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Everything posted by NastyNate

  1. Now that you mentions it I'm really not surprised. But I do enjoy a little rant every now and then.
  2. Mite i offur up Raisin me cup ta' me bruder fur verifin' dat his gear works an puttin' a bun in da oven? Hers to ye Matt!
  3. heah i'm a swabber...cool whaen did that happen?
  4. I never claimed to be a learned men, I injoy being a simple man, but i have read the formentioned authors and that refrence does disturb me. One is left to wonder , do we let ourselves become some sort of human zoo for big brother to roam around and look in on us as he please because it's "for our protection"? Even with nothing to hide it's hard to feel comfortable with this. What do we do? Do we stand by and let your freedom and privacy become an illusion? Or do we speak out? Wow, that sounds really wierd coming from a guy who's in the military and volentered for just that sort of a life, not once but twice. Kind of ironic huh?
  5. a moldy codpiece
  6. I must learn how to do that!!
  7. Aye, it's Bilgemunkey for me and me lil' scallywags won't miss an episode neither!!!
  8. I'm sorry to here that mate how are you holing up?
  9. wow that's old i really need to start looking at dates.
  10. ...
  11. Hmm....I think I got the combo meal of GREED, LUST and PRIDE!!!
  12. ^- a frend of mine and I have toyed with the idea of getting a turduckin so the meat stuffed with meat sounds good to me. <- Haven't gotten into reenacting yet but plan too. But i hate comeing home from SCA events. Reality Bites. v- if you were a food what would you be?
  13. http://www.ladybridget.com/m/smead.html Here's a link to the recipe that i used last. I took a slightly modified version to an SCA event this past summer and i though the wife was gonna kill me. The wenches really loved it. i chopped some apples froze them and then when i bottled the mead i put in some apples and a celestial seasonings apple cinnamon tea bag and let it age. i never bothered to take the apple chunks or the tea bag out before sharing it, so it got some puzzled looks. but once every one got a sip they really enjoyed it. this was also my first batch.
  14. I love the job i have now. I'm in the Navy and I am the supply guy. I like being the guy people go to when they need things.
  15. While playin' some D&D with sum o' me mates (after a nice dinner full of beef and bean burritos) i was dubed. That's the real story, but i like to tell the ladies a different version...
  16. and looked like
  17. If you're at sea longer than a week it's not gay...it's survival. - Bilgemunky
  18. the wife in me life likes me gelett...gellet...(you get me point.) aftershave. can't keep 'er ans off me. had ta dislodge me head form her nasel cavity the other day.
  19. A hint of a sea born shower blown in threw the harbor on an early morn' breeze...and more rum.
  20. A woman in the throws of passion, a steak on the BBQ, a freshly opened bottle o' rum, and a fine cigar
  21. How do i put pictures in a post?
  22. that smelled like...
  23. Me mate, Capt. Doom kindly directed me to this here gatherin' place.
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