Black Nate
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Everything posted by Black Nate
Nate walked beside Red Cat, feeling her arm looped in his and kept a grin off his face. They walked into an estate, complete with guards and servants. Nate tried to relax, but he felt uncomfortable being surrounded by so much spanish. His other hand kept finding its way to either the hilt of his sword, or the but of his pistol. Every time he did that and realized it, Nate would quickly release it and lower his hand to his side.
Nate sat and pondered what the commodore had said about being on their best behavior. As he did, the captain spoke very eloquently, but her grin made ol' Nate grin and almost laugh. The coach came to a stop and Nate was the first one out the door. He wavered a bit as he held the door, as the ride was worse on him than when he first stepped off his raft onto tera ferma. He offered his hand to the ladies as they stepped out of the coach and stood tall as the commodore exited, shutting the door behind him. Nate arranged his accoutrements so they were comfortable and waited for orders. he noticed the ladies adjusting their clothing as well and suppressed another grin.
As captain Ransom and Red Cat traded words, Nate watched the scene play out. The commodore seemed unaffected by the angry words from the two. When the captain mentioned that she felt naked without her weapons, and the look on Cat's face said the same, the smile broadened on ol' Nate's face. As captain Ransom shoved the knife back into her boot Nate became sobered and leaned towards the two women. "Capin, Miss Cat. As my life is of a sort indebted to ya, an th Almighty seems ta have put me here fer some reason, My weapons are at yer disposal. I've only my sword and one pistol, and a knife or two, but they are yers fer th takin if need. Or I shall defend ya myself if you only ask. I can hold my own in a fight, aye." The wild grin flashed on his face and he leaned back into his seat, his face a blank mask of what he had just said and offered. His eyes flashed to the commodore and away quickly, then a cheerful look settled on his face and he began humming a shanty in a low tone.
As the carriage came to a stop, Nate hastened to the door and opened it for the others. He offered a hand to the ladies, helping them climb inside while wearing clothing unfamiliar to them. He could tell they felt slightly awkward in the finery they wore, as before they seemed so much at ease in their sailors kit. Nate was glad he was not asked to relinquish his weapons, he already gave up one pistol willingly and had not yet seen its return. The commodore followed the women aboard and Nate followed, pulling the door shut before he sat. Jacky shouted to the driver in spanish, and with the crack of a whip, the carriage jolted forward. They were on their way. Nate remained quiet and did his best to keep his eyes on the scenery out the window, but time after time, they drifted to the scenery inside the carriage.
Nate walked out of the bath house, spare slops under his arm. He started to hum a tune until he turned the corner and there stood two lovely lasses and the commodore. He grinned and thought the man was being sly with two spanish ladies until he got closer. Nate slowly walked over to the three. The women were captain Ransom and Red Cat. They were all gussied up yet still wore their weapons openly. Nate was flabbergasted. He bowed and tried to think of something to say, but only managed a couple words. "Ladies, capin, ma'am, sir, Cat, I ah, you, um very, you look, aye." He shut his mouth and reddened a touch. He stood at an easy attention, waiting for whatever was next to happen.
Nate did not know what to say to commodore Tar for his generosity. He bowed to him and smiled a genuine smile of thanks. Off came his worn shirt and slops and he regained his towel for the time it took him to go through the pile of clothes brought to him. One shirt was so small, Nate couldn't get it over his shoulders. The other shirt was oversized but not too big, it would do. Of the three pair of slops brought out, two fit him. He put on the better of the two and folded up the second pair to take along. Nate put on the stockings and tried on the shoes. It had been awhile since he wore shoes and they felt funny on his feet. They were tight in some places and loose in others. Nate even switched which feet they were on just to see if it made a difference. It did, but for the worse so he switched back. Nate combed out his hair and tied it back, squeezing as much water out of it as he could. With enough gestures, he made it known that he would return for his wet clothes when they were dry, and also returned the clothes that did not fit him. Strapping on his belt and weapons, sliding into his jacket and shoving his hat on his head, ol' Nate was ready to rejoin the outside world, if they could handle him.
Oi, Got me off getting firewood, aye? I ain't no lacky. . . Heeee Heee! But I will get yer firewood, jus fer you.
