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Everything posted by Paisley

  1. keep me posted : ) if you don't mind me being on the east coast!
  2. http://www.iondesign.net/drinkometer
  3. looks like we be sisters capt weaver! Bloody Mary Rackham Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it's the open sea. For others (the masochists), it's the food. For you, it's definitely the fighting. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
  4. ty kindly capt. unfortunately me dear grandmother passed away late friday night, which "threw our ship off course". one day soon, my friend.... will you be attending any pub sings in the area???
  5. http://www.fidius.org/quiz/pirate.php this site be lettin you pick if you be a "bouy" or "gull"...and be askin you other questions too.
  6. curses! talked t' cruise mate again t' finalize plans, she be worried bout leavin at such a busy time a work (animal hospital, people boardin' pets)... and another lass at work might be thrown in t' brink a few days...so we might not be makin it t' pip. i imformed her that t' pyrates o' t' coast might come lookin fer her if she ain't too careful. arrrrrr, women!!!! (not coutin meself of course!)
  7. miss rose.... i will be there dec 2nd from 10am-6pm. will be sailin in on royal caribbean's majesty of the seas. she might not be a tallship, but she floats! i'll msg you my cell if you wish ma'am. so we be sure to meet.
  8. ok...just got the word from "the man"...we will be buying tickets tomorrow. we (me + mate) will be arriving in key west via royal caribbean's majesty of the seas, dec 2nd, 10am-6pm. i'll share my cell # so we can hook up while there.-just msg me. hurricane---i'll see you at capt. tonys!
  9. yellow-bellied wharf rats! a pox on eisner!
  10. well dark rose....i'll 'ave to keep a good eye out for ya. for a female pirate, it's all about accessories!!!
  11. ya see el p.....that's what you get for going to all those bars!
  12. tired of that "fresh outta the costume shop" look? what be the practical ways ye be aging your garb?
  13. just an update for those who wrote in... just finished my second class tonight. the good news, my instructor is also the coach for the historical swordsmanship class. the bad news...it's freakin hard!!!! fun, but hard!...never would have imagined it. thanks for all the advice. it's not like this is a common well-known subject with my small circle of friends. you've really helped. burad...will you keep me posted if you hear about anything related to historical swoardsmanship since you're in my area? i'd be very interested. thanks mate!
  14. ok....hummmm you said favorite bad movies huh.... 1) bring it on (yes...the cheerleader movie. "take whatever you're eating and cut it in half...this is called a diet.") 2) clash of the titans ("perseus" harry hamlin was sooo hot when i was 8) 3) 16 candles ("lake....big lake...") 4) flash gordon (the hawkmen kick ass) 5) caveman (ringo starr, shelly long, dennis quaid...and dinosaur poop) that should be enough for you mates to make fun of me!
  15. are you trying to kill me (with kindness) hurricane??????
  16. depending on what day we arrive...i would hope to think (even if i was a die-hard pirate) that the bars would not be open at 7:30am ...lol... so it leaves me to the other stuff *snicker*
  17. alright mates...just so we don't be missing each other.. how bout we post: who's comin the dates you be there where you be restin your fair head
  18. so should we dress up?...and bring lots of film?????
  19. if you wanna see me first tattoo, you'll have to scoot on over to the pub photo page. i can't figure out how to post them here. (being a blonde pyrate n all) the skull (only) was the first part, got it in '91. i added the rest just today! i also have a faerie on rt shoulder, blackfoot indian design on my neck, and 1/2 my back done (brian froud work)...not counting the bits of metal in me body!
  20. i be the well fed pirate! ...got the getto bootie goin on!...
  21. we might be on royal caribbean's majesty of the seas...or one of carnival's ships...not sure yet
  22. aye, ep....tis already cold. that's why we be taking the iron bird to miami!!!!!
  23. aye! the mud show still be there, in all 'er glory! :)
  24. just posted a couple of pics in the pub photo album care to take a gander??? and to those who attended the fest during pirate weekend, might 'ave we passed right by each other????
  25. tyring to convince a friend to take a cruise with me in dec...just so happens the cruise stops in key west for 1/2 a day... would like to meet as many mates as possible! also requesting things we must do or see. (remember we are very limited on time, i think we are in port from 7am-2pm) any bets that we'll be the only mates on our ship in our pirate garb?...lol thanks...
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