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Posts posted by Graydog

  1. Well, I was talking about Foghorn Leghorn in another post. That quote would be, "Go away boy (or son), ya' bother me." However, it is not a movie quote.

    Foghorn Leghorn does say that a lot.

    However, as I recall quote orginates with W.C. Fields, but I don't know if its origin is in vaudville or the movies. I can't find it in a quick check of movies or on line, but my fading memory has him saying it as a throw away line in some movie, which doesn't count for quoting the movie!

  2. It would be exciting to have the Royaliste on hand. She's not on the list of ships that are partaking that is listed by the OI, is she going to be thar?

    Yer website show's ye be on the east coast fer the rest of this year I thinks. What of 2008?



    if you are still in the Tallship business. And it is, afterall, a business for those of us who own and operate Tallships.

    Did not claim to be in the tallship business. Merely boasted to be proud of the ship I be sailin with. Please do not misconsture me silly bluster on this board fer anything other than silly bluster. That thar real life ye leads tis far to hard a callin fer me. Ye have me respects.

    Yer fine ship and its endeavors to perserve history are to be commended! Tis a rough life you have chosen with esoteric rewards out running the money. Thank you for those efforts to teach others and for the knowledge of history you can bring us.

  3. Aye, but if Gunner Harper has an assistant and it isn't me, then it'll be him that will be greetin Davey Jones. 

    "Ye be servin me a hot meal?"  In yer dreams, mate.

    Yoikes, hoisted on me on petard I be! Fer I be a lookin at yer picture and realize just who ye be. Crewin the Point's guns does become a might interstin and perplexin now from my perspective don't it?

    A challenge let is a challenge met!

    T'wont be the number of guns fer sure, but there tis nary a person alive that can meet me accuracy in firin blanks!

    Have on with ye!



  4. Ah, good observation, but Gunner Harper did run three guns last year. He setup a lanyard and be firing all three at once with the help of an assistant gunner he had on board. This bein as best as me feebile old mind recalls. :lol:

    I be happy to be a seein that the Black Hearted Pearl be on the Ketch Spirit. Ye be sure to catch some of the iron spirit the Spirit of Dana Point be tossin yer way. Why, after this ye can be tellin yer lads how I served ye a hot supper!



  5. Thar be a cannon sail at 5 o'clock, with about six tall ships that go out and blaze away at each other just off the point.

    Of course, they not be big cannon, and most likely they be shooting blanks, but they do give a good report. As far as I can tell the cannon are loaded on board as part of the event, as I have not seen them on board at other times of the year when I sailed on her, as a landlubbin passenger to be honest.

    However, with that said, the Spirit is the most heavily armed of the lot with a broadside of three cannon (at least last year that be true). Ye have been warned! :lol:



    P.S. I do look forward to meetin many a person from this har board at that thar event.

  6. To step aside from this thread for a second.

    Ricardo Montalban starred in the 1949 move "Border Incident" in the movie he plays a Mexican Police Officer working with INS to stop the flow of illegal aliens and their subsequent exploitation in California. The movie ends with some great narration about how the US and Mexico will always work side by side in common cause to address this issue. :ph34r:

    However, it is a very good movie IMO and if you are a fan of his, you will enjoy this early work.

  7. The site be thar, but AOL be a right unreliable service so sometimes she won't display, keep clicking the link and ye will get thar.

    But, if ye just want all the info e-mailed staright to ye, just drop me a line at:


    Now, Graydog be spelled that a way because this har boards already had a Greydog registard, so I be taken a mispellin as close enough to the name.


  8. The most successful pirate was BEAUTIFUL and tough.

    Bill Gates beautiful? He pirated Windows from MacIntosh. There was huge legal wrangling over the pirating, which he eventually won. The rest be dollars in his pocket. Now, I'd be callin him the most sucessful pirate!


  9. Khan Noonien Singh from Star Trek II

    "Revenge is a dish best served cold....its very cold in space."


    "I have given you no word to keep, you simply have no alternative"

    The scene where he cuts everybodies' throats on the Gensis station was deleted from the movie, which took the R rating off the movie, but would have been a nice touch to see just how evil the character was.

    But, Mr. Montoban has always been evil,

    After all what did you think Carenthian Leather was made from?

    to mix a commerical with another movie-

    Carenthian Leather is PEOPLE!

    (Too bad in real life he has a back condtion that has forced him into retirement and a wheelchair.)

  10. This har be a shameless bump and plug to let ye all know we be within 30 days of the cut-off to be a registerin fer this har exciting raid.

    If ye miss the cut-off then ye won't be able to attend.

    Har be the website:

    Greydog's Raid

    Fer more information or to register ye can e-mail:



  11. Here be my 2 cents.

    You're dealin with kids so it better be FUN!

    1. I'd tell the kids about sailing in the 1700's. Then tell them we are all on one big ship and they be me crew! That you all are hauling rum to England from Port Royal. Then I'd telling them about short pay, bad rations, lack of shore leave, and finally beating anybody who didn't like it. At that point ask the kids if anyboy doesn't like that? If so, they can get off your ship!

    2. Take the ones that want to leave and tell them they have just become pirates! Go over how they will need rules to govern their new ship and to prevent a terrible new captain, they'll elect them from now on. Go over how to make a living they will need to be raiding other ships. Ask them if there clothes have changed. When they say, duh, no. Point out to them it was the same for pirates, they wore their same clothes and there weren't special pirate clothes.

    3. Next have the pirate crew attack there former ship mates and capture the booty from the old ship. Allow the kids some free play but watch that they don't get too rough. Discuss with them how they will need to find a port to sail into to sell their booty. Pretend they go to port, talk about the time there and how after the money is all spent they most go back to sea.

    4. Have them go back to sea and raid the same ship again, but, uh ho, this time its a man-of-war and the kids that lost the last time win this time! Ask the kids of the man-of-war what should they do with these pirates that they have caught. Go over with them how the fate of getting caught for a priate was normally a painful death.

    You don't need to talk about Hollywood. Spend the time teaching them what's the history. In a kids mind, you teach them history and myth and they wind up remembering the myth. Let the kids have fun, go on account and hear tales of what will happen to them personally and they be rememberin your presentation for years to come.

  12. I be addicted to:

    1. Gold :o

    2. Rum :lol:


    3. Women :o

    And it be in that order it be.

    and like the true addict that I be, at the end of that thar list I wind up with nary a one. :o

    Bein at that point yet again, it be time to go on account.



  13. Yeah, it was definitely the sound file that did it for me.  I know this should be an easy one.

    "I'm invincible"

    "You're a looney"

    Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail

    It is a line spoken by the Black Knight with a response from King Arthur

    Here's one (might have already been done, I havent read all 108 pages here)

    "Badges!? We don't need no stinking badges!"

    The line actually is in several movies, but do you know the first movie that used it?

  14. To quote TSA:

    When carrying formula, breast milk, or juice through the checkpoint, they will be inspected, however, you or your baby or toddler will not be asked to test or taste breast milk, formula, or juice. Our Security Officers may test liquid exemptions (exempt items more than 3 ounces) for explosives.

    I guess travelling nursing Moms bigger than a D Cup had best be prepared to be inspected and tested!


  15. Here is an article that talks breifly to the subject in the American Colonies: (It points out lead comes from the rums contact with lead pipes in the distilling aparatus - (therefore laws were passed making making lead pipes in distilling against the law.) and if kept in an earthware container, lead bleed from that container. It also notes that lead, in the form of an acetate, was a delibrate addition to fortified wines of the time.)

    Put some lead in your tank

    As fer me its not so much lead posioning I fear as it is a hemp contact high!


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