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Posts posted by Paisley

  1. was playing on the website and found this...9 neat little tricks to get started:

    #1) Park in a faraway spot and briskly walk to your destination

    #2) Take the stairs instead of an elevator

    #3) Rake leaves instead of using the blower (leaves?? like palm fronds???? snicker)

    #4) Play tag with the kids instead of computer games

    #5) Go golfing, bowling or dancing for fun

    #6) Walk down the hall instead of using the phone or e-mail to discuss an issue with a colleague

    #7) Take a walk during a morning or afternoon break — and ask a friend to go with you

    #8) Do indoor chores — wash the windows, scrub the bathtub or reorganize your closet, for example

    #9) Do some active outdoor chores — mow the grass, work in the garden or wash the car

    Making these changes is an easy way to improve heart and respiratory fitness, mood and muscular fitness and to reduce body fat.

    i challenge everyone do to #1 until the 14th when the body challenge offically starts...this includes your work/office too!!!

  2. alright...i've got killian, asukaru, and bonnie red weasel so far....anyone else?

    rummy and gigi...i can't figure out how to invite you when you've already joined (at least from this end). maybe there's a sepecial button on your end???

    oh...and you'll get a kick outta this....after eating mcdonalds for lunch yesterday...got on my mtn bike (after 1yr,...i'm more of a roadie) for 1/2hr yesterday....thought i was going to die...lol!


    Welcome to Discovery Health's National Body Challenge 2006! It's a FREE, eight-week, comprehensive online fitness and weight-loss challenge, and this is where you start. To continue you must login. If you have not signed up, it's easy, click "Register Now" to begin the journey to the new you.

    register now

    i think i need ya'lls email to join the group... i'll send you the "invite"

    (i'm so excited....lol)

  4. dont think so...nut i might be in costume anyway...im going to a hospital-ish event for sick kids on sat with hurricane n diosa. ends at 3pm...then i'm coming back over here.

    depends on how late we run lol

    wouldve loved to have been kidnapped...11hr shifts are not my thing!

  5. dont think so...nut i might be in costume anyway...im going to a hospital-ish event for sick kids on sat with hurricane n diosa. ends at 3pm...then i'm coming back over here.

    depends on how late we run lol

  6. oh maggie...awesome pictures!!! i missed you soooo much!

    btw....didnt see any pictures of "CAPT MARCY!!"

    ONE MORE BTW--a few of us new port nothing area pirates are meeting at cicis pizza (ridge n little rd) this sat around 8 if you want to join us.

    mary, sheri, hubby john, fritz, maybe sandi and jer, and myself...

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