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Abbington M. Normal

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Everything posted by Abbington M. Normal

  1. Might I add I put on your stockings for ye!! (since you couldn't even reach yer toes ) I'm tellin ya he was treated like a king! I think we need to go harder on him next time.
  2. *slaps forehead* GAA wen i posted that quote, I thought i was in memorable quotes thread! That's what I get for multitasking to much...srry all. Ok I'll leave it at that Cap'n.......for now.
  3. What's with the Barcelona thing about?!?!? I've heard it about a million times!! Or is it more of an inside joke I can't remember or is not supposed to know about?
  4. ?? who said that and in regard to what?? Uh.....William said it......And I can't remember the whole thing he said but said it when tied to the tree. I believe it went something like this. But don't quote me on it. *As Captain Sterling walks by William says.* "Oh the things I could have done to you. Cut you, gut you and turned you into jerky pieces. And the things I could do with said pieces. Have a banquet in said pieces honor. And the joy I would have had serving said pieces. Yes that would be my ultimate revenge." I think there was more to it but I can't remember at this moment. But Willaim said it, in regards to you Cap'n......And I know he was just teasing.
  5. OMGOSH!! I love the picture of me and me friends on the rocks looking out at the ship!! Beautiful, just beautiful!
  6. Hear hear!!!
  7. OH! I just remember a good one. "Oh so you have my pants!" And, "...The joy I would have had serving 'said pieces.'...Yes that would be my ultimate revenge."
  8. UH OH! Cap'n got a hold dat picture Who took that picture anyways? I thought i saw a few people but wasn't sure. I was half asleep so I wouldn't know
  9. Billie can show ye 'ow to light it from a lamp!
  10. now that is cool! YOUR FAMOUS MADDOGGE!!!
  11. Again and again the flogging continued. Again and again the pain coursed through my back. I tried not to yell in pain, but sometimes I couldn't help it. I lost count how many times they had struck me with that wreched whip. *Crack* another hit, new blood flowed down my back, meeting up with old rivers that had already flowed. Laughter came from many of the men on ship. "OI!" One of them proclaimed. "Since 'e stol' frum me pocket. 'Ow 'bout I scar 'im as a reminder." He paused and leaned into my face. "If'n ye mess wit me tings again. I'll nit 'esitate te cut yer throat rit ten an' ter!" He laughed loudly as others chimed in, his breath stinking of fresh rum. The rough man lifted a butter knife to my face and laughed harder. I struggled to free myself of my bonds, but no to avail. I stared at the knife as it was placed right next to the corner of my right nostril. And as he beggan a slow deep cut to my jaw I screamed. "NO!!" I yelled sitting up in bed. Sweat runing down my face and body. I felt my head with the back of my hand and my fever had not past. "Lay down!" Barked the gaurd, who was obviously asleep until I had awakened him. I scowled at him as he rested his chin on his chest and fell back to sleep. My head was throbbing and the pain in my dream that had felt so real didn't help. I gently touch the scar in my face. I had wished that it had only been a dream. And with that I forced myself to sleep on my wooden bed, trying to use the ships rocking as a rythme to keep my mind off the pain. The next time I awoke was when the gaurd was shaking me violently. "Get up." He ordered. I stood up, shaking from head to toe. My clothes wet and sticky from sweat. And he ordered me to follow. I wasn't not sure where I was going, but I heard from the captain of the ship say we had made port in Port Royal. I was shackled and thrown onto the back of a horse drawn cart and driven away somewhere. I tried to make out what was going on but my fever had put me in a haze and I couldn't see clearly. All I knew was that it was dark out. And with that I fell asleep. The next thing I knew was that I was being tosted into a cell. My legs couldn't support me and my arms couldn't move fast enough to save my face and my cheek hit the cold stone. "Nighty, night." A gruff voice said. And I heard the cell door slam. I laied there on my stomache, not wanting to move. My head throbbed and my body ached. Lucky for me I hadn't broken my cheek bone. An hour passed and I finally got enough strength to roll on my side. I was alone. Or was I?
  12. also a good choice of music would have been the Mission Impossible theme! lol
  13. Aw, I wis Maddogge taught me 'ow to do that!
  14. Oi Silkie!! I miss ye already!! I also missed you sing, I heard you were AWESOME!! I really wish I could 'ave been there to 'ear ye.
  15. Wet, Indeed! I am still shaking sand and picking kelp out of my chemise ~ But the sword and jewel box stayed dry ~ Now that is some head balance!
  16. AW MAN!!! That's it I'm never leaving early EVER again!!! What I would give to have seen that!! But that had to be refreshing! Thanks Silkie and M&M oops I mean Mad Mary! lol.
  17. I love it!!! the music fit so well!!! William:"NO NO!!! YOU HAVE A SOLUTION MAN!!! NOT THE PERFECT SOLUTION!!! A SOLUTION!!!."
  18. And give me some rum also!!! so I don't feel (or hopefully notice) you sticking something up me.........well you know........ ....
  19. I offer my services to be the prisoner (getting shot). I would really love to do it. One thing I would like to make clear is that the person who gets shot does not die but wounded. I'm not sure if that what ever one ment but. at your services Abbington.
  20. ahem... bend over... and I will demonstrate.... YOU STICK THOSE UP MY WHAT?!?!?!?!? or am I interpreting what you said wrong?
  21. OK OK take a moment for yourself, bow down bow down, you dah man you dah man. GEEZ I've only seen maybe 12 seconds of it and i love it already. (stupid dail-up, keeping me from watching the whole thing ....) so i'm downloading the rest! hurry up and get it finished!!! I want my copy!! lol
  22. Heres a couple. "We need more knives!" "That's not how we do it on myyyyyyyyy planet!" i'll see if i can remember any more.
  23. thank ye Cap'n.
  24. ok I thought it'd be a neat idea to mix a skirmish with a surgery. Like if both pyrates and pyrate hunters capture someone (or one of them does) like we did this year. And when we trade off, someone could disagree with the choice and as the prisoner from the opposite side walks back to their crew or away from them, the person who disagrees could pull out a pistol and shoot them in the leg. Of course the prisoner grabs his/her leg and falls to the ground. The surgeon could yell at the person who shot the prisoner about how they had a fair trade. And of couse the captain would be very displeased (or not) . And then opperate on the prisoner's leg right there. just a thought. And yes that's how my brain works, I can think of a whole story over a little thing like that. And I would gladly volunteer to get shot in the leg. We could use fake blood packets or something, if that's ok. To far fetched?
  25. That's the last time i hold someone prisoner without a pistol!! if i had one I can shoot them in the leg and they can hobble all day if they try get away lol :lol
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