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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. The author is Marcus Rediker, has anyone heard of him? He is a historical writer and has some books that seem interesting, but not sure. If you know of him, what do you think of his books? He has written: The Slave Ship All Nations: Pirates in the Golden Age Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Merchant Seamen, Pirates, and the Anglo-American Man
  2. And more.... DEAR SANTA: I wud like a kool toy space ranjur fer Xmas. Iv ben a gud boy all yeer. Yer Frend, BiLLy DEAR BILLY, Nice spelling. You're on your way to a career in lawn care. How about I send you a frigging book called a dictionary so you can learn to read and write? I'm giving your older brother the space ranger. At least HE can spell! Santa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEAR SANTA: I have been a good girl all year, and the only thing I ask for is Peace and Joy in the world for everybody! Love, Sarah DEAR SARAH, Your parents smoked pot when they had you, didn't they? Santa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEAR SANTA: I don't know if you can do this, but for Christmas I'd like for my Mommy and Daddy to get back together. Please see what you can do. Love, Teddy DEAR TEDDY, Look, your dad's banging the baby-sitter like a screen door in a hurricane. Do you think he's gonna' give that up to come back to your frigid mom, who rides his ass constantly? It's time to give up that dream. You're getting Lego instead. Santa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEAR SANTA: I want a new bike, a Playstation, a train, some G.I. Joe's, a dog, a drum kit, a pony and a tuba. Love, Francis DEAR FRANCIS, Who names their kid "Francis" nowadays? I bet you're gay. Barbie dream house it is! Santa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEAR SANTA: I left milk and cookies for you under the tree, and I left carrots for your reindeer outside the back door. Love, Susan DEAR SUSAN, Milk gives me the runs, and carrots make the deer fart in my face when riding in the sleigh. You want to do me a favor? Leave me a bottle of Yukon Jack. Santa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEAR SANTA: What do you do the other 364 days of the year? Are you busy making toys? Your friend, Thomas DEAR THOMAS, All the toys are made in China. I have a condo in Vegas, where I spend most of my time making low-budget porno films. I unwind by drinking myself silly and squeezing the asses of cocktail waitresses while losing money at the craps table. Hey, you wanted to know. Santa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEAR SANTA: Do you see us when we're sleeping? Do you really know when we're awake, like in the song? Love, Jessica DEAR JESSICA, Are you really that gullible? Good luck in whatever you do. I'm skipping your house. Santa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEAR SANTA: I really, really want a puppy this year. Please please please PLEASE PLEASE could I have one? Timmy TIMMY, That whiney begging shit may work with your folks, but that crap doesn't work with me. You're getting a sweater.... again! Santa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEAREST SANTA: We don't have a chimney in our house so how do you get in? Love, Marky MARK, First, stop calling yourself "Marky"! That's why you're getting your ass whipped at school. Second, you don't live in a house, you live in a low-rent apartment complex. Third, I get inside your pad just like all the burglars do, through your bedroom window. Sweet Dreams, Santa
  3. I came across this on another site, just had to post it here. Christmas Disorders 1) Schizophrenia- --- "Do You Hear What I Hear, the Voices, the Voices?" 2) Amnesia-- "I Don't Remember If I'll be Home for Christmas" 3) Narcissistic- - "Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me" 4) Manic-- "Deck The Halls And Walls And House And Lawn And Streets And >Stores And Office And Town And Cars And Buses And Trucks And Trees And Fire Hydrants And..." 5) Multiple Personality Disorder---- "We Three Kings Disoriented Are" 6) Paranoid--- "Santa Claus Is Coming To Get Us" 7) Borderline Personality Disorder--- "You Better Watch Out, You Better not Shout, I'm Gonna Cry, and I'll not Tell You Why" 8) Full Personality Disorder--- "Thoughts of Roasting You On an Open Fire" 9) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder---"Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells..." 10) Agoraphobia- --"I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day But Wouldn't Leave My House" 11) Senile Dementia--- "Walking In a Winter Wonderland Miles from My House in My Slippers and Robe" 12) Oppositional Defiant Disorder--- "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus So I Burned Down the House" 13) Social Anxiety Disorder--- "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas While I Sit Here and Hyperventilate" 14) Attention Deficit Disorder-- "We Wish You......Hey Look!! It's Snowing!!!"
  4. Ya I heard it was a bit gory....so I'm not sure I want to go see it....
  5. Aye my favorite rogue returns! Ah luv, I've missed ye so, it's certainly been lonely around here without you...dang I'm having hot flashes!
  6. Yep as the title of the thread says, Registration has closed for six weeks due to no one around in the Administration area to monitor the spam. Sorry, but we Moderators have no control over the Registration. So if you were wanting to join, you'll probably have to wait until Feb. 2008. Rumba Rue
  7. Yule is from the Norse word Iul meaning 'wheel', marks the death and rebirth of the Sun-God; it also marks the vanquishing of the Holly King, God of the Waning Year, by the Oak King, God of the Waxing Year. Those in Wicca know what I'm talking about... Blessed be.
