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Abbington M. Normal

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Everything posted by Abbington M. Normal

  1. We keep a horse on one of the ships? No. The horse would be provided by one of the locals on the island.... we keep a goat on the ship and a few sheep for the Scots. We hav goats Cap'n! about four and were getting 2 pregnat that will most likely get us up to 8 in total..if'n bith of 'em have twins. i'll see wat we can do. And we have about 22 chickens. i think we'd have a couple of those on ship. but then again I'll have to see how we'd get there with all them animals, it's not easy to tavel 13 hours with 'em.
  2. Well I found about a hundred bug bites (on me of course) *starts scratching one of them violently* OH but i did loose a silver ring with hebrew writing on it in the ocean. And was curious if it somehow it miraculously washed up on shore and someone found it? And thx Capt. for grabbing our coffee pot!! I'll see if we need it anytime soon (don't think so but).
  3. AAAAAAAAAA I DON'T THINK I CAN LAST THAT LONG!!!!! I'm just happy to be a part of it!! can't wait
  4. here are 2 pics that i like very much from the PiP. I'm the one on the right Sterling's Angels!! and I do apologize for how big the pics are, I'll try next time to make them smaller.
  5. William being held ransome (I was one of the Pyrate hunters from The Archangel's crew and was one of a few in charge of watching the prisoner). That was fun! Even though William did find out a few ways to excape from his chains a couple times lol. This was my first PiP and I loved IT!! I will be back next year, even if I have to hitch hike! well not really but. I'd like to thank everyone who work there butts off to make it happen! I do really like the idea of surgery demos and cooking demos.
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