Nate heard Jacky stand up and say something in Spanish, guessing he was finished being shaved. He did not open his eyes, just stayed as still as he could until the boy said something that sounded like 'finished'. . . Nate slowly opened his eyes and looked around. the boy was holding up a hand mirror for his to see. Nate smiled and took the reflecting device and stared into it, seeing a clean shaven self looking back. He ran a hand across his jaw. "Aye, lad. Ya dun a fine job on ol' Nate. ah, Gracias." The boy grinned and nodded vigorously, and said "da nada" and took the mirror back. Nate stood and stretched and walked into the next area where he found his jacket and accouterments lay, but his shirt and slops were no where to be found. The attendant there smiled at Nate and began speaking. Nate had no idea what he said. "Ang on now, wot yer sayin'? Where's me clothes?" He pointed to himself and gestured enough that the attendant put out a hand. "Uno momento!" He walked out of the room and came back shortly holding Nate's shirt and slops. They were quite damp. Nate took them and now understood. "Aye, theys ain't dry. Damn. Father, wot I supposed ta do now?" Just then he heard laughter from the ladies side of the baths and as a knee-jerk reaction covered himself with his wet clothes.
Nate rose up in his tub and began to scrub several weeks worth of grime off his body. He scrubbed until he was raw. Half of him was pink and the other, tan. Feeling duly clean, Nate stood and took the towel offered and began to dry off. The attendant spoke and made gestures to Nate's face for him to follow. The sailor dried himself as best he could and wrapped the towel around himself and followed the boy. Nate stepped into the next room and there was the commodore lathered up and half way through getting shaved. Nate ran a hand over his scruffy face. "Aye, I'll have a shave indeed, aye." He pointed to Jacky and nodded and the attendant. Nate was ushered to a chair and was draped with a cloth and the boy lathered his face. Nate got slightly anxious as the boy sharpened the razor. Nate did not expect the lad to shave him, but it seemed he would be. With a great sigh, Nate closed his eyes and prayed that he would make it through.
Nate felt quite awkward in the steam room, yet he also felt relaxed. When the attendant was gone Nate was calm, but every time he came back he stiffened up and put up a guard. Eventually the attendant made it known he was to go into the next room. Nate secured his towel and headed through the door into a room with several tubs. He was directed to one of them and was persuaded to hand off his towel and climb in. Once Nate was settled he completely relaxed. "Nate ol' son, this is th life, aye. Could get used ta this if I could afford th coin." It was then that he looked around the room and saw the Commodore in another tub. Nate straightened abruptly and spilled a bit of water out of his tub. He smiled and shrugged at Jacky and sunk low into the tub.
Nate was glad to be off the ship, away from under the eyes of Africa. The captain had said he was in the clear, but he held some reservations that the moor might still think he did wrong. The trip to shore was amusing to a point. Nate was again happy that the claws of the cat were aimed at someone else. Red Cat had hurried to find the two ship captains, to join them for the offered feast, but after a trip to the baths. Nate had followed her to the place and stood outside. Nate needed a bath, but had no coin left to pay for the services. He also had no clean clothes for afterwards, he didn't even have shoes or stockings. Nate leaned up against the outside of the building and chanced a smile and bob of his head to passersby. on two occasions when a couple had passed, the woman had held a hanky to her face. The gentleman took a moment to fish into a purse and hand a coin to Nate who smiled and bowed, he even remembered a politeness in spanish, "Gracias". Nate stod with the two spanish coins in had and though what he might do. he didn't know how long the others would be, of even if it was his place to join them. Nate looked to the heavens and shrugged. He entered the proper side for men and found that after plenty of hand signals, they would wash his clothes while he was in the bath. Nate handed one coin to the attendant and refused the change offered back. He stripped himself and let the attendant do whatever, as he had never been to such a place as this. Nate was handed a towel and sent to the steam room.
