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Posts posted by MadL

  1. Alright Syren, tis time ye stop milk'n this whole surgery thing! Why Grace O’Malley popped out a baby, ran up on deck 'n killed thirteen men! 'n other time while breast feed'n th' wee whelp she again was call'd upon deck, with th' wee lad still latched upon her teat she dispatched twenty one men, 'n ne'er spill'd a single drop o' milk!

    Now get ye up 'n kill a few Dons, run through a couple English, 'n slap a Frenchie; ye will be feel'n fine in no time! :lol:

  2. I gotta laugh everytime I see 10-20 Capn' Jacks at the same event, but, Hey, ......IH

    Good sir, a Jack 'er two up yer sleeve be one thing, BUT Six t' Sixteen o' them?!! ;)

    ::load'n me pistol...do naught move....damn it, th' shot be stuck...hold on now...stay where ye are....damn it, who cast this shot?!!! stay there now....:::

    When at fair can you trust the shopes to sell items that are period or hollywood?

    I have a period correct London Bridge fer sell, only driven over by a little ol' wench from Pasadena on Sundays... :D

    ....do naught move Iron Hand....we aint done yet over them extra Jacks o' you's yet.... ;)

  3. :P I punched in: Pasadena to Port Royal, Jamaica + World & Folk (only because they don't have "Sea Shanty")

    and besides dumping me in th' Bermuda Triangle :P THIS is what it says I must listen to the whole way there:

    Captain and Tennille "Love Will Keep Us Together"

    Carpenters "Rainy Days And Mondays"

    Donny Osmond "Puppy Love"

    Marie Osmond "Paper Roses"

    Chicago "Color My World"

    Jim Croce "I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song"

    Barry Manilow "Copacabana"

    Village People "YMCA"

    Van McCoy "The Hustle"

    Olivia Newton-John "Hopelessly Devoted To You"

    Dawn "Knock Three Times"

    John Travolta "Let Her In"

    Partridge Family "I Think I Love You"

    Neil Sedaka "Laughter In The Rain"

    John Denver "Rocky Mountain High"

    John Devner "Sunshine On My Shoulder"

    Neil Diamond "Song Sung Blue"

    Freddy Fender "Before The Next Teardrop Falls"

    Jefferson Starship "Miracles"

    Elton John "Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word"

    Kool and the Gang "Too Hot"

    Barbara Streisand "The Way We Were"


    I'M NOT GOING!!! ;)

  4. SEYMOUR 'n th' Wall Of Slime introduced me t' The Creature From The Black Lagoon, The Wolfman, Frankenstein, Dracula, Hunchback Of Notra Dame, I even join'd The Monster Club and got th' monthly Monster Newspaper what had stories of all th' good ol' classic monster movies...then he disappeared, but Elvia Mistress of The Macabre came on 'n introduced me t' me right hand! Then I join'd PlayBoy 'n Penthouse....and me reading skills went t' pot


  5. :P*hahaha* better then chase'n girls with a dead cat on a string! :P

    Well played sir

    'n it be funnier t' watch then tying plastic baggies t' th' cat's feet and lighting a whole pack o' fire crackers tied t' it's tail.

    ....uh, that twas 'before' it died o' course :P

  6. ::rushes in with 10lb sack o' instant Jello mix 'n feather filled pillows::

    :P Did I hear someone say there t' be some girls partake'n in a girly girl see through lingerie pillow fight?!!!?

    I Got Five Gold Coin On Christine!!!



  7. Red Cat runs away screaming...

    Clowns! ack! I HATE clowns! nononono!

    Clowns be evil, creepy, and ugly! Put them all in a big cage, and let them slap-stick each other to death!


    :unsure:*hahaha* better then chase'n girls with a dead cat on a string! :huh:

  8. I usually 'get ridden'....'n as long as me gold be buried deep below 'n that dead man keep he's bloody mouth shut - that be OKAY with me! ;)

    ::"Hold On Lassie, We go'n for for th' Whole THREE minutes this time - YEE HAA!"::

    Mustache Rides Every Saturday Night - 2 silver coin each

    No limits, First come first serve


  9. Hey, it be Monty Python naught National Geo!

    I had it many many years ago on VHS (so glad I didn't go Beta!) but wore that tape out back in th' 80's and went looking for it...somewhere around 1990...and could not find it ANYWHERE. I found out on some forum it went into limbo when DVDs came out over some kind of 'rights' issues as it was not actually a "Monty Python" production, it was a joint effort (don't remember who the other party(s) where), so kinda like th' Addams Family films it had to go through a bunch of legal stages before they could finally give it back to us, the fans, and I was so HAPPY when they did I went instantly onto the waiting list at Cheech & Chong's site!

