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Everything posted by Abbington M. Normal
Looking for fellow pirates to help get my supa pirate cartoon on TV:
That's just unreasonably creepy.... Aww cum on! He's not tat ugly!
Hampton Blackbeard Pirate Festival '08
Abbington M. Normal replied to Captain of the 'REVENGE''s topic in July
Cap'n I think you crashed in your tent, then got up for some reason and talked with someone.......I can't remember exactly, but I think that's what happened..... Great pictures everyone!! I expect to be drawing soon! -
Hampton Blackbeard Pirate Festival '08
Abbington M. Normal replied to Captain of the 'REVENGE''s topic in July
We made it home yesterday safe and sound. I'm sorry Silkie about the 2 missed trains at least your home. I'm going to look at some of the pictures Kate put up (also good to hear your home). Miss you all already. -
Hampton Blackbeard Pirate Festival '08
Abbington M. Normal replied to Captain of the 'REVENGE''s topic in July
Very cool Mission. Everyone in the car enjoyed your post. Hope to see you at PIP. -
Hampton Blackbeard Pirate Festival '08
Abbington M. Normal replied to Captain of the 'REVENGE''s topic in July
We are on are way home, and I thought I'd say I had a GREAT TIME at Blackbeard Fest!! Thank you all for making it happen!! Hope to see ya'll next year! Next year I'm going to try to get pictures. But can't wait to see everyones! It was nice to see everyone again and finally getting to meet Miss Cheeky. All I have to say is "MY FEET!!!!" Thanks again. -
Good Lord!! I'm missing everyone's B-day!! Happy Birthday to ye Briar!!
Happy Birthed Day - John Sterling!
Abbington M. Normal replied to Cheeky Actress's topic in Scuttlebutt
Well I'm 2 months late and feel down right awful. But better now than never. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAP'N!!!!!!! how old are you now? lol You don't have to answer that. -
Good, that'll give my breeches and stocking more character...
Good lord I haven't been on in a while! Well I must admit I haven't read all the posts but I had an idea for the PIP that I posted about for 08 last year thought I'd bring it up. Thank you Lord for copy and paste Both pyrates and pyrate hunters capture someone (or one of them does) like we did in 07. And when we trade off, someone could disagree with the choice and as the prisoner from the opposite side walks back to their crew or away from them, the person who disagrees could pull out a pistol and shoot them in the leg. Of course the prisoner grabs his/her leg and falls to the ground. The surgeon could yell at the person who shot the prisoner about how they had a fair trade. And of couse the captain would be very displeased (or not) And then the surgeon could opperate on the prisoner's leg right there. And I gladly volunter to get shot in the leg...ooo fake blood Of course I don't have to be the one to get shot (but would like to). So yeah that's pretty much it. Oh I did skim something about music?
I opened my eyes and blinked a few times, finding out I was lying in a bed. "Nit again." I mumbled to myself. I was getting a little irritated being drugged most of the time. "Tha' beh dah last tem I accept a drenk unliss I per et meself." I spoke, sitting up in the bed. Even though I didn't like being drugged, it still helped with the pain. I looked around the room, seeing no one was here. I was just about to go downstairs when I heard footsteps coming up them. I watched as the door opened gently. Meave stepped in the room surprised I had awaken, carrying a bucket of water and sponge. "Ah glad ya be awake." Maeve said closing the door behind her. "Are ya ready fer a sponge bath, Miss?" She paused waiting for me to answer with my name. I sat there for a moment chewing my lower lip, not sure if I wanted to answer. Maeve saw I unsure about answering, so she set the bucket down and sat on the foot of the bed. "Come now. Ya can't tell meh ya fergot yer name." She said sweetly. "Nay I 'aven't Mess but." I replied stopping. Maeve looked at me and raised her eyebrows encouraging me to continue. I sighed. "Meh name es Marie." Maeve smiled. Pleased she got me to talk to her. "Well then Miss Marie. Are ya ready fer a sponge bath?" She asked again. "Maybeh." I said uncertain. She laughed and signaled for me to take off my shirt. I stepped out of bed and I stood in front of her. I took off my shirt but didn't remove the blanket that had been wrapped around my chest. I got my arms, stomache and chest clean. And Maeve helped me clean my back.
At the Chirurgeons House I saw the woman Maeve (I now learned was her name) give BriarRose a cloak and then told her to go. I wondered what was going on, nothing good I supposed. Putting on my shoes and forcing myself onto my feet, using an arm from a chair for support. "I must beh go'in. I 'ave to find work some'ere on a shep or sum'tin." I reach into my pockets to see if I had any coins to pay for the treatment, but found out I had none. "Damn mongrels robbed meh." I muttered under my breath. I began to sway and quickly grabbed the arm of the chair. How I wished I had my pistol that night, at least I could have shot one of those men that had beat me.
Shouts awoke me. "Marry her?!" I opened my eyes to find that I had found sleep earlier that morning and obviously been asleep for some time. I felt the kitten snuggled up next to me. I blinked a few times to get my eyes to focus. "Oh, so now ye wan' ti come ti meh do ye?" I said quietly looking at the black kitten, stroking its soft fur. “Briar!! I think ya’d best come here….now!” I heard someone shout. "Now wha's des a'bout marriage?" I asked the cat propping myself onto my elbows, I making sure not to stir him.
