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Everything posted by Graydog

  1. http://www.visitcatalinaisland.com/twoHarbors/Calendar.php Text From Above: Buccaneers Day (Catalina Island, California) October 2nd Argh Mateys! Come celebrate our 21st Annual Buccaneer’s Day. Don your best pirate attire and set sail for Two Harbors for a day of treasure hunts, costume contests, great food, live music and a lot of fun. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The location is on a part of the island that comes as close as possible to demanding you approach from the water. I do not know if the "Catalina Express" or other shuttle service handles this location. Everybody I know that has gone was either on their own boat or somebody else's. I have heard that certain of the areas Tall Ships do attend this on occassion. Mostly, it's a small pleasure craft event/big party time. Some people get there as early as Wednesday to ensure they can get a good place to tie up. The reports I have gotten is that it's one hell of a pirate party, but alas, I have never attended so can't give any first hand info. Fair Winds, -Greydog P.S. Speak of the devil just got an E-mail on this subject. Seems the Tall Ship "American Pride" will be attending and ye can hitch a ride, for a price. The cost is $190 which includes transportation, food and lodging. This ship is 130 foot tallship. It leaves Long Beach, CA about 7 am on Sat and comes back on Sun about noonish. You can make reservations with the American Pride at (714) 970-8800.
  2. http://www.760kfmb.com/Global/story.asp?S=12829620 (Story from above link is below) Man falls to death off Star of India By News 8's Steve Price (7/18/10) SAN DIEGO, Calif. (CBS 8) - There was tragedy at the Star of India Sunday, when a volunteer working on the ship fell about 40 feet and died. Witnesses say Greg Gushaw was up in the sails when he fell, hit his head on the ship and landed in the water. Fellow crew members quickly got him out of the water and CPR was started, but Gushaw was pronounced dead at the hospital. Gushaw was taking part in a training operation at the time designed to get everyone up to speed for a sail this November. The president of the Maritime Museum says Gushaw had a safety harness on, so it's not clear why he fell. Harbor Police are investigating. Gushaw was a retired Naval Intelligence officer who now volunteered as a crew member on the Star of India. He was also a popular museum docent. He was 68 years old.
  3. Will the target be released via the plank?
  4. Want to be an extra? http://www.sandealessicasting.com/open-calls.htm I'd cut an paste the text for the above link but I am having issues with their site this morning. Anyways they are casting pirate extra this week and next go to the website to get the info. Hey, I got the cut and paste to work so here's the text.: Pirates of the Caribbean "On Stranger Tides" - Los Angeles -Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Open Casting Call Shooting in Los Angeles August 2010 PIRATES Looking for authentic-looking scavenger-types… ages 18 to 60s, all ethnicities, especially extreme characters – very thin, lean body types, very tall, very short, emaciated, odd features, huge nose, bulging eyes, big ears, lazy eye, grizzled and wrinkled faces, odd body types, missing teeth etc. Not looking for hearty eaters….me ‘earties… Sande Alessi Casting 13731 Ventura Blvd. 2nd Floor Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 Monday, June 28th through Friday July 9th Our open casting call hours are Monday-Friday 3:00pm to 5:00pm Please do not ALL come on Monday!! Show up mid-week to avoid long lines. ***There is no experience necessary*** BRING a 3 x 5 current color photo. (Does NOT have to be professional.) No wigs, makeup or sunglasses in photos and please shoot it from the waist up. If you do not have a current color 3x5 photo, we will take one for you for $2.00. BRING a pen or pencil. You do not need to prepare for an audition, we will be simply have a look at you, have you fill out a registration card, attach your photo and send you on your way. Do not say AARGH in your photo! You must be 18 years or older and be legal to work in the U.S. Please bring change for parking meters. For more information please see our website at www.SandeAlessiCasting.com
  5. Its now offical. Just one weekend, Sep. 18 & 19. http://www.goldcoastfestivals.com/OjaiPirate.html
  6. Don't be surprised if this event only is one (1) weekend this year. The weekend looks to be September 18 & 19. Look fer an official announcement in a few weeks or less.
  7. Its in the title of the thread, but not the body. San Pedro, Calif.
  8. event CANCELLED. Evidently, there were venue issues that could not be overcome in the time remaining before the event. http://alfredosbeachclub.com/seafest-pierdaze.html
  9. Ya never know what you'll get in a ship of Spainards- Pirate Gump

  10. I am very sorry to hear this. You all work so hard to put on a great show. Fair winds, -Greydog
  11. Here ya go: http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/ReplicaCannons.htm Loyalist Arms is now offering FULL SCALE replica cannons. For film & stage props, decor for home or office building, historic sites, or for those who simply cannot afford to own the real thing. These cannons are safe and cannot be fired. These items are already finding their way into museums in the US. The model pictured, is a naval carriage, 18 pounder. The Garrison style carriage would be almost identical. Specs: Barrel: Durable hollow plastic with black iron finish, over 5 feet long with false liner. Carriage: solid wood, 40 inches long and 16 inch high at front; hand crafted. Wheels:composite wood for durability; Front O.D. 10 inch, Rear O.D. 9 inch. Weight: approx. 85 pounds. Can easily be picked up and carried by two people. Barrel and wheels, and carriage can be separated for packaging and shipping. These replica cannons are manufactured here in Nova Scotia, Canada, a province famous for privateers, pirates naval battles, early forts, and buried treasure, as well as the oldest permanent settlement in North America. Barrel is made from durable plastic, with a finish that looks extremely close to cast iron. Carriage is made of hand fashioned wood and can be had in red or light grey. Wheels are made of composite wood and can be painted by customer to simulate wood or iron. What every pirate, privateer, military historian, ex-naval person, or the guy, who has everything wants: An awesome, full scale replica cannon would look great, guarding your driveway, or placed on your deck, or wharf. Maybe it would hold a place of honour, next to the flagpole at your cottage or legion, or perhaps would give your yacht or sailboat that old world look. Add some historical class to the front of your shop or store. Take one along to the next living history event, and park it next to your tent. This item is a real attention grabber. Available now for only $525.00 Cdn. Shipping extra. Can be shipped anywhere.
