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Everything posted by NastyNate

  1. Two days after Halloween my wife decided to bust out the good ol' Ouija Board (not her first time) and since that night she has woken me up all but one night since saying that a she has seen person wearing a red mask standing in our closet. she sais that the person is about 5'5" and slender. they come out from behind the closet door and comes to the door way and then backs back into the closet. Then she wokeme one night pointing to beside my side of the bed but there was nothing there by the time i figured out what she was talking about.
  2. NastyNate

    Me first SCA event

    ME an' me mates at me first event.
  3. Wow, I could give me crew a good flogging with that.
  4. I thought this was aninteresting artical. http://www.military.com/news/article/black...?ESRC=navy-a.nl
  5. I saw a bumper sticker while picking up me lil' scallywags from school and it was sheer brilliance.... "Save the taataa's" over a watermarked pink ribbon. it just goes to show that even the crude can inspire people to work for a cause. let me know how much you finally decide on and how to get one. i'll get enough for the whole crew!!
  6. Nasty Nate lookin' ta netwurk wit all like minded pirate sorts out there!!!!
  7. Do you have any pictures of them?
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