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Everything posted by Graydog

  1. My crew and I had a wonderful time at Ojai directly because of all the wonderful "Pirates" (that just doesn't sound right, but it is) that were there. It was a joy to meet and chat with every single member from the pub. I especially want to thank Kenneth and the Kern County Pirates for playing along with our nonsense on Sunday and the Tales of the Seven Seas for the wonderful cannon fire exchange with us on Saturday. We are looking for more fun this upcoming weekend. Fair Winds, Greydog Alliance of the Double Cross
  2. HG Well’s “War of the Worlds” ends when earth viruses destroy the Martians. (Gosh should I have put up a spoiler notice?) When asked about this scenario scientists have responded that if there were life on Mars and it invaded earth that the odds are their viruses would eliminate us instead.
  3. Italian Flag
  4. Well met Stynky! May ye find all yer sailin smooth while ye have the helm of this har ship. We were a shore far too long and its good to be on the rollin deck once more. Huzzah fer Stynky says I! -Greydog
  5. Professional Pirate lyrics and song Thar it be lads and lasses an oldie but goodie.
  6. If you will go to the link (about half-way down the page) you will find both a picture of the ribbons and narrative about their use. Archaeological Institute of America
  7. This is a good old fashion blood sport with it only being a matter of time until somebody dies or, for the PETA folks, worse yet a horse get's hurt. To quote the Sage Lion- It's all fun and games until somebody get's hurt and then it's down right hilarious.
  8. “Alliance of the Double Cross” will land and seize Spanish property on Saturday, September 20th and remain until Sunday September 28th. We anticipate seizing an area of multiple temporary Spanish lodgings and using the town for our own purposes. Those wishing to be separated from thar gold..er..ah..want to be entertained are invited to partake of our on shore gambling operation we shall establish. Fair warning is given to all wayfarers of this impending operation. Enter said surroundings at yer own risk. Martin "Greydog" Blackwheel Alliance of the Double Cross
  9. Her suicide was after the show had gotten removed from TV. According to wikipedia-The show was moved to web only on July 24, 2007 and (by researching the webnews) news that her body was discovered was released on July 30, 2007, with actual date of death apparently July 27. So, it doesn't appear that the tragic fact of her death had anything to do with the removal of the show from the air waves. As far as US reality shows that just got yanked off the air and there was no ending, web or otherwise- 1-“Anchorwoman” filmed for five months shown one night (two episodes back to back) cancelled the next day. It was the touching story of a bikini model turned newscaster. (August 2007) 2- "Armed and Famous' seven episodes shot only four aired. The gripping story of Erik Estrada, La Toya Jackson, Jack Osbourne, Trish Stratus, and Jason Acuña (a.k.a. "Wee Man" on Jackass) being given ACTUAL law enforcement powers and then hitting the streets followed by a camera crew ala cops. (Jan 2007, making it pre-Pirate Master)
  10. Yea and IBM never made M-1 carbines either.
  11. I be cookin someone's goose, and a right fine taste it be havin. -Greydog
  12. The swivel guns (bronze tube steel lined) made by Osvaldo Gatto in Argentina are on the verge of being imported into the US again. (Previous importer went out of business.) You can contact: Lone Star Artillery Manufacturers Webpage
  13. Happy day, and remember give nothing back! But, you can take it back if it's the wrong size.
  14. 50 different leather dye colors, choose what you want.
  15. Ahoy thar Lad! I be havin a crew of 30 stout men that we be willin to be a joinin yer salvage operation. Now, ye not be askin too many questions about my lads and we be not askin non-operational questions about yer self. Now, of course, we be mannin the ship. You can have a couple lads on board, but I captain the ship and me crew be the crew. Lad, let’s get this straight from the git go, me lads don’t go in for running salvage from a yacht. We be lookin to you to be providin and armin a proper salvage vessel. But, I be telling ye upfront if all ye can deliver is that Podunk backwoods armament the deal be off. Heck any abandoned container ship can be ignorin a craft low in the water with mere Ak’s and them thar RPG’s can’t be fer show lad. That whole operation could well be blown out of the water by just one determined patrol craft moutnin a 3 inch gun! We don’t work on margin; we tend to be more of a sure thing crew. We be perferin an air cushion catamaran along the lines of the Thornycroft “Atlantica”. She should be armed with two (2) Mk 19 40mm grenade launchers, (2) .50 cal machineguns, supplied with Sa-7’s, one silk worm mount, 1 each chaff dispenser, 1 each flare dispensers, Mk 15 Phalanx CIWS, and a supply of three (3) Zodiacs with an M-60 MMG for each boat, however, RPK’s are acceptable. It will need a full electronics suite of GPS, Radar, Sonar, SAT downloads, and Jammer, and none of that old Soviet crap, it be US, European, or Chinese. Me lads will be providing all their own personal weapons as it were, so thar ye be, a cost savings up front. Look lad, this kind of lawful salvage operations demands a support network on shore. We be needin to know routes of travel of abandoned vessels, likely locations of individuals that need rescuing, and of course get advance warining when people might come about to protest our lawful operations. Ye don’t be wantin