  8. Thank you so much! I took the pirate quiz and according to the answer at the end (hey I knew almost all the answers- just that the thing is timed....) I am a Stowaway, Aye, you're the worst pirate in the world. Aye, my parrot concurs. Well that was said about Jack Sparrow too....
  9. The Boy Scout ship the Argus, here in S. Calif. (last seen docked in Newport Beach) has been up for sale forever. It's in dire need of total refurbishing. It takes a ton of money to not only purchase a ship, but you have to have a crew to maintain the ship. Unless you get sponsorship from some major company, it's a lost cause.
  10. For those of you who like a bit of fun like me, this item is more than just a dog toy.... I think I have to have one for my scooter..... Pirate Chicken
  11. Now is the time to consider moving to no snow areas. Nice to look at from a distance, nice to play in for a day, but that's it for me!
  12. Barbie's letter to Santa Dear Santa, Listen you fat little troll, I've been helping you out every year, playing at being the perfect Christmas present, wearing skimpy bathing suits in frigid weather, and drowning in fake tea from too many tea parties. I hate to break it to you Santa, but it is DEFINITELY pay back time!! There had better be some changes around here this Christmas, or I'm gonna call for a nationwide meltdown (and trust me, you don't want to be around to smell it!) So, here's my holiday wish list for this year, Santa. 1. A nice, comfy pair of sweat pants and a frumpy, oversized sweatshirt. I'm sick of looking like a hooker. How much smaller are these bathing suits gonna get? Do you have any idea what it feels like to have nylon and velcro up your butt? 2. Real underwear that can be pulled on and off. Preferably white. What bonehead at Mattel decided to be cheap and mold imitation underwear to my skin? It looks like cellulite!!! 3. A REAL man....maybe G.I.Joe. Hell, I'd take Tickle-Me-Elmo over that wimped out excuse for a boy-toy Ken. And what's with the earring anyway? If I'm going to have to suffer with him, for christ's sakes, make us anatomically correct. 4. Arms that actually bend so I can push the aforementioned Ken-wimp away once he is anatomically correct. 5. Breast reduction surgery. I don't care whose arm you have to twist, just do it!! 6. A jog-bra. To wear until I get the surgery. 7. A new career. Pet doctor and school teacher just don't cut it. How about a systems analyst? Or better yet, a public relations senior account exec!! 8. A new, more 21st century persona. Maybe a "PMS Barbie", complete with a miniature container of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and a bag of chips; "Animal Rights Barbie", with my very own paint gun, fitted with fake fur coat, bottle of spray blood and handcuffs; or "Stop Smoking Barbie", sporting a Nicotrol patch and equipped with several packs of gum. 9. No more McDonald's endorsements. The grease is wrecking my vinyl. 10. mattel stock options. It's been 37 years-I think I deserve it! Okay Santa, that's it. considering my valuable contribution to society, I don't think these requests are out of line. If you disagree, then you can find yourself a new bitch for next Christmas. It's that simple. Yours truly, Barbie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ken's letter to Santa Dear Santa: I understand that one of my colleagues has petitioned you for changes in her contract, specifically asking for anatomical and career changes. In addition, it is my understanding that disparaging remarks were made about me, my ability to please, and some of my fashion choices. I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of some issues concerning Ms. Barbie, and some of my own needs and desires. First of all, I along with several other colleagues feel Barbie DOES NOT deserve preferential treatment - the bitch has everything. Along with Joe, Jem, Raggedy Ann & Andy, I DO NOT have a dream house, corvette, evening gowns, and in some cases the ability to change our hair style. I personally have only 3 outfits which I am forced to mix and match at great length. My decision to accessorize my outfits with an earring was my decision and reflects my lifestyle choice. I too would like a change in my career. Have you ever considered "Decorator Ken", "Beauty Salon Ken", or "Out Of Work Actor Ken"? In addition, there are several other avenues which could be considered such as "S&M Ken" , "Green Lantern Ken", "Circuit Ken", "Bear Ken", "Master Ken". These would more accurately reflect my desires and perhaps open up new markets. And as for Barbie needing bendable arms so she can "push me away," I need bendable knees so I can kick the bitch to the curb. Bendable knees would also be helpful for me in other situations - we've talked about this issue before. In closing, I would like to point out that any further concessions to the blond bimbo from hell will result in action be taken by myself and others. And Barbie can forget about having Joe - he's mine, at least that's what he said last night. Sincerely, Ken
  13. Welcome from 'down under' to the Pub! Interesting name you have there, any story behind it?
  14. Re-checking in.....the other half is interested in going, soooooo we might actually show up, but we will have to pay at the door since I won't have any money until after the first.
  15. Snow....what snow? I live in Paradise! The sun is out, it's absolutely gorgeous out and a 63 temp. reading outside. Snow.....bah humbug!
  16. Some of the artifacts were shown on our news last night. There were some pistols and some other things.
  17. Don't worry Patrick, I had the very same problem. Ain't downloadin' nuthin' that screws up the 'puter.
  18. Ye fools ye ne'er ask out loud how a pirate stole his booty! He can jest whisper it in me ear! Welcome to the Pub!
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