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Black Anne

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Everything posted by Black Anne

  1. *snortgiggle* dorfus batty fanny or doombah dippin doodle LOL!
  2. Thoughts and prayers for your mom, and for you! I hope she feels better soon!
  3. I love it!
  4. Snow... Comin' down pretty good on the way home from town!
  5. Sloth...definitely,need to drag my behind to the gym more,and not sit in front of the damnable tv or "puter.. oh, well,it'll wait 'til tomorrow..LOL!
  6. Thanks, I'll try it!
  7. Both! But I like tea a little more! Both black,no sweetner,and NOT Earl Grey!
  8. Leather..love the smell of leather!
  9. WB,Jack! I'll buy the first round!
  10. I can't get it to work!
  11. Aarrr! Welcome back!
  12. Welcome to ye, lass!
  13. I got "salty sea dog"....the third time I took the quiz!LOL!
  14. Welcome, vintagesailor !
  15. Welcome aboard!
  16. Welcome... Pull up a chair, have a drink!
  17. Thatnks all for the warm welcome.. I have met Mad Jack,at mnrf... Who else might be from mn?
  18. Welcome,Laddie!
  19. I'll add my renspace, too! http://renren.renspace.com/
  20. I'll add mine... myspace.com/clumsycleric Well, you'll hafta copy and paste it, I'm not too "savvy" with computers!
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