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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Here's the first review from some guy at our newspaper who should go back to his coloring books. Also, read the review from Rush about the movie. POTC#3
  2. Hope you got a few million laying around....
  3. Awwwwwwwww how cute! Well if they are anything like ducks, once they find a place they like, they keep coming back. I've got to get a picture of the mallard duck that has decided to make our apartment complex pool his new venue.
  4. I just can't get over the BUCKET FULLS OF COINS! That's amazing!
  5. No I won't buy a set since I already have the other two on DVD and currently have no intention of buying a HD television any time soon. I'll just wait until AWE comes on on it's own DVD with the extras of course!
  6. Honestly trying to run a pirate themed event for more than a few weekends, isn't going to work. I'm not trying to discourage you, but perhaps you haven't quite looked at all the angles of it. 1. Vendors who are you're biggest need, won't do it unless the restrictions are very light, and then you are not guaranteed vendors. Most travel from event to event so it would be hard to keep a good amount of vendors around for any length of time. This includes food vendors whom I know travel a lot. 2. Politics - They are everywhere, no escaping it. The worst thing you can do is become an enemy to yourself besides others. If you start acting like everything must be done your way, people will walk away. Asking people to be strictly 'period' isn't going to work either, you must be able to concede and be flexible. 3. Sponsors - This is a must especially when putting on large events. Also they are your greatest supplier of not just advertising, but to help defer certian costs. 4. Advertising - This is an absolute MUST! Not just a couple of small ads in the local paper, but a true and strong get the word out to all if you want people to attend. 5. Facilities- Finding a place (unless you own the property), is just half of the problem. You must have permits for this and that, it can take time to get them and then there might be some very strict restrictions such as no black powder, or people can only drink in a specified area, where porta potties will be (and how many) and on and on. These are just a few of the many things to consider before putting on an event.
  7. I won't be seeing it until during the week, so please if you're going to print spoilers, make a thread saying so, so I and others who don't want the movie ruined for us don't have to read it. Thanks, Rumba
  8. Ace you know I'd love to come, but claustrophobia of San Fran, just makes me shiver my timbers. Doesn't matter it may not be in San Fran proper, (I've been to that park, and it's horribly windy---good for kites) just the thought of going there does a head trip on me. Sorry, but have fun!
  9. Me an' me mate will be in Sedona, AZ. for a week from July 1 to the 8th. Besides hopefully meeting up with Blackhearted Pearl, if there's anyone else in AZ. who would like to meet up with me, give me a PM.
  10. If it was someplace other than the heart of San Fran, I'd probably go, but the two times I've been in Frisco, I got real bad confinement situations - I can't stand to be in cities that are full of tall buildings, freaks me out.
  11. I'm afraid there's no one I'd want to play me....gads that's a real scary thought! Oh shut up out there....
  12. Simply.................Anon- which means goodbye.
  13. One thing that's been bantered about, but not happened, is a Pirate Court. It would not mean just one group doing it, but a combination of people from groups who can act. Any sort of numerous things can happen, like letters from Mark ( ), not paying the bar tab to digging in the wrong place for treasure. The possibilities are endless. Weather is a problem. But here in S. Calif. it's nice 80% of the time -depending on where you are. Trees! Shade is a must! Real flushing toilets a plus! As for a theme, since piracy didn't just take place in the Caribbean but in the states as well as other areas on the globe, you are open to what you want to do. Water is nice, so is black powder, but you have to make sure those things aren't going to be a problem for people who might live nearby (those parties at night can get pretty loud) and you can get the permits needed. Lots of boats, like long boats, small ships etc. are great.
  14. Even more of a bummer for me....I won't be able to go. Crap happens.
  15. Yipeeee! I managed to get me an' Boats out of the baby shower for his niece. As I told them, sorry we don't do baby showers.... we'll send a card with a gift card for some store.
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