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Posts posted by Zephyr

  1. I've a bit of a project and not sure how to start, ye historical darlings could save me some research time. Though not nautical in nature (but nature to be sure), I walk in a large and unmapped park with many meandering trails and fascinatn' foliage, that is essentially unmapped (that is, incorrectly and insufficently mapped). I've been trying to figure out how, with a compass and paper and pen, I could make a somewhat accurate map of the place...I'm sure we did projects about it in me school days, but for the life of me I can't remember.......ideas dears?

    I plan to throw in some traditional "here thar be dragons", and"edge of the world", make it as like an olde mapp as possible.

    Next, to chart the more spectacular and unusual flora and identify it, impossible with out I'm able to talk about locations to those-who-now. I was excited to find a cajeput tree last month.....

    which reminds me, to display my ignorance, what do they mean, when using a sextant, when the take a sighting on the sun and bring it to the horizon.......any recommendations on a beginners guide to historical navigation?

  2. Excellent, I can't imagine a better villain! Looking forward to seeing Twig and all the grundgy crew! Barbosa might find himself on the outs with 'is crew, they weren't too happy with 'is bad decisions at the last and it can only be worse now.......Aaarrrr

    Trying to think if one filming site be safer that another in current world conditions.....about he same probably. Security must ba a bigger issue than ever....

    I don't Know about this "filming them together" thing. The "LotR" progressively became such a muddle ......by the last movie, though visually excellent. I can't help but think that they needed a break to reconsider and regain focus. Or is hashing the story and characters from the books a common practice? PotC was so well constructed comparativley, saw HP, PoA a few days ago, enjoyed it but thought the same as LotR. Sigh. What was the deal with the tattoos on Sirius Blacks chest....too charlie manson.....though I like some of the new embellishments I thought it a bit too confused with "Beetlejuice" (?Beetlegeise?)...

  3. Thank you again, and the scantlings are?......

    1. A timber of relatively small cross section. 2. Such timbers collectively. 3. The width and thickness of a timber. 4 A small quantity or amount.

    From Middle English "scantilon", from Old English "scantillon" meaning "gauge".

    I've found a directory of the non-English word in O' Brians books, is there a list of the period nautical or nautical terms?

  4. Excellent!

    so the capstan is worked on the upper deck but the anchor cable is raised to a ......(is the capstan the part with the the "spokes" (bars?) or is it he term for the entire mechansim, what is the part of it that continues below the upper deck called and how many decks does it continue through (generally)).... the lower deck....but the capstan is used for other duties so the anchor cable is not kept on the capstan...coiled on another deck......?

    "bower" is the main anchor? or a part of the anchor?

    and "waring", how would it be defined compared to other words describing movement of the ship (or boat)

    thank you kind Sir, Z

    Royaliste's Dictionary of Phrase and Cable

  5. Zephyr, you aren't a real life Stephen Maturin are you?  :lol:

    Ah, flatted...........lots of interest, much less courage and education (sigh)

    an' less insight, I still be trying to grasp whot the Grendle be speaking about? Ye got a clue? I fail to savvy the subject but I think we should keel-haul 'm anyway. Have you notice a trend toward incoherency in the pub? Who's been making the rum these days? Are they using Stynkys shirt in the tea again? :D

  6. Pirates are only grouchy when they're especially pleeeesed with something (a raid, plunder, rum.....). The rest a' the time ther're just plain mean (it's a tradition at sea). They're at their best when they're mean and creative.

    Ye must a' caught 'em on a good day.

    yer not related the that clown crusty are ye sir? if ye are ye' can just put yer head in that bucket.

  7. What d'ye need to know?

    Thank you , I will look through the books and find the marvelous paragraphs replete with nautical terms about raising the anchor, most of which left me with a confused picture of what was actually taking place, though I seem to remember it had something to do with"fishing a cat" (or "catting a fish".....), it may be a bit before Ibook-the section. I hope to reread them one day, researching anything not quite as I progress.....

  8. More cheers for Geoffrey Rush, I so thought he deserved a nomination, and to learn he's a NICE GUY too!I liked Johnny but Geoffrey is HOT. And subtle.

    My old eyes handled the blue just fine, I do think you're right, it's the Statue of Liberty (or Hillary Clinton standing under a yew tree, I recognize the suit (Hillary, not the tree)).

  9. Sorry I missed it, dandy pirates! I love it ! :ph34r: Having broken with convention, and having the opportunity to finery they'd never have afforded in their previous employment, I can see them wearing anyting they chose not to sell, and as much as they wanted of it all at the same time. Most pirates seem to have had a highly disposable attitude about property, and as you said, had fun showing off. Amazing that the wenches in port were so, uh, busy considering the pirates were all gay...

