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Everything posted by 'Bastian Devareaux
Foppish Look and Airs of the GAoP
'Bastian Devareaux replied to Reginald Killingsworth's topic in Scuttlebutt
Well, Mademoiselle... It would be of greatened honour to add mon sous duex, in matters of particular queries. But, I do believe that I will be one to sit back and see what others might dredge up in response. Please do continue, I am most profoundly curious as to what might be offered in regard to "French Influence". And of note, and rather an important one. Having a finite sense of fashion does not automaticly make one a Fop. It is a far deeper subject than that. In truth, it is what might be called a subculture with its' own dictates, etc. -
I see we are back to the great time debate.... Shall we just call it Mid Morn towards Noonish? Perhaps that might suit all involved. I have no issues with telling detail in retrospect, if need be. I would assume that the explsion took place in the darker hours....Who in their right mind would try to pull it off in broad daylight. Though, any are free to veto my suggestion. It matters not to me either way for I am quite versatile.
"Corporal Smyth, I do not truly care as to what you have been told. I am informing you as to how it is to be." Lucien eyed military man with hint of disapproval. "It has come to mine attention that none are to be in the presence of Captain John Sterling without authorized consent." He moved forward two paces, dim light of office glinting of gold elaboration crowning walking stick. Features remained void of the irritation that was quickly climbing inwardly. "I have been commissioned as Solicitor of the man in question. As to what bunglings occur in this base surround, they are of no concern to me...Unless they involve my Client. Mister Pinon is to be arriving shortly and perhaps I should inform him of the negligence that appears to run rampant beneath the Crown's very nose" The Addressee paled slightly, as Barrister continued, " Perhaps I should relay what is allowed to go on within these walls to the Governor. I am sure he would be most interested...But...." One finger tapped cane head impatiently, "I can be a reasonable man and if you will kindly escort me to the gentleman in my charge, I might forgive named trespass." Corporal shifted with discomfort, then nodded accord. Lucien was far from impressed with the bowels of structure, its scent lay far to the opposite of what he had enjoyed just an hour before. It took some time to navigate the lower levels, but in time evidence of torchlight ahead gave indication of destination almost achieved. There was no mistaking the haughty irritation that shrouded Lucien's person, each man in immediate area given cold gaze as female voice drifted outward from near doorway. "Who claims to be in charge here?" One of the gathering stepped forward, "I am, Sir." "Are you daft man? Can you not follow the most simplistic of mandates?!" "Sir...." One manicured hand went up for silence, "You are an embarrassment to the uniform that you are currently clothed in. Mister Pinon shall not be pleased and I am much in the mind set to have you stripped of your office. Stand out of my way, Sir!" "But...." "But?!....But nothing, Sir! You shall do as I say, and do so to the very letter. Mister Pinon is to arrive very shortly and it is my advice to you, though I doubt your base mind shall comprehend, that you fall back and give me no further issue." Stepping past and through portal frame, Lucien's attention fell full to the woman and man huddled in far corner. "Madame, it would be in your very best interest to depart and do so with great haste. You have been granted a boon of luck, in so much as it is me and not the one I am to meet, that has just gained this cell." Low flicker of torch hinted at her current expression and it was not one over pleasing. Lucien inclined chin a degree, "I shall not repeat myself, Madame. These are not matters that bode well with argument." He turned slightly to address near guard, "Will you kindly escort this woman to the upper reaches. This is no place for a Lady to be, nothing good shall come of it, I assure." As she was escorted away with much protest, Lucien approached his Charge and spoke with collected calm, "My name, Sir, is Lucien Manchester. My services have been called upon to act as advisor on your behalf under the current circumstance that you seem to have found yourself in."
Non...the paticular "title" used is a Irish slur for the English. Would not apply to myself. Now back to our regularly scheduled program.....
Sassnach.... Ouch!!!
