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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. I thought that was you Billy Bones, but I wasn't sure, so I didn't want to write a caption that might have been wrong. My apologies dear man.
  2. When I went last year, I was terribly disappointed in what I saw. The Haunted Mansion sucked big time. They should just leave it alone and forget the Jack Skeleton stuff- which I found boring and over-done everywhere. Clearly I won't be going back to Dizzyland for another several years.
  3. Hit the Thrift stores Rats! You can find just practically everything you'd ever need!
  4. You can see my pics over in Rabble Rousing. Jacky Tar, I don't think I ever got to meet you. Had to go home Sat. night, fell ill due to the smoke.
  5. I wanted to post this for all to read. It's from Dakini in PoTC (Pirates of Treasure Cove) who is Condit and Dick Wixon's right hand gal. I have edited out some stuff that doesn't apply to anyone here. ************************************************************* Just a recap from my point of view as the guild mistress for PoTC and the top gal for the event. Saturday was wonderful, at meet and greet we had a solid parade of patrons! The meeters and greeters forced those that entered to walk the plank upon arrival.. the kids loved the cards we issued at the gate with our 'colours'.. they had the quest to find our encampment to pick some real pirate treasure. Lyam and I did meet and greet for a bit, Kent was there most of the day lighting up the kids eyes with his treasures of dragon's' tears. Rumba I loved your garb! Durty Mick Moon donated a wonderful treaure box filled to the brim with booty for the children. They loved to dig through looking for the perfect treasure to take home.... it was very entertaining! The promoters were extremely pleased with our hard work. Dick thanked us at the morning notes on Sunday for making it such a success. He reported that on Saturday they were all but sold out and were going to have to turn away patrons if many more arrived and they did run out of parking for patrons. They had over 1000 participants that checked in before Saturday morning. Dick said that they had patrons on site past 7:00 as they were still buying! He asked us all to linger a bit if there were still patrons before tearing down. All guilds but two showed up, one was a no show and one was a work issue. All vendors did very well with sales. The fires were not at all visible until Saturday when the winds shifted. There was no need to panic - that the fires were no closer than they had been all week. I had security check with the fire rangers in the area and we were given the all clear. Sunday was a very busy day for the faire... the crowd arrived much earlier than ususal for a Sunday. They just kept coming in! Dakini ***********************************************************
  6. Actually I remembered late last night! Yup, you're on the list now!
  7. and as the little boy in Mickey D's yelled when Toy Story came out: I got a Woody! Pinocchio (not sure how it's spelled)
  8. Here's my pictures. Notes: The child marked as the Best Capt. Jack Sparrow ever, truly was! He had the swagger down and a perfect replica costume! Also, as the afternoon wore on the color of the day changed due to the smoke of the "Day Fire" which you can see in the background of several pictures. Pub member pictures: I didn't know everybody there, but the ones I do know are : Front row: Durty Lillie, Casabel, Red Maria, Leatherneck, Dread Pirate Gregory, Ace of Harbor Bay, Rumba Rue Back row: Arthur from Kent, Patrick Hand, Oderlesseye, Pirate Petee... There are quite a few I have no idea who you are! Speak up please! Ojai Pirate Festival Sept.2006
  9. And the list grows! 1. Jamica Rose 2. Capt. Michael McLeod 3. Capt. Grey 4. Christine 5. Bloody Mary Bonney 7. Aurther Richards from Kent 8. Rummy 9. Wolfy Wench 10. Black Hearted Pearl 11. Jenny Jenny (Blackhearted Pearl's sister) 12. Iron Bess 13. Red Maria 14. Killian 15. Mad Eye Mitch 16. Casabel 17. Blaze 18. Gigi 19. PirateQueen 20. Pyrate Phil -on the phone courtsey of Christine 21. Cyneful 22. Bammbii 23. Betsy Beers 24. Just John 25. Bloody Margaret 26. Leatherneck 27. Joselyn 28. Pirate Petee 29. Jess 30. Dakini 31. Jeramiah 32. Barbadoes Sam 33. Oderlesseye 34. Sweet Cricket (his wife) 35. Dirty Dick Moon 36. Mad Jack- on the phone 37. Tabitha Ann 38. Dread Pirate Gregory 39. Patrick Hand 40. Ace of Harbor Bay 41. Redd Ocktober 42. Barber Surgeon 43. Scarlett McBayne 44. Puss N' Boots 45. Lady Devlyn 46. Privateer 47. Skull pyrate Carter 48. Red Jamie Flint I know there's more, but at the moment I've forgotten. Soon as I remember I'll put them up! Funny thing, EVERYBODY recognizes me even when they've never met me before!
  10. I saw that recently, but I can't remember where...Wal Mart or Target I think. Great doormat, but I was afraid someone would steal it.....pirates...
  11. Friday was really nice, but by late Saturday the wind had changed and the smoke from the fires was drowning the event and made me very sick. Sadly, we had to pack everything up and come home. We could clearly see the flames from the fires heading straight for Santa Paula and Ojai from the 126. There was a HUGE caravan of firetrucks along 126. We got home around 11:30 PM and finally in bed an hour later. Sadly I was horribly ill, and the Porcline God became my friend for a short time. Then around three something in the morning, I had a horrible leg cramp in my left calf that woke me up screaming in pain. Something I haven't had happen to me for many years. Basically, I'm a wreck. I feel a little better this morning (Sunday)had some mint tea to calm my stomach, food is still hard for me to want to eat. I lost 12 pounds in two days (nice to loose the weight, but too fast)and now weight what I did when I met Bill 13 years ago. So for those who chose not to go due to smoke you made a wise choice to stay home. I took a ton of pictures, and a whole lot of Pub people showed up at Ace's Voodoo Shack at noon for a grand picture. As soon as I'm feeling better I'll post them here. Rumba the sick
  12. I think that's a good time. Now just to find Ace's booth....
  13. I was very surprised to recieve a copy of Pirates magazine in the mail to me. I know I called Wells Fargo to cancel the check and they even charged me for it....so I guess the check was cashed before Fargo could do anything... Well it was kind of nice to get the magazine....
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