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Cracked Carrie

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Posts posted by Cracked Carrie

  1. Ye must be jokin'. An easier question would be who AIN'T wearin' the official garb o' this here pub. As a member of a minority of Captains of the female persuasion, I can't imagine not showin' me true colors when I has the opportunity. :(

    Well, I suppose if I *had* to be different this Halloween, just to cause a fuss, I could resurrect my Frodo costume and just blow a hole in my attendance at this forum... :(

  2. Cracked Carrie,

    We're based in the Bay Area. Any interest in joining up with Tales of the Seven Seas?!! We're always happy to welcome new pirates!!

    Thankee! Very kind and neighborly of ye!

    (Actually, you've already invited me, but you likely don't realize it. We've been corresponding off and on from my work address at a domestic violence shelter... :ph34r:

    Pirate Wenches Doin' Good in the World...)

  3. I was just thinking that when it comes out, I'd like to talk to a friend who has as 10' tall screen and DVD projector in his home about hosting a pirate party. We have a parade on Dec 7th... maybe a video screening party after the parade eh?

    Now THAT sounds like fun.

  4. Then in November it be sewin' fer the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King openin'. Me Star Wars shipmates and I be attendin' a marathon of all three movies on December 16th. I be makin' sure I be comfortable for 10 hours o' movie-watchin'.

    All right, this is badly off-topic, but if ye're in the Bay Area by any chance (sorry to say I don't know where ye hail from) there's a fairly large group of LOTR folk planning on dressing up for the premiere.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled Pirate Forum...

  5. A toast t'yer birthday, lass! :lol:

    I not be enjoyin' that POTC ride as much since they changed it. Perhaps it be time ter storm the park and pillage and plunder the ride back ter it's origin.

    Arrrr. :huh:

    The politically correct pirates chasin' the wenches fer...

    ...their food.


    Still my favorite ride, but it lost something there. It truly did.

  6. Avast, ye scurvey sea-dogs! Sail yer pointer to the top o'this here page and click on the Talk Like A Pirate Day banner! They be havin' a whole web page with pirate talk.


    The "Ask Cap'n Slappy" page on that site is guaranteed to make me snort tea out my nose whenever I sit down in the mornin's to read it. It's that funny.

    Been posting letters up there for a while, for to get good advice from me favorite scholarly rogue... :lol:

  7. Me fair wenches & I have a performance coming up and we needs some brushin up on our pirate-y lingo. I was thinking of immersion as the only real way to pick it up natural -like. But since going to Tortuga is out of the question, can anyone reccommend a book, movie or the likes for such.

    Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere on the boards (could be I even found it here and forgot) but this link takes you to a fella's site what works at some Renn Faire or other and assembled a list of sound clips and step by step advice on several dialects - not just writing it, but speaking with the correct accent. In this case, a "piratey" one. I found it pretty helpful, actually...


  8. I be hostin' a halloween Pirate Party, closer to the date o course... but r ye all from the americas? what about this scurvy ridden isle they call the UK?

    I'd be happy to help you celebrate Halloween in the UK... only problem bein' my presence on the west coast of the US and the price of plane tickets. (And considering recent world history, commandeering an airplane is a topic that isn't funny, not even for a pirate.)

  9. Oh, I'll be goin' as a pirate, although I'm startin' to feel a bit frenzied about getting all the pieces together. The trouble with bein' a newbie is havin' to assemble the whole blasted thing at once.

    Still, it'll be a breath of fresh air over last year. I chose a costume that a good match for me, but lacked a certain humor and sense o' fun (which hopefully was NOT part of what made it a good match...).

    So...aye. A pirate. I've even pressed three of my officemates into duty as well...

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