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Posts posted by RustyNell

  1. Ohh....I forgot....I guess I was thinking about that Not Nigel bloke I...I thought he hung his captain and went pirate ...I know hours later he was telling tales of lost combinations, torn stockings, broken onion bottles.... the man was a bloody mess. Sorry Captain Sterling...he looked a whole lot like that Not MadDogge fella

  2. Thank you guys again SO MUCH for what you do.

    Its so wonderful to have such talented artists all sharing thier creativity for the benefit of us all. Its what I love so much about this great group of people.



    is there a link so I can put it on my myspace...or my facebook LOL B)

  3. Cappy....didn't I see a trophy on your shelf?....seems to me that Dogg makes a fine fish but not much for a pirate B);)

    Sterling......... ;) that master at arms of yours would loose his head if it weren't attached ;) and a bottle of absinthe and his stockings and....well....

  4. Only reason I might agree with blackjohn's comment above is that the rest of the picture has color and the pant stripes are painted. I would think the artist would paint those as well if they were alternating colors like he did the pants. just my opinion.

  5. Could those lines just as well be knitting ribs instead of color? A thought... had the socks been hand knitted with several rows of pearl then several rows of knit they they might look somewhat striped. I've seem wool sock in cable knit like a sweater, any thoughts on those?

  6. ^ my propensity for over analyzing things

    < I hate text messaging. It seems impersonal to me. I cherish my intimate relationships with my friends, REAL conversations are REAL important to me.

    V If you could have one do-over in the past 10 years what would it be?

  7. Eh....I used to get caught on stuff all the time. As a general rule when doing a show, I didn't get that close to people. That being said....I have been in crowds and gotten caught on stuff and people. I did a show at Stagecoach (a crowded bar/restaurant) and embarrasingly enough, I got stuck on a viking. It happens. Hey, at least he got the coins and beads attached as a souvenier. :)

    Dun worry about it. Some dancers are stuck up and just all grr-ish like that...maybe she was just having a crummy day...maybe she was a belly bunny and was upset about her costume possibly being marred (cause you know...perfection)...me? I woulda grinned and told you that if ye wanted my belt that bad, you shoulda asked. ;)

    LOL got stuck on a Viking !! LOL would have loved a picture of that.

  8. Happy Birthday to ye lad, be careful down there so Nell doesn't toss you overboard on the return trip!! :D;)

    He actually made it home in one piece.....LOL We had a blast!!! He had the biggest smile on his face all weekend.


  9. It's not so much the humidity as it is the ANT's!!

    We go through BAGS and BAGS of ant killer before the event to try and get rid of them and still those little buggers are EVERYWHERE! When the BIB started talking about doing something like this a few years ago one of the reasons we nixed it was because we were concerned about adding fuel to the fire by leaving them little pieces of candy everywhere. Not to mention needing to refrigerate them (the candy glass bottles) seemed like a pain logistically, especially for events that required travel. Anyway though we haven't tried it yet, the plastic stuff gave me hope we might revisit the idea eventually.

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