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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Thank you all. It's rare to get a good picture of me- as I'm not a photogentic looking person (the pictures were taken early in the morning). At the end of a day at an event I look like hell. BUT, now that I have my new scooter to get around, I hope I won't look so bad or feel so crummy at the end of an event. I'll know how it goes in Vegas this coming weekend. When I wore that outfit during the day, I had lost more weight since I made the skirt, and it kept falling down. Even saftey pins didn't help. I've now taken the skirt in, so hopefully the problem is solved.
  2. I would have prefered a sly smile to the phony stony look. And I'm bettin' it ain't anatomically correct either! Naw, I perfer the one I already have and he's alive and has the 'real deal'.
  3. Mitch, my friend, if it's gory, I won't be watching it.
  4. I want to see prices and pictures, please.
  5. OUCH! Too much bucks! **Note: Boats has one of those 1915 Beck telescopes in practically new condition that he inherited. Worth a lot more than the one advertised on that site according to their prices.
  6. So Jacky Tar, when are you going to post a picture of yourself? I haven't a clue what you look like...only that people tell me your really a nice guy....
  7. Welcome! Please read the above 'sticky' on this forum or in Rabble Rousing on how to use the Code Keys. It will help you a lot. :)
  8. Boats has that shirt. Wore it to work one day...got a few laughs.
  9. Naw, jest hand the magazine to me! Uncles who? Welcome to the Pub.
  10. I recieved this email from a friend of mine who lives in Las Vegas, wanted to pass it on to those who are planning on attending: Due to the past 2 days of rain in the valley. It is expected that Vegas fair for next weekend is expected to be in the high 50s at night. So bring your warm weather clothing for cold weather. As it was 4 yrs ago at Vegas fair 02' we suffered an early cold front from the north that yr that the hr after the sun went down everyone were huddled around the campfires. It is most likely it will be that way next week. Better safe than sorry for those who may attend next week.
  11. Cpt. Alva, not to be a dumb blond, but what is that growth under your chin? Is it suppose to be a beard? Scully Crossbones- a good chuckle. Pigleg Pete- you remind me of a character that should be on a ceral box. Red Cat Jenny- mysterious as a flying carpet- in a good way. :angry:
  12. It's a British invasion I tell you! :angry: Drink up me hearty, yo ho! Dang, why do they have to be so darn young! I'm old enough to be their grandmother!
  13. Well it could be done, but I'd hate to see it happen. I remember as a kid how much I loved to play in the 'tunnels' of the rocks and bouncing like crazy on the barrel pontoon bridge (I don't even know it that's still there) and splashing everbody. Yup, those were the days....
  14. Me thinks we're bein invaded by the Brits! Welcome to the Pub, now give me yer coin!
  15. Red Dog, trust me there use to be a lot of me! But when I got to a certian weight, I put the brakes on and said,"Enough!"
  16. I forgot the sash, but the idea is here. I used Kass's Hunting Coat pattern. I didn't want to make the long back due to dragging in the dirt and burrs on the ground (and getting caught in the wheels of my wheelchair I was using), but I did find a perfect riding crop. **I recently re-did the hat so now it's tricorn.
  17. Yes I know there's another much older thread, but since things have changed for many, I wanted to make a new one. The Age of Chilvary held in Las Vegas will be coming up very quickly. I have never been, but certianly plan on going less something sidelines me. The dates are Oct. 13-15th, 2006. Look for me with the nifty new scooter and the cool flag I made which can be seen here: You'll definately know it's me! So who is all going?
  18. Well I'm afraid that's between Mad Jack and I.
  19. Well here in S. Calif. pirates are everywhere! Geesh the Ojai Pirate Fest still has Queen Elizabeth parading about! We pirate types don't care what period it is, we are there invading and we don't care!
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