Nate had found the tools needed to fix the hull and keel of the one ships boat on deck. He had roughed off all the bad wood and paint, cleaned up the keel and smoothed it all nicely. "Nate ol' son, tha be a fine job der, a fine job, aye." He talked to himself and the wood as he made the repairs, finishing it all with a good coating of white lead. "Ahhh, there we be, how's tha feel ol' girl, aye? Fixed right well I'd say. Father, tank ye fer allowin me ta do this fine job." He had been so consumed with the boat that Nate had not seen the captain and her comrades come aboard. When he turned to put all the tools and paint away, he stood dumbfounded. "Nate, lad. Ya been made a fool. Now it looks like ya done telled th lie. Africa'll ave yer neck fer certain now." Nate ducked behind the boat as the big moor turned away from the captain with a grin on his face. Nate swallowed hard and hid himself under the boat, out of harms way he hoped. "Wot ya gonna do now ol' son? Aye, wait til dark an slip over th side, mebee you'll have luck wit thems on shore. Father, what ya doin to me?!?!?" He hunkered down and waited there, trying to be quiet as a church mouse.
Nate stuck with Tunny, helped him to coil cables, among other duties. He stayed below decks as long as he could stand to. At one point, Nate heard Africa talking to others below, so he made his way on deck. There he saw the one ships boat resting upside down. He stepped closer and laid his hands on the upturned keel. "Aye, yer headed fer some fixin from ol'Nate. Yer gonna need a new keel soon enough, no need ta hurry tha along." Nate ran his fingers along a section, paint flaked away and the wood was rough. He knocked his knuckles against the wood and smiled, it was still solid. He brushed his hands off and head to the stores, intent on fixing the boat and painting it up before the sea had its way with it.
When Africa picked up his musket, Nate almost whimpered, afraid what he might do to it. Nate sighed in relief that the moor would hold onto it for now. Nate grinned a bit when he said he'd take the grin off his face. Nate saluted again and headed off after Tunny. He caught up with him and chuckled. "So, I ain't ta get on Afric'r's bad side. I didn do nuthin wrong an it seems i be there already. Well, what yer need help wit that I can help ya wit?" Nate stuck with the old salt, away from the eyes of the big moor.
Nate stood and smoothed out his shirt and jacket. Made sure he was all in one piece. He listened to what the first mate had to say which did not quell his anger. Nate looked skyward, "Father, what I said before, I ain't sure I'll agree wit m'self right about now." Nate Stood straight and looked at Africa and saluted. "Beggin yer fergiveness, Sah! I did na know th spyglass were of personal property of th capin, bad habit I have from m'last ship." Nate continued to stand stock still and as the moor was about to speak, Nate continued. "I's waitin fer me orders, sah! Got my work finished as of last I were aboard. What ave ye fer me ta do, Sah!" As he stood waiting his eyes lingered to the binnacle where his musket lay. He'd need to retrieve it and stow it soon as the first mate released him to his work.
Nate was angry. Had had just been accused of telling the lie. "Now jus you old on! Un-and me! I tol ye wot capin Ransom ordered me ta tell ye! How was I ta know she were headin aboard th Relentless! New man ta yer ship I may be, I ain't daft!" Nate dangled there, waiting to see what fate the moor had for him. After yelling into Africas face, Nate's angry had subsided just enough for him to realize all the crew around them were watching the scene play out. Nate grinned his wild grin again.
Nate finished helping with the shifting of supplies and collected his musket left leaning on the rail. He looked across the bay at the Relentless and saw the longboat there. He squinted and thought he could make out the Commodore, Captain, and Red Cat on the deck, along with others. The Red Cat was quite animated, Nate was not sure what about, but if she were angry wit someone he was glad it weren't him. He continued to watch and his curiosity got the better of him. He walked aft and spied a spyglass near the binnacle. Nate traded his musket for the spyglass and focused it on the goings on aboard the Relentless. Nate Watched the Red Cat, hoping he could tell what she was all about.
Nate looked at the glare he was given by the Moor. He gave him a critical look before answering. "Capin Ransom says she gonna be dinin wit commodore Tar wit th spanish. She be back late tonight or some time tamarra. Yer not ta come lookin fer her ashore lest ye be, ah, yer not ta come ashore." He gave the big Moor a hard look. "Thems direct orders from capin Ransom, I jus be th messenger." Nate watched the look on Africa's face. Saw the internal struggle. All he got as a response was a hard nod. Nate saluted the man and walked a distance forward, away from him. He wouldn't admit it, but the moor unnerved him sometimes. He shifted his cutlass and remaining pistol about, picked up his musket and set it out of the way. He helped shift around the supplies just arrived. In the middle of moving a barrel, Nate realized he had left his bottle of rum in the jollyboat. He let out a hiss and a grumble, knowing it was lost to him for certain.
