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Everything posted by RustyNell

  1. It's not so much the humidity as it is the ANT's!! We go through BAGS and BAGS of ant killer before the event to try and get rid of them and still those little buggers are EVERYWHERE! When the BIB started talking about doing something like this a few years ago one of the reasons we nixed it was because we were concerned about adding fuel to the fire by leaving them little pieces of candy everywhere. Not to mention needing to refrigerate them (the candy glass bottles) seemed like a pain logistically, especially for events that required travel. Anyway though we haven't tried it yet, the plastic stuff gave me hope we might revisit the idea eventually.
  2. Sterling interesting article - thanks for posting that link
  3. yeah ... thats true ... but i actually pedal 90% of the way.. unlike you "Scooter", I hardly use it! HEY!! your the one who made me get the darn electic one...oh ye of little faith. HARUMPH!!
  4. When we talked about it previously we had planned on doing it in the pub unless the new park manager disagree's. we could easily sweep up in the pub, if we contained the fight to the stage area...it could be done during the day in the sally port as well to be more visible to the crowds.. seeing that the stage is only used that one day for the trial. I think as long as its somewhere it can be swept up we don't have to worry about littering. I'll discuss it with Hairbone at the next B.I.B meeting
  5. 12 lbs down!! and feeling great....I've been riding my bike 11 miles to work each way about 4 days a week. It's not as easy to loose as it was when I was in my 20's....darn hormones!! Still even that 12 lb loss has made a huge difference in my energy levels..50 more to go... I'm trying to focus in 10lbs at a time. Would be happy loosing 10 lbs a month it took me 5 years to gain all this weight, if I can loose half of it in a year I feel like I've gained control over the situation. I like MadL's it worked in my 20's, only I get mean if I go too long without food. Ask Chrispy.. LOL!
  6. agreed with the kids issue "sugar" glass as good as it sounds isn't edible, and yes it is dangerous. My thought for clean up is that the plastic doesn't get sticky so it can be swept up as well.
  7. I agree with Mission...That was my concern with the sugar glass. Ol Zach's as well as the Ordinary won't be much fun once the ant's find the shards of sugar glass we miss when we clean up after the the thing. Its impossible to find every little shard scattered after a fight, not to mention the ants in your clothing after they find a little piece that got stuck to your sweaty shirt... LOL sorry found aunt's in my luggage when i got home...probably a result of mead spilt Sunday night, those little buggers are abundant at the fort. That was the reason i sought out an alternative.. not to mention the sugar glass has to be refrigerated which can present a problem at some shows... The Smash Plastic once you've made the molds I think breaks down to well below 10 dollars a bottle. Not to mention the older the bottle the more brittle it gets, which in my mind is a plus. You can make a case of them and if you don't use them all nothing is wasted.
  8. Oh By the way here is the link for the liquid plastic Smash Plastic
  9. there's always memorex LOL.... BTW Sterling I LOVE the new banner!
  10. I have been looking into making plastic polimer breakaway bottles...better than candy glass in this humidity...I looked into just buying candi glass bottles for the convienence but I don't want to smash 20 bucks a pop. With all that goes into it I can see why they charge that much for them... if I can ever find the time to get the molds made I plan to make some eventually.... i just have so many sewing projects!! that alone is overwhelming.... if we want to go to Blackbeard I have to get busy..... anyway.... between that and work and gigs, and writing, and recording... and learning new music.... and working on the house..... argh....not to mention I've lost 2 hours a day of project time byy riding my bike to and from work...... anyway I must be nuts...we'll see... I really want to get them done... i just have to be realistic and take one project at a time... once I finally have the molds and the process down, and know how much they are costing me to make...I would be more than happy to make extra's to sell, VERY!!! reasonably to my PIP family of course.
  11. a RUM bar... with gambling.... ummmm and girls.....then the pirates would only leave the island when they ran out of money..... they'd only need to go out raiding to get more to come back and spend it on girls, and booze and gambling..... oh no thats too close to real life LOL!!
  12. My plan --- been cooking it up since I decided on my "weapon" of choice was to start it with my being pissed at a pirate for once AGAIN!! being short on his tab. I like people oweing me but I'm a loon and sometimes I snap. I figure I throw the first one and ....almost hitting someone else ...the person I almost hit thinks it came from someone other than me and attacks them....etc etc etc
  13. Oh Patrick --I'm patient...thanks for even considering really putting me in there. I have ultimate patience where things like this are concerned. Still we're talking way too much about Chrispy's facial hair ....LOL I mean... well let me illustrate! Nell's --- "Cathy Comic" Frame: Nell in a night cap pirate clothes in hand standing outside a closed door ---- a thought bubble appears above Nells head, she has a deep look of longing on her face...inside the bubble.... why ...its Missions mirror!!!!... she smiles and sighs .... picture of the closed bathroom door... the whirring sound of a blowdryer coming from the other side. Interior of the bathroom Chrispy with a big smile on his face admiring his beauty as he lovingly and patiently works on his mustache an goatee!! Nell leaving the house half dressed with her hair a rats nest!
  14. Well aquainted with that one! Heard that a million times as a kid. Needless to say I'm a planner myself. <---Navy gal with a dad who was a Marine Corps D.I.
  15. Thanks for the link Patrick. Rusty Nell has been researching this and we are making a mold for some sugar glass bottles for the pub next year. Let's script something out for a good old fashioned bar fight hehehe. I found something 100 times better than sugar glass its a plastic polimer calles Smash Plastic - they keep longer and only get more brittle with age - sugar glass in Florida can be a problem the humidity makes it soft.--- and well semi-soft sugar glass won't break and can hurt. I just need the time to make some molds. i've had a few artists offer to make some for me. I'm determined to have some this year at PIP, we decided long ago it suits my character that bottles would be her weapon of choice.
  16. because they are honest...(the photos are) ....and they're pirates (the boys) - the two don't mesh well
  17. ^ I used to work in an Emergency Room and had a doctor once make me hang up on a kid who I suspected was making a suicide attempt, the kid was asking about certain meds and what could happen if you took too much... The doctor, he was worried about insurance. Told me to tell him to call an ambulance and hang up. don't know if it was interesting as much as disturbing! < even after 20 plus years I still get really nervous when I sing in front of people. V If you could wake up tomorrow and have one thing in your life different, what would it be?
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