Here are some pics from the pip I drew. The look better in person btw. Amanjira Cap'n Sterling And MadDogge they took about 3 hours each to draw.
Ye mean the toilets flushing.... who said that? Greg Hudson?? I didn't hear any toilets. When did you hear toilets? I heard the ocean and pirates laughing and chatting on about things i couldn't quite hear.
Whatever was in that goblet BriarRose had given me put me to sleep very quickly. I opened my eyes to see morning sunlight begin to peek in through the window. I blinked a few times and tried to move my arms. It didn't hurt as bad as I thought. So I tried sitting up. Bad idea. I winced at the pain and gasped for air and laying right back down. "Get up. Ye 'ave ti get up an' back ti deh ship!" I whispered to myself. I saw BriarRose sleeping in a chair with the black kitten curled up on her lap. The cat looked at me, his big green-gold eyes watch me curiously. I rolled onto my left side facing away from the fire. "Maybeh ye can crawl?" I whispered. "Or maybeh dat cat will tern entah a frog. Yer not go'in anywhere." I doubted. I rolled back onto my back and examined my arms. "What ded d'ose mongrels do ti ye." I spoke quietly. Seeing the various blue, purple and green bruises on my upper arms. I had to move slowly but was able to sit up on my elbows. The cat lifted his head up surprised I moved. He lick his wiskers and watched me even more closely. I beckoned to him, patting my hand on the ground quietly. He still didn't move a hair off his mistress' lap. Finally I mimicked a meow that I had taught myself (by listening to other cats), that no cat I had ever known to resist. He perked up his ears and cocked his head. I tried a second time and he rolled on his belly. I could see he wanted to go to me but was still unsure. Then I began to have pain in my side so I laied back down giving up on getting the kitten to come to me. I noticed I wheezed slightly when I breathed. Which for me I knew would get annoying quite fast. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.
Here's mine. #10. When you only respond to your pirate name. #9. When you can feel the smallest pebble through your thickest soled shoes. (quote: MY FEEEEETT) #8. When every orange light you see in the dark you think it's a fire or lantern. #7. You start learning old sailor songs by heart. (Can be just the music). And you start singing them all the time. #6. You know every pirate joke known to man! #5. When improper english becomes normal. #4. "Arr" still rings in your head at night. #3. Seeing a man in a dress isn't that weird. #2. When you go to cook biscuits you look for yer sword. #1. You can't go to sleep at night unless you can hear the ocean.
I finally awoke, finding that it was slightly easier to breathe. Then I noticed why. The binding I had around my chest was gone. I quickly sat up hoping that no one knew about my secret that I had kept hidden so well. Nearly hitting the woman next to me and scaring a black kitten who ran under a chair. The pain was excruciating, totally and utterly unbearable. "AH!" I cried, grabbing my right side. As soon as my side stopped hurting to bad I looked around to see my surroundings. I was in someone's house, and I finally directed my attention to the woman who seemed to be tending to my wounds. Very pretty woman, coppery red hair, pulled back in a long briad. Grey blue eyes, and a heart shaped face. "Where....beh.....I?" I asked nervously, slowly trying to catch my breath between words. "'Oo.....beh.....ye?" The red haired woman looked at me worried then cautiously. "My name is BriarRose." She began calmly, rapping a blanket around my chest and under my arms. Tenderly making sure not to rub my right rib to hard. I winced, just touching it made me hurt, even though I guessed she didn't mean to hurt me.
I thinks he's upset about the dress thing Amanjira.....lol
OMG!! THATS Awesome!! Who needs to paint anymore? me but lol
Oi....you DO have a way with words, Mission! Any more of that and I'll be looking for the nearest ship's railing to hang my head over. Well done. I checked my wrist to make sure the skin was still intacted. *Checks again* yep still there. How you would cut his hands off without him screaming in pain? lol
The next thing I saw was a woman knelt down next to me and a man standing behind her. I wanted to tell her that I needed to get back to the ship, but my right ribs barely let me breathe without excruciating pain. "Plea-" I breathed, stopping short. Nearly passing out from the pain and lack of air. I was stobburn and tried to ignore the pain. Forcing myself to roll on my side, only to fail at my efforts. The woman seemed to stop me from any attempts to move at all after that. My sight started to blur and hearing became difficult. No not yet! Not now! I thought to myself.
Nothing made sense any more. Why I had been treated this way I could not understand. All I know is that I was being carried somewhere down some street in the dark. "This'll stir tings up a bit!" Quietly said one of the men that held me up by my hands. "Aye dat it will!" The other replied that held my legs. I was to injured to fight back, and both men over powered me. "All 'rit on deh count of 'tre." And they beggan to swing me back and forth. As three was counted they threw me against a door, hard. It knocked the breathe out of me, and I gasped for air the best I could. "OI doctor you got a patient!!" And they ran off into the night, snickering and leaving me at someone's door step.