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Posts posted by MadL

  1. And Greydog is right... dress is a metter of comfort. No one will toss rocks at you if you come in civies. B)

    eh? So then when ye says 'dress be a metter of comfort' ye still meanin 'dress' as in dress then ye be? So must be either the garb or the civies....k

    ...supposin be bet'er ta be stoned wit some clothes on then wit'not


    *Markin Me Wall! Gonna learnt sumtin I will!!*


  2. Good ta meet Silkie McDonough! 'an why not anoth'r round it be!

    :Another Drink All Round It Be!: B)

    mcdrago, Jezzy The Butcher; Aye them flyboys be a odd lot indeed, why ye knows they even stay IN them birds when they come down?? they gots some much more nerve then this har bird, dn't mind them taken me up but then js't shows me th' plank fer I can come down on me own just fine thankye!!!


  3. *Jumps up on top o' th' table and shouts*

    Hey, Mates, I just advanced from Bilge Rat to Deck Swab!  How ARRRRsome is that?  Just havin' a friendly chat wit' ye's and I got me some rank under me belt!  Arrrrrrr!!!!

    Drinks fer EVERYONE!!!  B)   :huh:     :P

    *falls off kegger, obviously had fallen asleep*

    Uh? Eh? :huh: Wench On Th' Table!! Aye, now this th' way to wake up, brew in hand and dancin pirates!!

    Hay, congrats on ye promotion thar Jezzy!

    *nuh? coulda swern thar be tiny faerie sized pyrates run'in round har..? musta been th ale...*


  4. Aye Iron Bess, new here and strik'n camp just up the coast from Corona. Lake Elsinore be where I spent the weekends fer the last 10 and 7 year, ye probably looked up and taken shot as us on occasion, I be the strange blue an orange albatross off yonder....

    This sounds like something I would be interested in, however I not be a 'Reenactor' by trade, more just a fancy of interest and yearnin' fer some learn'in. How does that sit with the coordinators and regular attendees of this group called LORE?

    Me clothes I have of linen make, try to avoid 'Halloween shops', however I not be exactly 'authentic' down to every stitch, and I have boots not shoes but shoes do be on me list fer loot'in soon. Me frock however, not to cause offense, I have chosen more the Mickey Bilge Rat style then true period...why? well, just because, fer now at least.

    But the black powder and the steel, that be what I wish to learn, and learn in company of the masters.

    So what say ye, would a rouge skallywag such as I be welcome at this LORE, er should I look other waters fer the knowledge I seek?

  5. *approaches Jezzy The Butcher'a table and pulls over a barrel for a sit*

    Aye, ye wish'd me a harty greetin, be only fit'n to return the favor!

    :BARKEEP, Nuth'r drink all round! Me friends be thirsty so dn't keep us a wait'n!:

    *peeks at the pics*

    Ahrrr, hearty bunch o' scoundrels indeed. Cute lit'le tadpole as well!

    *sits back to listen*

  6. hmm, a lake eh? Seem'd mor a river if not really, have them self a blind mama gator, wit young'uns when passed through.....ah yes, twas quite the time thar, paddl'in down the canal and teasin them big o'er grown devil lizard, good times in deed they be. But 'Hollywood'??? Ok, now I be more lost then roo in New Zealand, why last I checked that thar Hollywood be ta the north o' me??



    we newbies keep grow'in at this rate and soon we be a crew o' our own...wit Jezzy The Butcher o'er the oth'r table thar we now be....? uh...this many now!


  7. mcdrago; ah, the brawlin swordsmen, aye, I tried ta break in wit that clan once...they would not even gi'me light fer me pipe wit'out a 'sponser' they say. Spent many a weekend in a local park til I fin'ly met instead some seriously crazy birds who took me under wing, so ta speak, an fr'm thar I spent me days on a local fly team. Sor'ta like body surfin only wit'out any water...well, except'in on them stormy days.

    Then I went down ta a local com-unity school, began to check into a fencin class thar but at that time I be still drag'n the carcass of a harpie on me coat tail, since dispatched her an' return ta the sky again....oh how I love the sound of clashin steel in th' mornin...still long fer the smell of avgas too however, but steel be right good it be...the glint, the shiny....ya, I be lik'n the sharp pointy things, right I do.

    Jacky Tar; Mad L....well, I think it be the letters that be sown to me tag when I served the ranks o' the king. In German it be pronounced like a 'model' ship in a bot'le but them barnacle bellied commanders giv ta me a new way of pronounc'in it; the first day of enlistment, they could not speak it so after three o' them tried, yellin and a screamin they be, fin'ly the ugliest, meanest one o' them, he walk up to me and he say "Fr'm now on ye be Mad L!" and from then on I be Mad L.

    And I made sure it be that I give the name true meanin too. Thar be the copperhead I keep in me foot locker, thar be the tankard size spiders I made me friends durin war game in the blasted desert, an thar be the gaters and other crawlies fr'm Georgia and Florida that just kept show'in up in me quarters....

