Black Nate
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Everything posted by Black Nate
Nate pulled and pulled til his arms ached. He set for a time before unrolling the chart and checking his compass. He had marked the location o the schooner when the last bearings were made, so he had a good idea where he was. Nate gulped down some water, put up the mast and rig, set sail and was soon headed in a northerly direction and back along their course. Nate kept his eyes peeled for anything in the water, and as soon as he got close enough to land, he would scour the shoreline. Nate continued to hum 'spanish ladies' all the while.
Nate had put all his belongings in the small boat, along wit the supplies given him. Roberts had tossed in a bundle of things as well stood on deck wit Nate. "So Mister Roberts, looks like we be all set ta find Red Cat. Ye gots all ye need ta spend some time in a wee open boat?" Roberts looked at Nate, not too sure he wanted to spend whatever time they'd be off with the odd Irishman. "Aye, Nate, I got wot I need I think, lets be off already." Nate gave a wild grin. "Aye old son, we're off!" Farewell an adieu to ya fair spanish ladies, farewell an adieu to ya ladies o spain! Nate was over the side and into the boat quickly setting her to rights. Roberts put a leg over the side when something flew up and whacked him in the head, sending him tumbling back on to the Rakehell. With a curse he stood up to find his bundle laying on the deck. As he turned to look over the rail, the lines to the small boat went slack. "My apologies Mister Roberts! I can't let ya leave th ship short-handed! Not to worry now, I'll have this here boat back to ya, ship shape, an Red Cat too!" Roberts and some others looked and saw Nate pulling like mad on the sweeps, making as much distance as he could. "Have faith man! He tells me it's all gonna get sorted out! See ye all in th next port!" As he got further away he began singing 'spanish ladies' again.
Nate thought a short time, looked to the heavens and a slow grin followed by a slow nod. "Aye capin, fair deal, aye. Spanish'll not fine me, but ye want me ta find you folks in th Tortugas, I knows where they lay, just a pin-prick on th map'll do. Yer choice. Thankee Ma'am, capin. We'll have Red Cat back aboard soon as can be had." Nate grinned his wild grin and went to collect his gear. When he returned topside, fully armed and a bag over his shoulder, he was singing. Farewell an adieu to ya fair spanish ladies, farewell an adieu to ya ladies o spain!
Nate raised an eyebrow and the corner of his mouth rose as well. "Capin, Ma'am, I's a fine sailor, better'n most. Some says I got luck, I says I got God on me side, most o th time. An He says more bad things'll happen if we leave one behind." Nate shot a look at a crewman who stopped and looked at him as he spoke, then shuffled off quickly. Nate turned his attention back to the capin. "The crew's already spooked. The Lord'll help me find Cat. She's livin right now, but who can say if I don't go find her. Yer ship is sounder than many I've sailed upon, unless ya take a broadside in the same spot, she'll hold." Nate lowered his voice. "As fer findin you in th Tortugas, that'll be on you. a map wit a mark is all I ask. I'll be there. Ye gots two boats, the smallest be a trifle ta part wit fer a short time. Th Father as my witness, I'll have it back to ye." Nate looked at the big moore and smiled at him, which caused him to touch the small bag around his neck and grimace back at Nate. "Me. A bottle o' powder n shot. Two days o provisions fer two. Th little boat. A map n compass. Fer a handful o days. Would be bad luck ta leave a good sailor behind."
Nate stood in place as the others aboard the Schooner went back to their business, a bit happier for what the capin said. Nate was still unsettled at loosing Red Cat. It would not do for him. He looked to the heavens, "Father, I know not what yer doin, nor why, but I ain't about ta let it slide. Oh no, not ol'Nate." After a moment more, Nate boldly stepped aft to what served as the quarterdeck. "Capin, Ma'am, a word." He stood, fists balled at his sides. When capin Ransom approached, Nate looked her in the eye. "Ma'am, I ain't never doubted you or yer ability as capin in my time aboard. Ye been fair ta me, an I suppose I own ya fer it. But I also owe Red Cat fer savin' me life as well, along wit that other lass. I can't just turn me back. Give me a boat wit a sail, an extra bottle o' powder an shot, some food, a chart n' compass. If she's out there I'll find her an have her back aboard soon as I can. You can spare me, I ain't necessary ta th crew. At best, we'll meet ya in th' Tortuga's. At worst, I'll meet ya in the Tortuga's." Nate stood, jaw set with a look in his eyes that he would not take no for an answer.