So, I'm not the only one. It's been a ghost town every time I stop in. What's the ward wardroom?
Nate helped unload and sway in all the supplies for the Relentless. He remained mostly silent once they had gotten to the ship. When they were back in the jolly boat and headed to the Rakehell, the grin and humming returned. As soon as they were close enough to the Rakehell he called out. "Ahoy th Rakehell! Ol' Nate with supplies arrivin! Permission ta come aboard wit a message fer the capin a th watch!" Dillard gave Nate a scornful look and all he did was give him a wide toothy grin. Africa came to the rail and looked down at the jolly boat. Nate looked up at the big Moor and saluted him. "Got a message from th capin fer ya, mate. Tis right important." Africa continued to look down into the boat. After a moment he motioned for Nate to come aboard. Nate saluted again and looked at Dillard. "Hold fast, mate, mum's th word. I'll send th crew ta help yer unload." Nate grabbed up his musket and quickly scrambled up the side of the ship and onto the deck.
Nate again straightened and saluted captain Ransom. "Aye capin, Ma'am, Africa'll get yer message soon as I get aboard. Be sure he understands." Nate cocked an eyebrow towards the commodore before turning back to Dillard and gave him a look as to say 'what are we waiting for?' They began to walk out of the tavern and Nate smiled as he walked past Red Cat, still carrying his bottle of rum. He followed Dillard in silence out to the boats moored at the dock and only spoke when it were necessary while loading the supplies into the boat. Once all was loaded and they took up the sweeps, Nate began humming a shanty in time with each pull. Again he wore a grin, one he hoped might unsettle Dillard in even the slightest way.
Nate stood a moment longer, the drumming stopped. He looked from Jacky to Ransom to Red Cat to Dillard. His right hand slowly rose to his brow where he knuckled it. "Aye - aye. . . . . Commodore. . . . ." Slowly he settled his hand on the butt of his pistol, smiled, and slowly pulled the clip off his belt. Nate stuck the barrel under his arm and changed his grip, taking it by the fore stock. He turned and handed it butt first to Ransom. "Capin Ransom, my pistol." She took the weapon and he knuckled his forehead to her. Nate turned to Dillard. "Lead on, sah, we've pervisions ta load, aye." Nate eyed all the spaniards around them and nodded to those who met his gaze while he waited for Dillard to show the way.
As Nate stood waiting, Red Cat bumped into him, just enough for him to have to take a step. He watched her as she grabbed up the brandy and had a private word with the commodore. He still waited for an answer from one or both captains as to who he was to report to. Dillard stood and waited also with a vexed look, which caused a smile to creep across Nate's face. The two cups of rum had steadied Nate and even brought his confidence up a touch. He was far from intoxicated, it would take much more than that to affect him, even in a slightly weakened state. His hand made it's way back to the butt of his pistol and the light drumming began again.
Nate had finished his cup and grabbed up the bottle to go sit with the captains. He was walking past Red Cat and half shrugged, giving her a look of uncertainty. Before he got to the table, Commodore Tar made orders that he should accompany Dillard to the Relentless and be left on the Rakehell. Captain Ransom had only nodded. Nate stopped in his tracks and wore an annoyed expression when Dillard asked him if he were ready to go. Nate Looked from Dillard to Jacky to Ransom before speaking. "Now hold on. Wot am I, a sack a apples ta be passed about? I do beg yer pardon, Commodore Tar, But I were taken aboard th Rakehell and take me orders from Capin Ransom. Capin Ransom, have I been traded off ta crew another ship unknown ta me? Beggin yer pardon if I talk out a place here." He stood at a kind of attention, hands at his sides, waiting to know just who he was to be taking orders from, and who he should not.
Nate had taken a step away from the bar when Red Cat had stood and ordered him to stay put. So he just took a step back to where he was standing and remained passive. The woman headed his way looked annoyed, but he wasn't sure who or what at. He narrowed his eyes and a slight grin appeared on his face. Nate stopped drumming on his pistol, but left one finger touching it, as if he were to let go it would disappear. The rum had mellowed him a bit and maybe it was a bad thing, but he had no fear of the woman who now stood in front of him. "Cheers, Lass."