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D.Patrick Burke

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Everything posted by D.Patrick Burke

  1. Devon heard the door below open and close, crept to the edge of where wall met bannister and peered cautiously below. Seeing Lilly trek across lower expanse and adjust bearing for the stairs, he quickly retreated to former placement and hoped for the best. The "best" was far from what occured. Darkness did not allow for actual eye contact, but the other's body language gave good indication as to what might happen. As the shrill split the night, Irishman set jaw hard and squinted to the assult...Options were few. Moving quickly, he grabbed for her, locking position.... "Tis enough o' tha' buizziness, gerl dear...No needs be fer wakin' the dead." Down below, slumbering servant came to full awares...
  2. The raise in vocal volume combined with odd dialect set Devon's deffenses on edge. It was not that he was truly worried about Companion's well being, for Seth was far from a feeble innocent; it was rather the bond of loyalty that pulsed through his being. Foyer was left behind, steps taken with care and two at a time. Reaching upper landing, he backed into shadowed corner and waited with senses reaching out to test the air.
  3. The outburst of verbal means, followed by quick footsteps above signaled to instinct caution. Devon withdrew deeper into foyer shading, eyes darting to slumbering servant in next room proxy. Low snore skipped a beat in rhythm, paused as body changed position, then resumed stronger than before. Cocking an ear, Irish Son focused intently upon the unseen above; breath held unconsciously. The near silence, disturbed by some exchange of muffled voices brought him closer to foyer / sitting room interchange and he dared quick gander to stairway climb. Features pinched briefly as lips were pursed in thought, right hand moving to coat pocket and traveling pistol's familiar grip.
  4. Taking the path less traveled, Sorrell negotiated a spot in proximity of Royal Grace rear entrance. Hat brim was pushed up and back enough to scan surrounds before boots left stirrup hold for the ground below. Large fluid eyes turned to watch Rider's dismount before turning attention to large water barrel and its' content. Devon laid hand affectionately on Sorrell neck momentarily before moving on to intended doorway. As catch was reached for, the door leapt backwards to reveal familiar form in shadowed eve. "Jays man!!! Are ye tryin' to push me on ta Heaven's own gates!!!!" Sean chuckled in amusement to the other's startled reaction, " Go on wit' yerself, Burke....Ye well know tha' Aul' Peter will'na be lettin' yer own self in..." " A fine gentleman, yerself..." Devon replied with mock snide then smiled with impish hues. "Tis a grand bit o' timin' ye have an' save me from huntin' yerself down." "An' why would tha' be?...." "Has to do wit' tha' last drop at the Aul Scotch Fella's house an' wha' we saw." Devon's nose crinkled a slight, "Saw er smelled...Bleedin' rankled bit o' work, tha'." He paused thoughtfully before continuing on," No' tha' the Aul Fella's a bad sort...A tad odd...Bu' ye canno' hold it against him ner not'in'....An' tis true he be in possession o' fine craithur....." Roberts nodded in agreement as each point was verbalized then held a hand to cease further observations, "Tis the gerl..." "OH!!!!....The gerl near took off me head an' yer own?!? No' exactly wha' I envisioned as the way me own self was goin' to meet me Maker...." "T'ink back, boyo...." Sean interrupted. "Ta wha'?" "Tha' day inna bookstore when tha' young fella broke tha' glass ou' front..." Revelation crept slowly across Devon's expression, "Mary, Patrick an'...Tis the gerl from the cargo haul!!!!" "Aye, an' Himself is quite interested in the goin's on." Chin was unconsciously rubbed in thought, "Now I be wonderin' to me own self why tha' may be...." "Aye....An' it gets better..." Sean whispered consperitivly and drew much closer, " The newest edition to the Family is on the loose an' found a hidey hole a'..." the sentence was finished to Burke's hearing only. Younger blinked with disbelief, "Aw now, yer havin' me on, cara." "God's own truth an' may He strike me down if I be tellin' tales." Roberts vouched. "Himself wan's ye upstairs." Devon sighed with resignation; it seemed his only desire of long overdue cat nap was to be laid aside for undetermined allotment of time to come.
  5. Horsing around at Scarborough Faire.... Aul Jack applying the Irish Charm...or..."How to catch The Priddies" Perched on The Garden Wall
  6. Thunder Point by Jack Higgins
  7. And if I'm blind, yet Heaven is kind, And holy saints forgiving; For sure he leads a right good life, Who thus admires good living. Above they say, our flesh is air, Our blood celestial ichor; O grant! 'mid all the changes there, They may not change our liquor. William Makepeace Thackeray
  8. That last Latte must have been spiked....... Freetraders
  9. Because I thought you were trying to correct my spelling of "rapparee" **shrugs** Owling
  10. Sasanach... Sweet Trade
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