  12. Aye, ye be seeing the Black Sail, Kern County Pirates, and Alliance of the Double Cross fighting to the death fer booty and glory on Islas de la Muerte.
  13. In my exhaustive research of 2 mins looking at my fav website of period paintings: 1730's Painting: There appears to be something worn under the hat, what I do not know. Check out the hat itself! http://www.nmm.ac.uk/mag/pages/mnuExplore/ViewLargeImage.cfm?ID=BHC3128 1745 I just had to include this. Ignore the people look at the lower right with the wig on the DOG! http://www.nmm.ac.uk/mag/pages/mnuExplore/ViewLargeImage.cfm?ID=BHC2720
  14. Chuck Norris, Mr. T, and Hulk Hogan were all killed in a plane crash. When they got to the Pearly Gates they asked to see God. Mr. T said, "Let me guard the steps to your throne" Hulk Hogan said, "Let me be your right hand man." Chuck Norris said, "Get out of my chair" Remember, Guns don't kill people. Chuck Norris kills people...well him, and bullets that is.
  15. Come to Pirate Invasion June 19 & 20 and see the Isla de la Muerte complete with Pirates and Twice Daily Battles.
  16. That's wonderful! I am so happy that it worked out.
  17. Well, i'd be fer the Fisher House http://www.fisherhouse.org/ XXX The Fisher House™ program is a unique private-public partnership that supports America's military in their time of need. The program recognizes the special sacrifices of our men and women in uniform and the hardships of military service by meeting a humanitarian need beyond that normally provided by the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs. Because members of the military and their families are stationed worldwide and must often travel great distances for specialized medical care, Fisher House™ Foundation donates "comfort homes," built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers. These homes enable family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful times - during the hospitalization for an unexpected illness, disease, or injury. There is at least one Fisher House™ at every major military medical center to assist families in need and to ensure that they are provided with the comforts of home in a supportive environment. Annually, the Fisher House™ program serves more than 10,000 families, and have made available nearly three million days of lodging to family members since the program originated in 1990. By law, there is no charge for any family to stay at a Fisher House operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs; and Fisher House Foundation uses donations to reimburse the individual Fisher Houses operated by the Army, Navy, and Air Force. No family pays to stay at any Fisher House! XXX The Fisher House can be the difference between wounded service members seeing their family one more time or not. They have come through for some folks I knew that were wounded in Iraq. A top knotch organization all round. -Greydog
  18. Here's the contact info for the Corpus Christi Chapter of SASS Cowboy Action Shooting Club - Texas Riviera Pistoleros: One would assume that one of them can get you running in the right direction. (This is all public info from their published webpage) Fair winds, -Greydog http://trpistoleros.com/ From the public page: Territorial Governor Brushy Creek Bill 361-215-4484 jnlcunn@cs.com President Long Star 361-334-1978 sass32729@yahoo.com Vice-President Dutch Diablo 361-992-4197 CmdrMk8@aol.com Secretary Stinking Badger 361-937-4845 stinkingbadger@stx.rr.com Treasurer 3 Reds 361-549-1057 kathy@hamiltonpsychology.com Range Safety Officer Col Mack 361-242-1736 cmcclure@stx.rr.com
  19. I must agree, Stynky is the rankest person here, and hence the name I reckon.
  20. It's LA, according to the in-post description . . . This is correct, ever since they started taxing us out of our friggin minds this is how our politicians dress in California.
  21. I agree with Oderlesseye a full rate I do. The problem being that even fer this here company ye need to be keepin yer day job!
  22. From the “No Quarter Given Website”: June 19 & 20, 2010: Pirate Invasion of Rainbow Lagoon Long Beach, CALIFORNIA Formerly known as Pier Daze Pirate Invasion...new location, new name. For the last four years pirates have invaded Long Beach at the Belmont Pier, now they choose to enter the city by way of Rainbow Lagoon. The lagoon is just east of the foot of Pine Ave, north of Shoreline Drive. Parking for the event is south of Shoreline Dr (accessible from the 710 FRWY)...enter at entrance of Shoreline Village, just east of Pine Ave on the right and then turn left, or approach from Ocean Blvd turning south at Alamitos Av / Shoreline Dr and look for parking entrance on your left. More details soon to follow. Vendor, Entertainer and Guild inquiries should be directed to Ray Kula: RayKula@Juno.com 562.438.8514 This event is a production of Beach Ventures Enterprises, Inc. and Gold Coast Festivals, Inc. http://www.noquartergiven.net/calendar.htm
  23. Great results! Thanks for the note.
  24. There's more than one way to polish an old rusty metal barrel, from elbow grease to machine, to blasting with some kind of grit, etc. What are you using? It looks to be a very good result.
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