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Posts posted by RustyNell

  1. SOPHIA!! don't laugh - because you didn't use your entire name when introduced to me... only Sophia I didn't realise who I was meeting, until just now... LOL sorry I have a tendancy to unintentionally walk through life in a daze...glad to have met you in person!

    I don't have much of a chance to get on here lately.

    Glad Chrispy got you the info on the hula hoop.

    And again so nice meeting you.... can't wait to see photos.

  2. An Orange

    A Dolphin

    hundreds of people on thier way to paradise (Key West)

    my aunt tootsie up in Queens NY (someone on the phone sounded just like her)

  3. Actually, I'm concerned that we're related.. ...that means if Robbie's my cousin.... that makes Captain Sterling my cousin...ohhh... that means........ahhh ..... never mind.

    Bad Nell,..... Bad... Bad Nell!

  4. Cousin Robbie... you must be related to my daddy!!

    Ya see my daddy..he climbed an ol pine tree in our front yard once to cut it down, and on his way up he cut off all those pesky little branches that were in his way... Well ....he got all the way up to the tippy top of that tree and when he looked down he realized he was stuck up in that tree..

    ....well it was getting mighty late, and momma had called us all in to supper, well daddy didn't come, and he NEVER missed supper... and it was getting dark... so she went outside to check on him and there he was just like my little kittty cat who had been stuck in the tree the day before, meowing and wanting down... well daddy wasn't meowing, but he wanted down... and he didn't like being stuck up in that tree anymore than my kitty cat .

    So momma, well she thought she'd help him outta that tree just like daddy had helped that kitty cat ...So, she went and got the garden hose. ...and we were all laughin...Cause the day before much to our protesting daddy used the hose to squirt the kitty out of the tree...We didn't like that.. we thought it was mean to get the kitty all wet.... and wanted him to call the fireman, but Daddy said cat's don't like water and this was the best way to teach him a lesson... So mommy had the hose....only daddy wasn't laughin'... he was REAL mad, and cussing up a storm, so momma did the next best thing. Ya see daddy was a police man, so she called all the guys he knew from the fire department to bring their big ladder and get him out of the tree. Daddy seemed happy he was down and thanked the guys.....but he wouldn't talk to me or momma about how scared he was when he was up there... he just spent the rest of the night getting really mad at that tree and choppin it up in little bits... I don't think he liked that tree at all.

  5. Ok.... so we finished ours today -- Chrispy and I - I just need to know where to mail them. They are in a box with out names on them and are ready to be mailed.

    I only made 9 -- is that going to mess you up? ( I don't really want one of my own)

    Most of mine are kind of 3D as well I hope that won't present too much trouble either. I was kind of stuck on what to do... and well... I kind of got inspired by some fabric and little things i had lying around and such, and once I got started...well I finished them all in one sitting. They're all very different - you'll have to decide who gets what.

  6. I have no choice I've run out of clothes...I will not buy more I have a closet full of perfectly good clothing!!

    Anyway this sight has just made me aware I'm not eating too much its just what I eat thats the problem... no wonder my blood pressure is up, just 3 days of tracking and I could see the % of sodium I was eating. it really is a great site to see how everything breaks down.

    Anyway...congrats to everyone for their success and all the best for your continued journey towards health.

    It wasn't diet changes that caused my weight gain. It was lack of activity, I'm sure that contributed. I recently had surgery (October) It didn't help that the hormones the doctors had me take for 6 months prior to surgery helped to put an additional 20lbs on my frame.

    I've been off the hormones for 4 months now, and am starting to feel like myself.

    It will be great to be able to wear my clothes again!! Everything in my closet is tight and some things... well I can't even begin get them on... that will change!!

    Black Syren I know what your going through. I'm so glad I had the surgery, it made all the difference in the world. I'm not exhausted all the time anymore. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


  7. Last night I climbed on my exercise machine for the first since getting Lyme Disease. I've been in near-constant pain ever since getting that stinkin' disease, and now I'm at the point where I'm going to see if exercise will chase it away...

    My cousin had a bout with Lyme's Disease. I know how exhausting it can be. He's doing much better. I know its difficult but exercise definitely helped him.

  8. Wanted to share a website my doctor just turned me on to. I've been a minor yo-yo'er where my weight is concerned. However I have never had the struggle with weight that I've had the last 5 years. Sure I've gained a bit here and there, and lost a bit here and there, but NOW I need to loose almost 60lbs. Its been a bit overwhelming these days. I have to admit I haven't been motivated and I have been living in denial. I have been a bit delusional about what it takes these days to get the weight off, verses what it used to take to shed the pounds. Age is a bitch.

    Anyway....I started using this website today. I am already amazed at how quickly I've learned how easy its been for me to hide from the truth. Its quickly become apparent that if I do this honestly and consciously, and NOT with some fad eat-this-don't-eat-that kind of diet this is going to work!

    Anyway ...check it out


    Its completely free all of the time and has some amazing tools to keep track of your calories, your exercise, how much water you drink, and your overall progress. I look forward to watching the graphs change over the year. Its such a good site and I'm so encouraged by it I just had to share it.

    Much Love and HEALTH!


  9. Foucault's Pendulum - Umberto Eco... don't you just LOVE sci-fi that draws on history and conspiracy theories?

    Why yes, yes I do. I'm fairly certain I'd like this one. I know I've contemplated reading it at least once. And if it is anything like Angels & Demons or The Davinci Code, then I'm sure I'd give it two thumbs up.

    His book The Name of the Rose was quite good as well, similar in subject matter, mystery, conspiracy etc... I read it after I found Foucault's Pendulum. I like Eco...smart man... very complex books.. to be honest I felt a bit dumb when I first started reading him. He certainly spurred me to open many other books in order to better understand his.

  10. The Mote in God's Eye

    I like reading Parnell and Niven, but I just couldn't get into that one..... maybe I should give it another try......

    Give it another try. It takes some time to build up, but I think it's worth it. There are some very vivid scenes in the last half of that book. In later years I discovered the ship was based on one of my favorite models... the Leif Ericson, aka the UFO Mystery Ship!


    ps - Pournelle

    This title rings a bell, I think I'll have to add this to my list.

  11. OK seeing as we're starting in July/August count me in.

    I'm in Florida

    curious about how many pages should the book have??

    12 people - 12 months 3 or 4 pages each... I'm assuming about 50 pages should do it...am I right more of less?

  12. the only thing I want to do that I feel I haven't done is yet is to SLOW DOWN and breath it in.!

    I'm so busy trying to enjoy everything and trying not to miss anything that I forget to really experience it.

    Its all such a blur...thank GOD for all the photos!

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