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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. This is facsinating, thank you all!
  2. Thank you for a great idea Duchess!
  3. Just as long as your gift gets to the person BEFORE Christmas/Hanukkah. After the holiday we can reveal who was who for who. My Secret Santa gift will be going out the first week of December or thereabouts. My biggest problem and I suspect I'm not alone is the return address....hmmm wonder if I can leave it off...ok maybe put the North Pole on it for a return address..... Muuwaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. WELCOME BACK INTO PORT CHARITY!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry to hear about your health, but hey if you hang around here long enough we'll either kill you with laughter, or kill you with bad sarcasm.
  5. hate people calling before 9 AM got a lot of cleaning to do today need to clean the bird cages
  6. ....if I could only afford to do a website.....
  7. Just read the article in Pyrate's Way (which I received yesterday) and what a nice way to get yourselves out to the public. I for one would have liked to know more about the shows you put on and what they actually consist of. Not sure I'll ever make it to Oklahoma, but if I do, you'll be the first one I contact to see!
  8. Congradulations on your new job! I'd like to recommend the book by Joan Druett, "Bold in her breehes", it does a fine job of covering female pirates, which is a subject not to pass over.
  9. When Nancy Gray of the Port Royal Privateers died from breast cancer, some of her ashes were dumped in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. Yes I know who did it, but will remain forever silent (no it wasn't me). Nancy Gray was one of the finest women around, her spirit, her life, the people who loved her (me included) came to her memorial in Burbank, where there was standing room only. I do miss her.
  10. Now quit choking on yer ales, this is one for the books....Barbie doll pirate ...damn Barbie, she's got all the cool stuff.....
  11. In response to Oderlesseye and others I again repeat: All the Ren-faires here in S. Calif. are held at COUNTY parks. In fact I don't know of any such events held at State parks simply for the very complicated rules that have to be enforced.
  12. How does that coffee taste? It looks interesting.
  13. As far as I know, all the Ren-faires here in S. Calif. are held at county parks.
  14. ....never underestimate the power of a woman... underdeveloped
  15. I sent all the jasmine teas to Perko, sorry. The mint tea is gone so all I have left is a rather beat up box of green tea that was sent to me (my pen-pal doesn't exactly wrap things the best way...), and I'll keep it.
  16. Life is never easy for anyone. We all struggle in some way to survive and push it away and then remember how short a time we have on this earth and that we should enjoy every moment. Blessed be.
  17. I was thinking about the same person when I saw that picture..... aw, our Billy Bones is much better looking.
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