an Internet connection in the middle of a salvage operation, as that will draw these protestors down on ye right quick. So, thar be a needed support network with some directional broadcastin needed. Can ye deliver on those items? Lastly, we need to be discussin some articles lad. We just don’t go on account unless we have signed the articles. While me lads and I do have our own set drawn up, we be expecting a standard of conduct of those we be workin with. It be duly necessary for interoperability doncha know. Now, assuming we can get outfitted, we can now cut to the chase. What about all the salvaged property and saved people? Well, we know ye need to recoup costs. Then again running a salvage operation can get a might dangerous fer me lads as it were. On that thar other hand, we be needin a fence…er..middleman to be a helpin in disposin of the booty…salavage. We be lookin to ye for that. So, all things considered we be willin a 60% fer us and 40% fer you split. To be renegotiated at the end of the first full year. That be the core of the pact, thar still be many a detail over transportation, livin expenses, grog rations, and the like that remain to be worked out. So, be ye interested in me and me crew? -Greydog
  16. Denzel Washington or Will Smith
  17. Recipe To produce a similar plain ships biscuit, a medium coarse stone-ground wholemeal flour should be used. Add water to 1lb wholemeal flour and 1/4oz salt to make a stiff dough. Leave for 1/2 hour and then roll out very thickly. Separate in to 5 or 7 biscuits. Bake in a hot oven approx. 420 degrees F for 30 minutes. The biscuits should then be left undisturbed in a warm dry atmosphere to harden and dry out. Biscuits are still purchased for the Ministry of Defence for use in operational ration packs but not for general messing. Royal Naval Museum Then again if you just want to buy them- here ya go: Bent's Cookie Factory
  18. Phillip Noyce looks to be hitting the water for the first time since his 1989 breakthrough "Dead Calm." The director, who recently vacated Columbia's "Edwin A. Salt," has signed to develop and direct "Captain Blood," Warner Bros.' long-gestating remake of the swashbuckling 1935 classic. The Academy Award-nominated pirate movie starred Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland and Basil Rathbone and was based on a novel by Rafael Sabatini. Set in the 1600s, it tells the story of a doctor who is convicted for treason against the King of England, sold into slavery and escapes to high seas as a pirate. (The book also was adapted in 1924 by the Vitagraph Co.) Warners made the film with First Nation Pictures and has been trying to develop a remake for decades. In the early '90s, Jonathan Hensleigh, Chuck Russell and Frank Darabont took stabs at scripts. A search for writers is under way. Bill Gerber is producing. Warners is developing as a possible U.K./Australia co-production. Matt Reilly and Elishia Holmes are overseeing for the studio. Noyce, repped by WMA, last directed 2006's "Catch a Fire." Jay A. Fernandez contributed to this report. Web Story
  19. Yes, they do have a SEAL show on occassion. However, you'll find a much better SEAL show down around Coronado. Primarily they concentrate on Marine life. So, you'll get to see devil dogs, the elusive jarhead, and the very famous leatherneck. It's really very interesting, you should go down and tell them you'd like to sign up for a tour. They'll be very helpful!
  20. Actually its now located at Camp Pendleton.
  21. Los Angeles Maritime Institute Berth 84, Foot of 6th Street San Pedro, CA 90731 Tel #- (888) LAMI808 Ports of Call Village 1100 Nagoya Way San Pedro, CA 90731-4408 The Queen Mary 1126 Queen's Highway Long Beach, CA 90802 This looks like it is going to be an excellent event, unfortunately, I am already committed elsewhere.
  22. Owing to the PC thought police it's now the "Commemorative" Air Force. The organization was catching flak because of the "joke" designation of being Confederate. Instead of having a fight over stuff that was a non-issue to flying they changed the name. The prudent thing for them to do, but geeze, nobody can take a joke anymore. The organization was originally known as the "Confederate Air Force." Following a membership vote in 2001 and made effective on January 1, 2002, the organization is now known as the Commemorative Air Force. CAF Official History Page
  23. Branding: Old Bailey, London 1600-1800 Branding Convicts who successfully pleaded benefit of clergy, and those found guilty of manslaughter instead of murder, were branded on the thumb (with a "T" for theft, "F" for felon, or "M" for murder), so that they would be unable to receive this benefit more than once. The branding took place in the courtroom at the end of the sessions in front of spectators. It is alleged that sometimes criminals convicted of petty theft, or those who were able to bribe the executioner, had the branding iron applied when it was cold. For a short time, between 1699 and January 1707, convicted thieves were branded on the cheek in order to increase the deterrent effect of the punishment, but this rendered convicts unemployable and in 1707 the practice reverted to branding on the thumb. It is possible to search separately to find those sentenced to be branded on the cheek. Branding as a punishment for those receiving benefit of clergy ended in 1779. The last convict sentenced to branding at the Old Bailey received the sentence in 1789.
  24. You already had their website in your post with the picture. However, here you go: http://www.legionsix.org/events_calendar.htm
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