    It's the "not thinking" angle that amuses me so much, watched M&C, far side the other night. Loved "the oceans are now battle fields"...like battles on water have not been going on since man learned to float .......Cordingly's assertion that most pirates came from merchantmen 'cause navel regulations made life kinder in the navy.....

  10. Sounds like fun! But somehow, I didn't catch the connection between the writer/fighter of the lighthouse, and Teach. :rolleyes:

    Capt. William

    well, the writer/fighter and Teach are both dead..... a prerequisite for a wake.....and the light house is.......aaaaa........a symbol of spiritual ....a symbol of ...................

  11. ...we be wishin' ye luck, mate!!..The combination 'o sewin' 'n paint works okee-dokee, an' thar be alla the time the chance for variation when ye touch up the paint!..We've a few sea miles on RR's now, an' she's doin' fine, eh wot?


    Make me life a bit easier darling, what kinda' fabric? paint? ye got a great look there and I be a bit to busy for the usual experimenting..... :lol:

    is that yer olde dressing gown?

  12. are the fumes a problem? been very tempted to play with that......kiln price the big negative........


    I haven't noticed any poblem with fumes.


    Of course there are fumes. Just don't inhale. ;)

    Uhmmmm....for how long?

  13. You don't need a kilm. The clay can be fired using a torch or a hot pot that costs less. See new link

    "If you are using PMC3 material you can fire in a kiln, in our Hot Pot, or using a torch. For Hot Pot use, see our simple Hot Pot firing instructions."see step 10 for PMC3 firing instructions.

    are the fumes a problem? been very tempted to play with that......kiln price the big negative........

  14. The "fallin cuff" thing was pretty common in seacoats through the 1800.s. Let em hang, and they keeps yr hands warm, button em up, and ye get a fashion statement. B)

    Ahhhhh.....where seeming common sense meets historical accuracy...there was me thinkn'...well surely those drooooping cuffs would be in the way of a true sailn' person........hands busy with the rigging and such all day long.......

  15. unless ye be showing off an excellent vintage (wanting yer guest(s) to see the label).....ye can get good effect by painting (glass paint) a nice rustic skull and cross bones on a wine bottle (label removed of course, and ye got to bake it to set the paint, I like Liquitex "Glossies"), decant yer merlot into it and use an old fashioned cork (so yer can pull it out with yer teeth.......

    Arrr :huh:

    I painted a set, skull/bones on the glasses, bones crossed around the base, very nice......yo ho ho and a glass of merlot (or two)

  16. And I was wondering why he didn't use "IT" to pick the lock on his cell...or his hand cuffs....or...something....I thought it must 'ave been a one a those spikes that sailors use to pick knots an such......though I can't imagine sleeping with it in me hair....... (lack of imagination on my part)

    speakn' of interesting costuming....notice how many pirates are wearing their cuffs over their hands?

  17. From the sea.

    Long Island (NY) to the longer island (CA), one coast or another, I'm told there is something in between and it certainly looks like if from a plane.....but then the heavens look rather empty, and they're not, so looks can be deceiving.

    OK, really, I'm from another planet and this week I'm from computer hell......having my own personal mercury retrograde...can anything else go wrong this weekend? I'm taking suggestions.....I mean, let's do the thing right, right? :ph34r: not complaining, mind ye'....

  18. ye could have a sewing friend put together some pyrate garb fer barbie and ken.......spice up their lives a bit...little bandanna, eyepatch, a little flag........... should be easy..........slops......a little cutlass from the cook'n store (olive deco)...........

  19. And Geoffry Rush gets the pass!!! Curse them all the sinking black depths of Davy Jones Locker! I say we pool are swag and swear out a letter of reprisal on the heads of these scaberous dogs!!


    I'm with ye sir....aarrrr, sorry they will be when the cursed crew comes upon them in the depths of a foggy moonlit night....the black spot in the meanwhile...........perhaps we should pool our signatures (x's) and send him a note say'n we think he deserved it ..............

    Who ever thought of such a name for a tomatoe! Imagine it in the grocers......he he .................Black Seamen $2.49 lb....................I thought "Big Boy" raised enough comments

  20. Happy Birthday to all of ye!!!

    I do hope yer celebrating is still on going.....do not pause fer me to catch up.......I'm trying to figure out how to get the cake inta' the little box on me desk to send ye a bit........maybe in tiny crumbs.............

  21. when he got shot in the heart and survived, etc...

    gotta watch it again...but I think the scars were on the right side of his chest...

    I kinda' like the "it's real" aspect of that...typical of Jack's blend of cynicism and spirit....a lot of the deleted scenes were great.....the "ill" wind blowing through the town (umbrella rolling)...............gee.....too bad really good movies can't be even longer......program to re-insert the deleted scenes?

    The DVD is great fun!.....need - a - larger - TV!

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