Nate did as the capin ordered and took Tunny with him. For the third time Nate poked through the ship, searching high and low for Red Cat. Nate even went as far as opening any unlocked sea chests, leaving no possibility of a hiding place. Barrels with loose lids, sacks of supplies, anywhere a body might find solace away from prying eyes. The only place Nate hadn't looked was the capin's cabin and he weren't going there without permission. "I dunno Tunny, unless she's in there, you got any ideas where Red Cat might be?" Nate again had a hand on his charm and looked toward the overhead and mumbled a prayer barely audible to anyone near.
Nate almost didn't hear the capin call his name. Stopping half way down the aft scuttle, he reversed direction and approached. Saluting, Nate stood at attention and after a short hesitation spoke in a low even tone. "Not sure if anything be wrong just yet, ma'am. Roberts asked if I'd seen th Red Cat since the storm fell off, which I haven't. So I be lookin fer her and haven't yet laid eyes on her. She been topside while I were below?" Nate stood and looked about the deck, hoping ta spot the Red Cat somewhere, but his eyes turned up naught.
Nate had passed from stem to stern, searching out the Red Cat. As he climbed onto deck and did not see whom he was lookin for, Nate dove back below to renew the search. He took his time and scrutinized each area he looked in before passing on to the next. By the time Nate reached amidships, he were clutchin his charm openly and mumbling to the Father.
Nate thought he had seen Red Cat on deck before he had his two shipmates dove below to mend the leak, but now he wasn't sure. He most certainly wasn't sure if he had seen her afterwards. Nate made ta head to a hatch below but hesitated as the two capin's continued their hollerin across the water. Nate was perplexed when the brig hauled around and veered off. Seems the commodore were in a foul mood more than usual Nate suspected. Not waiting for encouragement or belay, Nate dove down the nearest hatchway and began a search of the ship, all the while talking in a low tone. "Father, don't ye do this. Don't ye be takin a sacrificial lamb from us. None o that save th many by sacrificin th one or two." In among his talkin as he went from space to space he would interject a 'No' when he didn't find Red Cat there.
Nate saluted Roberts and gave a side long look to the capin and back at Roberts. "Might want ta steer clear o th capin n commodore fer a spell, sah." Roberts gave Nate a look and rolled his eyes at the man.
Nate turned to Colard and shrugged. "Aye, Col, I suppose ye be right. They gots naught ta worry bout ol' Nate holing the commodore's ship. Well, unless capin Ransom gives th order ta do so." Nate stopped and scratched his jaw and furrowed his brow. "Commodore Tar don't seem ta like ol' Nate much, do he? I ain't dun him wrong has I?" Nate ran a hand through his wet hair and shook his head slowly as he bent down and took up a line that was in a mess and began to coil it nicely.
Nate pushed off the swivel and put his foot down on the deck off the carriage of the deck gun. Standing tall he saluted across the water. "Beggin yer pardon sah, ma'am, ol' Nate's only put holes in mine enemies ships!" And in a much smaller voice, Nate said almost to hisself, "Sides, that were an accident firin pon that spaniard." Nate looked at all those staring at him with a look of 'what?' Nate shrugged and turned to look between capin Ransom and commodore Tar.
Nate were glad the storm had abated and took a moment to take off his foul weather gear, stowing it beside him in a niche. As they drew up beside the brig Nate laid a hand across a swivel gun and put a foot on the carriage of the deck gun close by. Nate weren't sure o the looks on the faces of the crew across the water from them. half looked like they was seeing ghosts, the other half just wore a blank stare. Nate looked to the heavens. "Father, please let ol' Murphy have a rest or summin. One day o smooth sailin would do a body good, aye?" As the two capin's called back an forth between the ships, and the words were less than cheerful, Nate crossed himself and touched his charm beneath his shirt.
