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D.Patrick Burke

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Everything posted by D.Patrick Burke

  1. My advice to you concerning applause is this: Enjoy it, but never quite believe it. Samuel Lover
  2. Equine was reined in as border of rear garden was reached. Gazing over the wall's topmost plane a smallish grin spread the surface of Celt features. Noticing companion's delay, Roberts turned his own mount, returning to where the other dallied. With merest incline of chin, Burke made indication to upper floor window and the slight form that moved past its' framing. "What's this then..?" Inquired Roberts, with hushed tone, as he scanned the structure's proximity. "Not'in...." Burke turned his attention to the inquirer. "But it be somt'n to set one's mind a wanderin‘, fer true." Sean shook his head, chuckling to himself, "An' wha’ would tha’ be?" A polite pause hung the air in brief as Devon's focus returned to high set portal, "Tha' lass workin' fer tha' high brow Mistress..." Roberts waited for continuence patiently, belaying the want to prod for more. The figure in question lingered in window's framing, the wide-expressive eyes turning suddenly to look outward with a hint of puzzlement gracing cream toned features. At notice, Devon stood in stirrup hold, doffing hat with widened smile. "Repunzle's" expression cast further bemusements. "Do ye t'ink that such a gerl is jus' a maid in waitin'," he pondered while returning to his seating, "Or is it tha' she's 'prenticin' to the Mistress' trade?" A peal of laughter escaped companion's inner being, the figure in question had looked away, but attention returned to the sounding. Devon's brow pinched to Sean's "opinion", "Wha's so bleedin' funny there, cara?" Another face appeared in glass showing, curiosity evident. Recognition danced both expressions of Irish sons and Roberts mouthed the name McKinney. Mounts were set back to motion without further ado, Burke casting quick glance to Sally's distant being before increasing pace; soft jingle of new won coin ringing pocket confine as new path was taken. As destination was neared, mounts were brought to more leisurely stride then brought to halt near another rear entrance. Area was surveyed briefly as Devon found the ground below. With work of agile fingers, securing of rear gate was defeated; men and horses disappearing within. Saddle bag was checked, its' content removed wrapped in coarse cloth. Devon's nose crinkled to package's scent as back door was achieved and knock was placed. Under breath, comment was made regarding delivery, "Tis a dimmed oddity the t'ings this aul fella wants. An' I don' have no desire to know wha' he does wit' it all..." Leaning against Trilby's entrance arch, Sean shook his head silently as response.
  3. Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is. Oscar Wilde
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