say I've ever been seasick.

    Lucky you, if you've not been seasick! I've not very often, but frankly, I've not been OUT very often. Got pretty green goin' across the Straits of Gibraltar from Algeciras to Tangiers, Morocco, though. Didn't lose me lunch, but had to avoid the puddles from other folk.

    Oddly, the most miserable I ever was, I was doing a SHORE dive in Monterey, and getting sick doin' me surface swim out to our dive site from the shore. I finally insisted on submerging shy of the dive point, in the hopes of getting below the waves. That usually fixes things. But no. T'was a washing machine down there. Had to grab hold of outcrops while the surge swept in toward shore, then let go as it went out. Ye'd pop forward thirty feet or so, and then grab ahold again.

    I was so miserable I called the dive and we went to the aquarium instead. Was sad, too, because it was a gorgeous site and great visability.

    Dramamine is my friend.

  3. *The storm took the bowline outta the tire on the seawall, so, off in the dink I went!!..Jeesh!!..Wotta ride!..At one point , I'd be higher than the taffrails on the poop-deck, then lower than the double RR's!!...Really wild at Pelican's End today!!...


    Whoo...I was wonderin' how you were faring yesterday, as I watched the wind bend the trees nearly double outside me office window.

    Yup...t'was about as bad as I imagined.

    Glad yer doing all right!

  4. Arrrrrrrrr swag....

    My gift from Saber and my son- a Violin and lessons,

    Now that's a right pretty violin, that is. I took three years of lessons when I were a lass and none of it stuck. Much luck to ye! Doubtless ye'll have far more enthusiasm for it than I did, and I know ye'll do well. :)

  5. Could any of you do me a favor, and tell me if ye would be interested in playin' an interactive Pirate game like this....how about if it were POTC related? Would ye be interested in a syndeecated television show?

    Definitely I'd be interested, Redd. I'd think there'll be demand for a game like that, and a show (!), especially as there will be sequels to POTC to keep the public's attention on piracy...

  6. :) Ahhhhhhhhhh. OK I'm beginning to clue in. I'm still very much an overly optimistic rookie at times.

    Well, I was thinkin' along the same lines as you, so we're both overly optimistic rookies, I'd say!

    Hell, I work in a counseling environment. No wonder I...

    A. Love the idea of something a little less diplomatic at times... and...

    B. Still tend toward the diplomacy first as a matter of conditioning.


    Still...taking away the black powder battles will make the Bay a poorer place. We're not the only ones enjoying the spectacle, after all!

  7. On a slightly more sober note, Myself and the crew of the Tallship Royaliste wish everyone here at the Pyracy Pub the best possible Thanksgiving

    Thank ye, Royaliste, and I hope you had a good Thanksgiving, too...as well as everybody else here!

    I been quiet on the boards, but not fer any bad reasons. Just highly distractable, is our Carrie.


  8. Thar be a new book out called " Patrick O'Brians Navy"

    I've gotten the chance to thumb through it at the local bookstore. To me, it looked great! Now, bear in mind I'm only just learning about all things nautical, and so I dunno if it might be too basic for some. But for me, I've got it on me wish list as well.

  9. Anything else can't be said at this moment...top secret, and VERY BIG...so I'll be around if ye have any questions or suggestions!

    Keep yer salty chins up!

    -Redd :ph34r:

    ...and no matter what they say, Big is Good. :ph34r:

    Lookin' forward to your next post, Redd!

  10. I personally observed quite a few bayonet attacks from both us and the V.C. at rather ugly times when I was doing erection of material handling systems in 'Nam, usually when one or the other was quite overrun..My own brother-in-law, now deceased Major, U.S.M.C. was repeatedly bayoneted AFTER being quite heavily machine-gunned during the Tet offensive....Go figure........didn't know this was a topic.....

    Urk. My fault, Royaliste...I went on a tangent after a random comment about bayonets. My brain works that way - like a flea on a hot plate...boingboingboing in random directions.

  11. I reckon that like every thing else in life, you couldn't say yes / no 100% of the time. Were there many bayonet kills in Vietnam? I doubt it. Would it follow then theat there were NONE? I doubt that even more!

    Remarkably off-topic, but there was a Vietnam vet I worked for, who was a LRP, and he carried a bayonet scar that pretty much wrecked the muscles in his tricep for life. Obviously not a kill, but definitely a wound. And he did say it was a bayonet, specifically, and not a hand-held knife.

    Ok...back to yer regularly scheduled piratical discussion...

  12. UPDATE:

    I got some news today...

    Recently, Jones came down with a bit of the sniffles, so he was taken to the vet to be checked out. It appears that some word got around, and to make a long story short, Jones was reunited with his former owner...

    I am sad, but I'm happy too..since it's always good for a kitty to be with the person they truly belong to. Doesn't mean I won't sniffle a little in my corner. Hopefully I won't get snot on the dress I'm working on.

    This does not mean, however, that Jones does not still exist in the cyberworld...kitty eyepatch and all. In fact, I think he's sharpening his claws on the door of the head as we speak.

    Good news and bad news. :ph34r: I'm sorry Jones will not get to join your life, but glad his family found him.

    Hey...there're lots of scallywag kitties out there, just a-waitin' in shelters to be adopted by a fearless pirate!

  13. Aye!!! We'll round up a KITTY BRIGADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *'Quill silently wonders to herself if cats can be trained to say "arr" because having them mewing from the ship could be rather embarassing during battle, knowing that the "pussy" jokes would be humiliating*

    Dunno if they can be taught to say "ARRRR" but in a pinch ye can use 'em in a grappling action!

  14. "The soundtrack is freakin' grrrreat!!.. All local crew are welcome to a burnt copy...touch base,........free is good!!!"....Goes back to burnin' yet another copy.........


    I'll take ye up on that, Cap'n...now it's just a matter o' getting me blank CD in the mail...


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