Nate kept pumping as he heard the old Scotsman start singing. Grinning back, Nate picked up the tune. "We'll row the old chariot along, and we'll all hang on behind." They sang a bit longer until the pumps started clanking loud. Nate let go of the handle and put his hands on his knees. "Th well be dry!" Nate let the water run down his face and drip on the deck like so much of the rain coming from the heavens. Nate wasn't sure what the next order to come would be, so he stood fast and enjoyed the idle time for the present. Looking about he saw more smiles on deck. Off the starboard bow were the sails of the Relentless and they were closing fast on her. Turning his eyes back to his own ship he noticed certain members of the crew. Tis good ta be back at sea, fine sights ta see. Aye, fine sites. Nate thought to himself and smiled at some of the others.
Nate grinned his wild grin and snapped off a salute turning quickly on his heel he near ran down to the bilge to get Colard, and stopped at the pumps to get Jimmy. "Capin wants ta thank us fer our fine work wit a gil o rum! come along quick as we're ta be on deck right after!" The smiles widened and Nate let the others proudly to the galley to claim their rewards. They presented themselves in the galley like war heroes and were given their rum. Nate drank it down in two parts, rolling it about across his tongue enjoying the bite of the spirits. Nate hummed a bit as he did so, and soon as the other two were finished they headed on deck, Nate manned the pumps and the others took up their stations. As Nate pumped away and the rum warmed his innards, he looked around at the others on deck, seeing who was in high spirits as he was.
Nate and Colard banged away with mallets for near an hour, wedging in the reinforcements and finally the water was just barely seeping in. Both sat back and wiped their brows. Nate tossed his mallet into the toolbox and grined at Colard. "Right fine job well done, mate. Nate'll go tell capin how things lay, see if she'll take th pressure o full sails on er." Colard nodded back taking deep breaths from all the work. Nate stepped lively from the bilge and up all the way aft. Up on deck in the rain he found the capin. She saw him and narrowed her eyes. Nate snapped a slaute, "Capin, ma'am, we gots th leak braced tight. I think she'll stand th strain o full sails if ye wish ta do so."
Nate gave the capin a surprised look and reached up as if to cross himself, but turned it into a salute. "Aye capin! Not to worry, ol' Nate won't loose yer ship!" He scurried off into the ship, rounded up Colard and Jimmy. They headed below with lanterns lit to where the hull was patched. The patch was holding, but not as well as hoped. Nate felt the ship change course and gave a sigh. "Good, capin changed course so as ta lessen th strain. Lets see if we can strengthen this. Colard, you did this?" The old Scotsman grinned. "Aye, that I did." Nate gave a quick nod. "Then we shall mend it further. Jimmy, man th pumps til I come ta relieve ye, ol' Nate'll be there soon as can be." Jimmy nodded and headed off. Colard and Nate got the tools and spare planking and set to work, adding more reinforcement to the patch, pounding what was there in tighter.
The storm continued to pick up strength and the schooner ran with the wind. Nate had retreated below along with all other crew-members to keep from getting soaked to the bone. Some had put on foul weather gear and headed back to their station. Nate was in the bow, again stripping off wet clothes, wringing them out and not having more to wear, putting them back on again. Nate was happy as could be inside the little ship being tossed around on the wide ocean. He was grinning one moment and the next a look of almost fear. "Oy, you hear that? Sounded like - Lord Almighty! The leak!" Nate jumped up and ran through the ship, bouncing off of bulkheads and people. He made his way to where the spanish cannonballs did their damage to the hull. The patch job was holding for now, but barely. Nate heard more than saw the water streaming in, being pushed through wherever it could from the pressure of the ships speed. "Father, have ye joined forces wit Saint Murphy?!?!" Nate exclaimed and took off like a shot, heading on deck and aft to where the capin stood, braced in the wind and wrapped in foul weather gear. Nate saluted and shouted above the wind. "Capin! We's runnin too hard! We's gonna spring them damaged planks we keep on at this speed! Ankle deep in th bilge now!"