    One hot and sultry day whilst in th' swamps of Florida we be trainin fer survival, the local commander he come to me and say "Yer commander back in the Fort Bennin' wants ye to know yer arss be grass whenst ye gets back...that all he be sayin, says ye will know why?"

    Uh oh!

    Aye, one o' me bunk mates got caught slip'in under the door by the night watchmen on duty, he did. Well, when I gets back me whole quarters had been ransack'd, all me mates rounded up and put in irons. The First Mate he come to me in morning ranks and he whisper in me ear; "If I catch one more critter in yer quarters, even be it a harmless bilge rat, I be see'n ya hang ferm the hightest yardarm I can find, UNDERSTAND?"

    ....next day I head'd me self back into th' swamp....


    gots some oth'r tale to spin I do, ones that put the Mad in the L, but they be harder to make fer sea farin they be, diffr'nt kind o' blue...but pret'y much wear ever I go they be giv'n me the name of MAD....the L, well that thar be me da's branch o' the tree what bern me.

  8. A Festivals list even I can find me way round, and still stumble back out, wi't out e'en git'n lost!

    ...er, now where'd me tankard get to this time...ah, thar ye be..


    Ye be not know'n how many days I spend seekin gather'ins in me area ta only find many too fer away!

    *bloody lucky son of a sea dog, them eastern pyrates!*

  9. Aye, HanaRead, and a good day to ye too! New in these waters me self.

    Anoth'r east coast one, eh? I really must make note ta self to wake up on th' wrong side of th' hammock one o' these har day.

    So when dose all ye scoundrels and skallywags on that side o' the map gather an sail out west anyway?


    Hey, ye be any wer' near that Okanie Fanokie swamp ye be? I think I lost me purse o' coin last time down thar, wrestlin wit one o' those there gaters...

  10. Aye, Jezzy The Butcher, I be seekin a crew. Exceptin yer ship be quite some distance ferm me own home port it be. Havin just stepped into th life of piracy and me home port be sittin on the west coast, Hippolyte de Bouchard's old playgrounds.

    Lookin o'r the calander logs it do appear that ye in the east be hav'n more fun however?...it had alway occure to me that it should be we blonde scoundrels in the west fer such a claim?

    In th' past it be the Ren show that had me mark fer each yar, but now I find piracy gatherin none the more plenty on this side o' the map, perhaps it will take a keener ear around these har taverns to find the places where a scoundrel can get out an' scare up some madness and mayhem.

    But that thar Piratecon do look the place that be right fer that! Perhaps next yar I be settin me sail in that direction an' perhaps th' current may take me through that thar Ohio straight...ye be knowin if I pass, just listen fer the screams of terror!

    An' Rumba Rue, had me arm sewn back once...surely do not want to near loose the other! But...some how, just handin o'r me booty just don' seem right...perhaps ye set'le fer another drought o' grog instead?

    ...oh, by and by, that not be a question open ta debate it not... :P


    The Rule Book....more a set of 'guidelines' really:

    Ifin thar be one thing learnt to me while servin in th' King's ranks was that,

    If a man live by th' book

    Then he will sorely die by th' sword.

    ...fer th' sword don't read

  11. one takard o' Hypnotic fer the lady it be and drinks all round!


    bout th' piraty me eh? Well, I just be a wayward scoundrel drifting with the tide. I have no crew (I be in the market ye might say...), I be not a reenactor either, more o' the free spirit I suppose. I am the son of a boat builder, boat not ship, who builds no more. Be just a fancier of pirates and the pirate life since a wee lad, that's me and that's what I am.

    In the 80's tried to join the Navy but was turn'd way, told they only want'd colledge lads at that time, same wi't the wing nuts, so it be the King's Royal Army fer me, served four yar and a score o' months after wich it be back to civy life. Also fancied watchin the guls as they glide through the sky, the King's Royal Army refused me every effort to mimic them, but in civy life found me chance git me feet off the ground, no commanders to hold me back and no rules to bind me down. So fer the last seventeen yar that is just what me did, flew wi't the eagles, wi't a flock who call themself the USPA.

    Recent an accident around the homestead rendered me immobile fer several month while me arm took ta healin' now I be back but, much heavier then befer, too heavy fer me wings to carry even. So while I be working at rectify'n that been figurin it be time to indulge in other fancies, ones wi't me feet solid on the ground. One fancy I never spend much time chasin befer was the sword, now I finds me self wi't the time. And thus this brings us to the here and today. Have most o' me pirate garb nearly complete, however perhaps not exactly to GAoP specs, but just be testin the waters we be and still in seek fer me dream sword as well as a master to show me some dance step.

    Well, ye asked....oh, and me name. Yes, it be givin me in the Royal Army fer none of me commanders could pronounciate me name in proper German so they gave me that name, and best I did to live up to it, if ye git me drift.

    ;) hu, me cup be dry again...

  12. Ahoy, wayward scoundrel requesting permission ta board? Seeking rum and mayhem I be, the Mad L is what they calls me.

    oh, an uh, been lurkin in the bilge fer some time now....rum be all gone down there, any left up here?


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