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Posts posted by Graydog

  1. Since we are doing long quotes:

    You can kill us. All of us, or part of us. But if you think that's going to put the fear of god into the United States of America, and stop them from sending other flyers to bomb you, you're wrong. Dead wrong. They'll come by night, they'll come by day. Thousands of them. They'll blacken your skies and burn your cities to the ground and make you get down on your knees and beg for mercy. This is your war. You wanted it. You asked for it. You started it. And now you're going to get it. And it won't be finished until your dirty little empire is wiped off the face of the earth.

  2. Welcome aboard , Matey!

    Now, if ye really wants the true welcome experience, ye need to be openin yer purse and buyin a round for the lads at the bar. Not that I'd be askin fer meself. No, that would be greed sure enough, I merely wish to endorse new found comradship and seal it with a drink doncha know.



  3. State Parks lowers their colors!

    The State just announced that it will delay adopting these standards, because it is now going to revise the rules, and will have the entire issue considered in open hearings before a final policy is adopted. Yarr, all them thar things they should have done to begin with! They were a might distressed with the phone calls and letters from the public and having to deal with inquiries from the State Assembly. Makes ye feel good when the system works.

    The war isn't over, but we certainly won the first battle, and the future can be bright if we stick to our guns.



  4. Wondering when they will ban Halloween?

    Halloween is already banned in our local school district because it’s offensive to some religious groups. (If candy to children challenges your religion, ya’ll got a bigger problem than Halloween.)

    That's exactly why, like in this current reenactment ban proposal, that people have to stand up and be counted. All you have to do to lose the things you love is nothing.

  5. Ahoy Lass and welcome!

    Ye be 100 miles from the Canadian border? So, ye be in Russia then!

    Dasvedanya, Comrade



    Yaaar, me naviagtor be tellin me that Alaska has done been bought by the US. When did that happen? We need to get to port more often.

    Maybe it be Greenland and she's Danish? What do ya mean Greenland is more than 100 miles from Canada? Look at this er map its no more than a couple of inches at most.

    Well, ye be welcome regardless and a fine addition ye be! Drinks all around!

  6. You must have some Donner Kebab while you are there!

    The prision of "Midnight Express" express fame was allegedly in Izmir, Turkey. I don't know if they had any shots of it in the movie. Anyway, that's what I was told in broken English by a Turk, he was. I could be wrong as me Turkish is limited to yes, no, OK, & two beers.

    Yea know, I be in Izmir for a year one time, I was.

    Avast ye, I be not in the prision! Those charges were dropped I tell you, lawful trading on the high seas, it t'weren't anything else. Them thar goods had been abandoned. As soon as I produced evidence the goods were from a Greek ship, the Turks dropped all the charges, them bein the darlin's that they are.



  7. If anyone has had less than favorable experiences with US Customs, I'd be curious to hear your story.

    A few years ago, when coming back to the US we went through customs. We were using military ID cards instead of passports.

    The Customs Agent saw my ID card and rank and waved me through with a prompt "I hope you had a nice trip sir!" He looked briefly at my wife's card and added "I hope your daughter enjoyed her trip too!"




  8. You start calling people Mate, and ending your sentences with "eh."

    "So, mate, had a rough ride to work, eh?" :lol:

    I think that be makin ye Canadian, eh?

    Of, course there could be Canadian pyrates of course. They'd just be so polite, flyin their Maple Leaf and Cross Bones!



    (just havein fun with ye and them Canadians, no offense intended.)

  9. I thought it was a felony t' possess any fully automatic weapon? Did the federal laws change?

    Automatic weapons are legal in many states to include California. They are regulated under the federal National Firarms Act (NFA), its a mere $200 per instance transfer tax and a very involved registration process. Of course, you don't comply with that law, it's indeed a big time felony and getting that federal permit isn't easy.

    However, the trick is in the fine print, yes they are legal in many states, but many of those states adopt state regulations that makes it virtually impossible to get a permit. That is the case in California where individual ownership is technically legal for machineguns, but the reality is you can't get a permit as an individual.

  10. How about a pirate barbie that has a peg leg, hook, eye patch and a handicap hang tag?



    P.S. How about a barbie with jack boots and a black unifrom? Wait, that would be Klaus Barbie, shiver me timbers! Nevermind.

  11. I thought Billy Bob had a dead on portrayal of Davy Crockette, plus he was the right age being 50 years old.

    I watched this (I get more movie ideas from this game...) and Thorton was pretty good - he sort of stole the movie. I wonder how historically accurate his portrayal really was?

    The scene where Crockett is talking about “pass the taters” is a recounting of an event that is told in Crockett’s autobiography, other than telling the tale at the Alamo, the story itself is dead on with the source material. Of all the movie Crockett's I think Billy Bob came the closest for giving a feel of the real deal.

  12. I don't see a seal or docket number showing any officiallity..

    California Council for the promotion of history

    California Council for the promotion of history has been sent an -E- mail to conform if this.. ain't just a hoax.

    Correct you will not. This is a proposed policy of the California State Park system that is in the process of being finalized. They have by-passed the State Park hearing system that a regulation would require, even though this is plainly a regulatory guidance. Since it is a pending policy it will not appear anywhere as a "bill".

    As this is not an adopted policy at this time it can still be blocked. However, even if adopted you will not find it in "law" as it is a policy of an operating department within state government.

    If you want offical confirmation of this item, you will have to contact the State Park Service Hq's in Sacramento or have somebody do that for you.