Nate happily followed the orders called out by the big moore. "Aye me boys! haul away, haul away home!" He yelled above the roll of thunder, "We's gonna outrun this devil an we gots God on our side!" Nate burst out in wild laughter and shook a hand up at the heavens, sheeted home the foresail and hung onto a brace as the ship heeled over wit the force of the wind. Soon after they were dowsed wit a cold, heavy rain. Quite a relief from the sticky heat they suffered in the lake.
Nate grinned his wild grin soon as they made the open sea. He pulled a medallion out of his shirt and kissed it and tucked it back in. Orders were given, sails sheeted home and drawing full. Nate hummed and half sung a song, even danced a little jig.
Nate froze wit his ear cocked to th rumble o th cannon fire. Having no idea which ship it might have been, Nate could only wait and see what the capin gave orders to do next. One thing Nate did know was that any chance of slippin by them spanish unawares was for naught. If the commodore were engaged wit the galleon, Nate figured th capin would join th fight. His eyes turned aft to where the capin and big moore stood, anticipating for orders to be given.
Nate stood at his post, watchin an waitin, listenin to all around. He could see clear enough in the dim light, watched and heard others shift around and talk quietly. Nate saw Colard and listened to his soft humming, almost started to hum along but didn't. Red Cat n Roberts stood off ta th side an were talkin, bout wot Nate didn't know. He strained his ears ta no use. Shruggin to his self he looked up an whispered. "Wot say ye Father? You gonna whisper so quietly too? We gonna git outta this here fix wit them spanish? Or have ye different plans fer ol' Nate an thems in his company? Speak up iff'n ya please." Nate closed his eyes and if any were lookin his way, a big smile crossed his face and he slowly nodded.
Nate grinned as the big moore barked out the orders to raise sail and get the Rakehell under way. Looking up into the darkness at the tall masts as the booms were raised, Nate saw the tiny sliver of the moon there, giving just enough light to see by. The sails were drawing well and for safety clewed up some so they wouldn't bury the hull in the mud if the bottom shoaled up quickly in the unfamiliar waters. The wind was brisk alright, so much so that the sweat soaked shirt Nate wore was giving him a chill. Sooon as was convenient, Nate dove below and got his jacket, and while he were there picked up his musket and pistol and shot. Back topside he laid them near the bulwarks near his duty station, just in case the need arose. All were quiet as church mice, save the man in the chains calling out the lead in a hushed voice. Nate grinned and began to hum for a moment before cutting himself short. Best keep as quiet as could be. He thought, until we be free an clear o this dreaded place.
Nate was happy when the heat of the day had past its zenith and the breeze freshened. He could still smell a change in the weather on that breeze, just when that change, that storm would come Nate didn't know. Most everyone on the ship had stripped down to their shirts in the heat, Nate wished he could strip to just his slops, but with the women aboard, he held back. Slowly the sun crept closer to the horizon and Nate would occasionally shoot a glance back at the capin, wondering if she would make the run out to sea tonight, or not. Nate prayed several times that day that she would have them make the run now as opposed to the next night. Even though this land of swamp and marsh was one of God's creations Nate liked it not one bit.
Aye, Nate's grin were back. "Aye capin, we'll slip past easy. An just cause there were no wind last night, don't mean this place settles like that all th time. Th small wind we gots now smells of a weather change ta me, an I hope means a storm a comin. That be th case, we'll have our needed wind, and more cover ta be sure." Nate grinned at the capin, gave a salute to her and Africa, nodded to Red Cat and gave a wink before takin his leave. Nate walked over to where Colard stood and gave a low laugh. "Aye mate, capin says me plan gots merit, Lord willin we'll be outta this stinkin swamp an ridin th ocean waves soon." Colard gave a raspy chuckle and nodded vigorously before both men turned to some work at hand.