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D.Patrick Burke

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Everything posted by D.Patrick Burke

  1. Just finished fighting with this batch.... Captain Sterling on the bow Pete Straw on the Job Rats on the Bow M. A. d'Dogge The Lovely Mary Diamond More to come....
  2. All I can say is....What memories!!! Dirty weather, what me worry?! Never, says I!! One could not hope for better company in which to weather the storm....er....storms. Setting up photos as I write this, but here is the first which was forwarded to me by a wonderful lass named Jennifer in The Port. Thanks again, gerl dear!!!! Fitzgerald & Burke.....The Owling Life for we!
  3. Flintlock and myself will be in PW Thursday around 2 PM. I always prefer to have a day of wandering before an event. Safe journey to all and I do hope the Barmen are up to the task.
  4. The Aul Fella has a point on both counts....**chortels** An' no' a soul can claim the better skill fer makin' the poteen.
  5. Aye....especially when he's in his cups.....I shall gladly stand him one from the Barman when next we meet.
  6. Tis true he has his moments....But! Your second in command slays me.... "But, Pahppy.....!!!!" Looking forward to tipping a tankard or three with him come June!
  7. Er....Knowin' MD....I be thinkin' I may be just a tad worried of what that tale may entail......
  8. In that fella's case....I canno' say I am a wee bit suprised....
  9. Lock up yer sheep..... ( Just kidding about...I like Scotch folk....We are related somewhat.)
  10. chuckles See the lot o' ye....Got the Aul Feller worked up. Gives facial expression of mock suprise. Better yerselves than me own self....Bu' I know better than to be pokin' him wit' a stick over much. Scotch folk are a cantankerous lot an ' have worse bouts o' temper than me own kind.
  11. ( I hardly know the lass to be making such aquisations...) abandoned
  12. Sally's parting words slowed then gave full stop to Devon's garden path passage. Irish temper went from hibernation state to full resurrection and his jaw set hard to keep from returning the shot over bow young woman had just delivered. Many conjectures whirled in mental halls, but all circled around his loyalties to those who had taken him in and gave provision, hearth and home to his longings. He stared at rear portal trying to calm the boiling point that begged to be given reign and as temptation to rectify wrong swayed balance over reason, it was the touch of hand upon shoulder that stayed longing. Brushing comrade's hand away, stride of heavy soul and deep ire propelled him through garden gate and onward to where Sorrell waited in flora kingdom just beyond. Sally's words taunted him in endless circle as stirrup was found then seat. Earlier abuse was numbed and ignored as heels dug into curved sides, sending equine into swift departure for points unknown. Childermass followed to where his own mount danced as result of other's actions, and gained saddle for direct pursuit. Tracing youngster's bearing, he thought to himself the folly of young woman's words and further more, was she truly aware of what impact such a statement and taunt might have. Well aware of Devon's devotion regarding Sabastian and Aurore, Seth pondered deeply if the damage of Sally's challenge could be undone. Just ahead, Sorrell changed course and reset heading for where the Fisher Folk dwelled...
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