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Posts posted by Zephyr

  1. Sir, I'm amazed the virus can live in yer blood! :rolleyes:

    Much less multiply!

    Get well soon!

    (stepping up me water and C/Bcomp and zinc (but not too much)...was wondering if I should put the effort into finding a place to get the shot.....I don't get sick (shouldn' t have said it....) but the news started to get me a little more concerned.....thanks for saving me the time

    EP...vitamin M? Ye lost me.....minerals ....... magnesium?manganese?molybdenum?.................................marshmellies?

  2. I was planning to do the naming party as soon as the construction is complete. Can't name a half finished ship! Yeah I'm kind scared to pour anything liquid on the Land Shark and if the bottle doesn't break on the first try, it's supposed to be bad luck. I'm not sure what to do about that aspect of it. Maybe we could play it safe by just drinking a toast and pouring one into the Land Shark rather than breaking the bottle on her hull.

    It worked for the Greeks...and others...pour some, drink some......I like the idea of pouring to the four directions (RyannM)......I do believe it's the thought that counts.....or a hollywood type break-away-glass bottle (like ye don't have better things to do than find one......)..............it's wonderful!

    Fred might stand-in as the sacrafice......

  3. syphilitic dementia....would make sense..........the neuro systems and cardiovascular systems become involved and result in various symptoms (aneurysms of the aorta are common) and/or various types of psychoses.......and eventually general paralysis

  4. Just a thought about Bootstrap... Since they were all cursed and couldn't die. Since Bootstrap also shared this curse as his blood was needed to lift the curse. Could it be possible that he was still alive and kicking at the bottom of the ocean. I mean his blood was only substituted in the treasure so his blood was never really paid. This being the case might he still be alive waiting for someone to snag him to the surface?

    I'm still saying with a little ambition and being cursed... he coulda' walked somewhere in six...seven years..I do mean...would you sit thar waitin? Ye'd be hoof'n it.......

  5. funny that I didn't notice it when we be paint'n 'is toesies.....did I paint the one foot twice? Aaarr rum and nail polish fumes...apparently they don't mix well.......was it rum I was drinkin?...nay you'd never remember either.....

    I were too busy wait'n fer some one to :lol:

    when I said a PINK....

    Some a' the "pains" in me life be the most highly amusing too..... I can never quite get rid a' them....too much entertainment value :lol:

    they inspires me........ta' grow and learn :lol:

  6. Aye! ye got it sir! ther interfer'n with yer right ta' expressyerself and yer religious practice (I do think this qualifies as religion...defined as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature and purpose of the universe!....involving ritual observence devotional practice etc.....)...as guaranteed by our constitution (tha script not the ship...though that might come in handy too........) Personally I'm quite amused (use sickened on a bad day (hormones)) by the by the mentalcontractedness of those who think their practice is the only one. Senna works well.

    hang reindeers? sound verrry pagan....verrry pagan indeed

    and as fer Santa....and his Elves....and the 25th being the old pagan wintering celebration from very ancient time.........well........... :D

  7. Arrrr...seems I'm a bit late but I'm surprised it didn't occur to ya sooner than later.

    Sorry about Fred....... They call it loitering? Hanging about without occupation? tell them es' an important part of balancing the yardarm (or something nautical) call the ACLU (unless ye have a HOA like the selfservingpiddlekopfs that run my complex (don't get me started .... :D me Hungarian comes out)...ye didn't sign any agreeement to conform to a nice middleclassappearance did ye? or do ye remember? Fer G/G sakes lad, ye gots cannon on the deck and a windswayingskyhangingdeaddummyman worries them? Lords! Tell them it's an important Tibetan ceremony....a symbolic sky burial......a representational rather tham exposing them to the real event (all in consideration of the neighbors sensitivities (a course, if they go fer it ye have to find a real object fer sky burial..............)

    will captweaver write the ballad of Dead Fred?

  8. Aye, never said the Royalist was handicapped. Actually it's me, my twisted, toasted brain of bran cereal! Likes I said, I's just funnin' no harm or intentional strikes o' the cutlass intended.

    My apologies, if'n I offended Gary or others.


    **I have no brain, I have straw** :D

    I thought it were some allusion to 'is needing the l o n g e r stall

    but then I don't know the fellow personally

    if this saves ye' Rumba, ye owe me

  9. I still be reeling from the vision a' the cropcirclekittylitter. I'm imagining the book will be out in a few months after Oprah and such.

    Speak'n a' kitties

    That Pud is a verrry fierce cat

    on his good days he hissed and he spat

    there was nothing scarrier

    than that Jack Russell Terrier

    OOoops....I mean Pud-the-Pyrate-Pub-Cat!

    written on a scrap a' paper towel with purple ink and stuck to the wall with gum......

    ZZZzzzz sounding from the inside a' the privy and Merrydeath wait'n and all..........will return tomorrow to read the rest in daylight..........not a place that I'd light a candle :ph34r:

  10. T'was not a good night for the Land Shark. I painted one side  yesterday afternoon, but living in a coastal mountain redwood forest, we had a very damp night and I have wet runny paint this morning. Not good. I just saw Royaliste's post that rain was forcast for tomorrow,  and according to weather.com we'll have showers all weekend.

    Sorry fer yer dificulites, I truely am. Pitty ye can't send it all downsouth, gladly trade it fer all our dry weather

    Scarey bit about the paint eeek! Theres nothing like learning-as-ye-go is there? :ph34r: I'd been looking at some prep/primers recently to help a friend with a work project....there are primers to help adhere (so they claims :ph34r: ) almost anything...(wallpaper to formica in this case...fits well with my philosophy that formica should be covered))......but that's not really the problem here is it?...nefermind.........

    20 friends with hairdryers? Ye can't have a fire so near the paint....

    Jealous too..........me dream........to live where the redwoods meet the sea..


    or where the sea meets the redwoods....not that picky

  11. 'Ere ye go....some reality show....like "This Old Boat"... "Dock Appeal"..."Wave Rules"? Alrighty ye square box producers....'ere be the next big thing....get yee's to it!

    Aye....online namin party.....I be there, lass. Guess I could e'en see meself providin' some cyber libations. :ph34r:


    This old Boat......... :ph34r:

    What-cha brinn'n? Shall we have a pot luck.........?

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