    Point of contacts on this item are in the State of California Parks Hq’s telephone numbers (916) 653-4643 (This is the person in charge of the State's interpetive history program) or (916) 324-0348 (if you get voice mail it answers as deferred maintenance, sounds odd but you're in the right place), this is the portion of the Park System that deals with Interpretive History and are responsible for this item. Please call them to verify this is no hoax or if you are against this item call and leave comment. You'll want to talk to them about-

    State Parks Proposed Guidelines for the Use of Historic Weapons Policy, October 3, 2007:

    “Reproduction Black Powder Firearms and Edged Weapons use in California State Parks”

    If you call, understand these are the sponsors of this pending policy. Please be polite.

    They state that it is preferred that you send in written comment rather than phone or E-mail:

    California State Parks

    Attn: Jonathan Williams

    704 O Street

    Sacramento, CA 95814

    They ask you to provide comments before December 15, 2007.

    It would be great if the folks you dashed the E-mail off to get involved. I doubt if they will know of this item, as it is not a bill before the legislature. The more people that complain, the less likely this will happen.

  13. The following only applies to events in California and specifically the State Park System. If you do not live in California, please excuse this posting.

    All forms of “combat” pending banning from California State Park System. This has not been implemented yet, but its in the final stages of staffing prior to implementation.

    State Parks Proposed Guidelines for the Use of Historic Weapons Policy, October 3, 2007

    “Reproduction Black Powder Firearms and Edged Weapons use in California State Parks”

    Main Points

    1. Battle reenactments and/or demonstrations of battle tactics that involve firing at opposing lines, taking of casualties, or any form of simulated warfare are absolutely prohibited in all areas administered by California State Parks.

    The rest of the “guidelines” almost become superfluous after point one, however, they are listed at the bottom of this note.

    These proposed guidelines (which have the effect of regulations but by-pass all the legal open hearing requirements because they are policy, not regulations) only apply at State Parks, if this policy will impact your local event will really depended on whether that event is on state property as opposed to county, city, or private property. The odd observation is that these are normally “cash cow” events for the state and they will take a revenue loss as a result of this policy. Off the top of my head- this effectively kills the 40 year old Fort Tejon Civil War Program and the several year old San Pasqual Mexican American War Program to name just two (2) locations.

    If you object to the policy, or object that regulations are being proposed that by-pass the open hearing requirements under the name “policy”, you can contact either the governor’s office or your state representative.

    If you don’t care about this proposed policy, you may want to read item 6 below. That item while speaking to weapons initially could be used as a pretext to prevent pirate events at any of the State Parks that does not have a “pirate” theme.

    Here’s the rest of the policy:

    2. All staff, volunteers, and special event participants who have access to, or possess a firearm or ammunition on department property must be prescreened for any convictions specified in the state's gun control statutes.

    3. Use only reproduction black powder firearms and edged weapons in interpretive demonstrations in California State Parks

    4. Undertake all uses of reproduction historic weapons in parks with a major focus on visitor, demonstrator, and employee safety. Physical barriers must be used to keep visitors at safe distances. Demonstrators will wear both safety glasses and hearing protection.

    5. Individuals performing black powder firearms demonstrations in State Parks may wear period-appropriate attire or protective modern clothing.

    6. All black powder and edged weapons used in demonstrations will be consistent and appropriate to the interpretive theme and interpretive period(s) of the park unit.

    7. Prior to performing any demonstrations within State Parks, all employees and volunteers of the department will be trained in the safe use of reproduction black powder firearms and edged weapons.

    8. Inspect all reproduction black powder firearms and edged weapons used in demonstrations annually.

    9. Maintain all reproduction black powder firearms and edged weapons in a safe, clean, and rust-free condition.

    10. Black powder storage, handling, and transportation will conform to the State Fire Marshall and Department of Transportation regulations.

    11. Check all reproduction black powder firearms to ensure weapons are unloaded and that no projectiles are in evidence prior to use in State Parks. Use only blank ammunition in firing demonstrations.

    12. No person under 18 years of age, while in possession of firearms, shall fire, or be in possession of, black powder.

    13. No person shall use or handle explosives (e.g., black powder, percussion caps. Or fuses) while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

    14. Use of reproduction black powder firearms or edged weapons shall no affect any Cultural or natural resources negatively.

    15. Consult local zoning codes and authorities before designating demonstration ranges in state parks.

    16. Keep accurate records of black powder use and transactions.

    17. Follow all department requirements for safely loading, unloading, and preparing powder charges, as outlined in the Guidelines for the Use of Historic Weapons and provided in training and certification programs.

    18. All Department-certified Historic Weapons Lead Persons and Inspectors shall attend a Department- approved certification program every four years.

    19. Report all accidents involving the use of black powder and edged weapons to the District Superintendent. A Historic Weapons Accident Notification and Review report shall be completed.

    20. Each district will maintain an inventory of its reproduction black powder firearms and provide a copy of the inventory to the Public Safety Division in Headquarters.

    21. All non-state owned black powder or cartridge weapons transported on California State Park property for use by park staff, volunteers or special event presenters, will be registered within the first thirty minutes upon arrival to the site.

    22. Visitors may handle and unloaded weapon, providing the demonstrator maintains control with one hand.

    23. Expose edged weapons only under controlled conditions. Visitors will NOT handle edged weapons.

    24. If misfires occur, the standard misfire procedures drill will be followed.

    25. Use only sporting grade black powder in interpretive demonstrations.

    California State Parks will not accept responsibility of any non-government owned weapons or equipment.

    Any violation of these policies or standards by the individual or group shall result in immediate removal of the individual or group from further weapons firing demonstrations in the park.

    Where did I get this information? From a State Park Employee that runs one of the volunteer programs.


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