  10. ;) Why do women always want t' know about a man's past relationships, but then when ye tells them they all pissy 'n go ballistic? And then if ye ever try ask'n them - LOOK OUT! Hide The China!! (and any sharp objects...blunt ones too for that matter!!)


    Heck, one o' th' first things me ex did when we got married was sit down and go through me photo album tear'n out any photo o' me with a girl....even when I told her that twas me own sister!! (but then, she already knew I only have two bothers... ;) ); good thing I had one album that me folks had in their attic, she never knew about that one or I would have No photos at all from me youth!! ;)

  11. I hear ye Sjöröveren, I be at the back of the Veteran line as I got out way back in 1985 but I must say they are Really take care of our Vets this time around, just got out of a Vet seminar today and those that served since th' Gulf War are REALLY being taken care of, to look around the room at all these young kids and they are getting FULL education support and FULL medical, those who have gotten out within the last 10 years are even being given a "guaranteed" home loan through the military - when I got out I was just told "Goodbye"....wasn't even told til just a few years ago that I had a right to a Vet's Card and access to the Veteran's Hospital and doctors; at least I have a good local Vet Rep who is doing a superb job at informing us all, even the Korean war and Vietnam vets who were never told before of the services available...but these reps helping them what are just coming back are so bending over backwards - tis enough t' bring a tear t' one's eye (NO tongue in cheek!)

    But hey Sjöröveren, on yer resume (or as we say "Resume Me"), do ye have a local EDD support office where ye be? ALL unemployed have rights to their services, the ones here have some very good resume classes; as I have been a teacher and an executive level rep for Sharp Electronics that got me into a program they all "EU" (Experience Unlimited), check your local state's EDD web site and see if they offer such a thing in your area, they are great bunch who have even further assistance with writing resumes, mock interviews, job search networking, even various classes; me last time unemployed I did a couple voluntary classes teaching Excel, Internet savvy (how to use webmail, browsers, and forum boards), and MSWord. Plus such activities give you cause t' get up and get out, keep your mind thinking. Such programs such as EU also require you spend XX amount of time actively participating such as showing up at the EDD office and sorting the new job lists (pulling any that look like they meet your group for their review before posting t' th' "little people" *hahaha*) and they usually have a Yahoo group where we gather to trade information among each other (ie: I run across jobs not for me but possibly for others in the group I pass them along - Networking, that's what its all about, unemployed people helping fellow unemployed people).

  12. One more class has been added:

    ***Taverns in the 17th & 18th Centuries: Where was the first place a pirate headed when he came into port .... ? The nearest tavern! Learn what taverns were like, what/who you would have found in one, and what activities went on at one.

    Might this be a rated 'G' tavern or a rated 'Ahrrrr' tavern? :unsure:

    Hey, is this the same place as it was last Spring? I am looking at the satellite view and it looks like they have cut down all them trees along th' main road - the ones that caught fire last year?

    And Jamaica Rose, next time they take a satellite shot; look Up and Smile will ye! ;)

  13. Red Cat runs away screaming...

    Clowns! ack! I HATE clowns! nononono!

    :lol: 'that' from th' species what will naught step outside without first put'n their 'face on'?? :lol:

    And WHAT IS in all them jars women?!!?

    ....uh, wait, perhaps that be a mystery best left Unsolved :lol:

  14. This is why this recent behavior is strange, like he's been brain washed or something.




    ... :lol: oh wait; Killer Pixie Punk Pyrates From Outer Space!!!

    hmmm, new plot fer POTC4? 'er perhaps Pirates III?? :lol:

    It'd be like if Hugh Hefner or Gene Simmons stopped wanting sex, not normal at all.



    You'd think they were sick or their dick fell off.

    :huh: do naught look at me, You check....

    Perhaps SHE is the one playing HIM..and he wasn't prepared to meet his match.

    Ya, Right, As IF!! T'would be a cold day in 'ell when a mere woman could best a man :huh:



    ...uh, wait....'divorced'


  15. HOLLY CARP!! No wonder I could never find anything on him, I have been spell'n he's name all wrong, it be; SEYMOUR

    Now I can find web pages on him!!! Been search'n he'm out ever since I lost me virginity when Elvira hit th' scene :lol:

    (damn, guess I shoulda gone t' Enlish class :lol: )

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