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Posts posted by Paisley

  1. been there too....its ok (i'm unfortunately used to living 1/2hr away from the smithsonians in wash dc for 10 yrs)....

    gotta go to once, but will only take you bout 1hr to get through.

    if you really want my opinion.....take a snorkling tour with stuarts cove. (their building is located on the southwest side of the island in the old "Flipper" movie set.) i did it a few years ago. had the best time ever (more than any on my 5 cruises!)

    why you ask??? "If the weather permits, we will stop at a 3rd location to allow you to experience an incredible thrill - snorkeling with Caribbean Reef Sharks."

    it was sooooooooooo coooooooooool!

    plus they charge less that the cruise ships do for their tours!


  2. lots of etchings!...just ask maggie...our offical photographer!! even got a byline in the st. pete times!!! (yeah!!!!)

    check out the pics on www.piratefair.com

    and capt....thank you sooo much for coming! besides hubby, ya'll were the only family that showed! (brings a tear to my eye)

    OH!!! BTW!!! long story short.....i made it on abc news! (i was going a bit and they got it on tape)


  3. willie wobble Posted on Nov 14 2005, 11:15 AM

      sorry felow crew mates , but as much as i want to go i can't be on both sides of the state at once , my son and i have a indian-guides campout fri/ sun and a craft show to do on sunday . i know many of you are going to jamaica but i'll be going to PIP if anyone else is heading down i'll seeya there

    teehee...indian guides.... should give you my old vests :)

    and i wont be at pip this year...nor jamaica....we should plan outing of our own!

    Cpt Sophia M Eisley Posted on Nov 12 2005, 02:09 PM

      I'll be heading down on Saturday for a bit, possibly with a modest sized crew. I'll be keeping an eye out for yah. 

    cant miss me...the nun with pink feathers in her tricorn! please stop n introduce yourselves!!! would love to put a face with the avatar :)

  4. billboard3.jpg

    WHO'S GOING????

    i (of course) will be there, with all my ..er...bad habits...(*cymbol crash)

    visit www.piratefair.com, or email me if you have questions.

    if you want to get tickets early, we are being sold through ticketmaster now, too.

    some of our acts are: The Tortuga Twins, Bunnies in Peril, Empty Hats, Johnny Phoenix, Fire By Riz, and more...

    ***and girls***....if you like fire, rhythmic tribal music, whips, and half-nakid people YOU CAN NOT MISS FIRE BY RIZ!!!

    (this nun commited many many sins in her mind during THAT show! woohoo)

  5. Rogue Mermaid Posted on Oct 25 2005, 12:08 PM

      My boyfriend is heading to Florida (from upper eastern Maryland) with three other tech guys to fix his company's computers that went down in Wilma. They have to drive, sleep in a van, and most of the places they have to go have no power. He mentioned having to go to Jupiter and Orlando and I forgot where else. He just found out today, he leaves tonight, and he doesn't know when they'll be home. There isn't even enough time for me to see him before he leaves. We're gonna miss our first Halloween together

    hey rogue...if he gets around tampa area, have him give me a ring...i lived in fairfax, va for 11 yrs.

  6. actually...kendra lives not too far from me...as it stands now, we are going to get tropical storm winds. i dont know ANYONE (pirates, of course) from the tampa area who are doing a bloody thing except stocking up on rum!


  7. tried several searches on hallmark channel website...all i found was this:

    Jules Verne's Mysterious Island

    A hot air balloon carrying passengers and a dog escapes from Richmond, Virginia during the American Civil War only to be blown far off course, resulting in a crash landing on an uncharted island.

    Struggling to stay alive as they hunger for a rescue that may never come, the isolated, desperate survivors face pirates, scavengers, giant reptilian creatures, the wrath of Mother Nature and the inexplicable secrets of the Island.

    Stars: Kyle MacLachlan, Gabrielle Anwar, Omar Gooding, Patrick Stewart and Vinnie Jones

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