Lucien James Manchester waved casually to shoo droning insect away from his person. Broadsheet was readjusted to benefit from early morning light lazily streaming in from open patio doors. He yawned absent-mindedly, and considered the boiled egg in silver service afore him. Breeze stirred in lufting manner, bringing with it the pungent sweet of flora from manicured garden of which he took almost sinful pride. The soft sound of chamber door and equally hushed tread of footfall paused his current train of thought, but as any man of stature would, he made no effort to give immediate acknowledgement. Vision was cast over half empty china cup and he contemplated his desire for more tea before making verbal invitation to other waiting just to the left and behind. "Yes, Williams?" "A messege for you, Sir" Broadsheet dropped angle slightly to the announcement, "Very well. Place it there, if you would." Petit tray of elegant wrought was set upon indicated spot and Steward waited dismissal. Lucien gave partial attention to paperment's existence than gazed towards patio portal and native bird that had just taken perch upon rail curvature. "That will be all for now, Williams. Thank you." Steward gave small bow, regardless of being out of Master's sight and retraced the path just trodden. Deep appreciative draw of breath was taken to garden's perfume and for more than a thousandth time, lordling in waiting considered his high fortune. Granted, being the Second Son could have its' disadvantages; Elder brother would gain Family lands and title; reputation and Seat within hallowed House of Lords... But one could do worse. As a Barrister with a very elite clientele, Lucien had done quite well for himself in Lower Latitudes. His reputation was sealed, desired luxuries afforded and above all, he had freedoms that elder brother Edward did not. Tinge of smile played handsome features as he also considered his lack of envy regarding Brother and England's finicky climate. Nothing there could entice Second Son from here...Not all the titles in Britannia. Paperment was finally given its' due, read once then, once again in time. Pursing his lips in contemplation, tiny bell was grasped and rung. "Yes, Sir?" "Please see to ordering my carriage readied as soon as possible. And I think the Azure blue will suite quite well for the outing intended." "As you wish, Sir" Chamber door brushed to closure and Master rose from seating, hands clasped behind small of back. Tropics breeze gained strength, caressing ash hued tress as bird was studied nonchalantly. "Interesting..." he commented to no one in particular. "Interesting, indeed."
Soft knock was issued on desired residence, door cracking in response then moving to near full open allowing access. With portal secured, Christophe eyed Burke's companion with cool regard momentarily before resuming post in former chair. Quickly removing hat out of respect, Nathan hovered just behind Devon's placement, glance slied to the Frenchman and iron thunder cradled upon lap. Introductions were made briefly and seating was indicated. She looked upon him kindly, though there was no mistaking the dread that swam the depths of olive pools and he found it hard to focus on the flooring instead of the graces that Fates had bestowed upon her. Nathan was hesitant to speak that which he knew at first, but as relayed what he knew, the words came easier and there was without doubt, a disturbance to the innermost conscious of his being. Now and again his words would falter as if remembrance was to unsettling to give forth. Aurore listened, the world fading from immediate surround to leave behind just she and orator. Mental gears moved forward, processing what was said and she worked hard to quell the fears which desired reign; he worked just as hard to keep the worst details at bay without downplaying overmuch the truths. As witness was given, the one thing that chased itself as dog after tail within Devon's mind were that of Kelley's statement just before leaving the tavern. Irish cousin had looked intently upon him... "Tis trut'...His scream was unsettlin' as the tales told on'na Aul Sod o' the Banshee's. An if he 'ad called me name, I would 'ave sworn meself dead in'na turn o' a day...."
Devon leaned close, features rapt to what was relayed in hushed tone. Serving maid had come and gone several times, glancing to near forgotten half-full, half-empty tankard duo. Slyed survey was made of surround as cut-purse digested what was and what was not. "Tis a right bloody shame, boyo...An' what am I to be tellin' Her. A given to pass the words, bu' wha' o' the rest?" Kelley kept tongue still, his features devoid of usual mirth. Abandoned tankard was recaptured by companion and downed absently. "An' She's gonna' ask...lay any wager to it, true as true is..." Burke leaned back, crossing arms over chest and fell into deep contemplation.
With shift at end, Kelley left the fortitude that gave his daily bread. Shoulders were slouched as if in reaction to some ethereal chill wind strangling his soul. Again and again the cries resounded his inner ear; coat was gathered tightly about broad shoulders of sturdy wrought. Norm was the order of the hour, and without given thought he returned to usual tavern and took usual table near hearth. Round was ordered and serving girl viewed him oddly as his manner was so out of sorts. An hour passed, carefully paced with refill and another; the main entrance yawning wide to present awaited table mate. Burke strutted the distance as Noble amongst his People. Good natured smile faded with quick observation to Kelley's mood.
Nathan Kelley was disturbed by the desperation of Unseen's voice and request. He wanted to answer, he wanted to assure, the words haunting his being as glance was snuck above to fingers clasp of iron. Deep breath was taken to still his nerve, this was not the place to give any outward attention to the goings on behind heavy barrier as smaller one was slamed to closure. Light sheen of perspiration broke over his person as he turned away; guaging his step carefully as if it were just another day; resisting the urge to retrace coarse, to offer some word of kindness. This situation was not the norm and had to be delt with under the strictest manner of caution. Gaining the upper levels, Nathan ignored the taunts of lesser inmates; striding steadfast to one of the garrets. Sitting heavily on simple wooden bench; Irishman waited expectantly for his own release from the Land of the Lost.
Heathen Gods
The warmth of Nora's body so close signaled chorus of carnal deamons to plead their case and want with Pinon now so shurly gone. And ever so briefly did Sabastian give inward ear and audience. But Chorus was silenced for multiple reasons; the last being the glimpse of new Proprietess and the shade of displeasure that glossed her person. Petit nibble was given to Nora's near ear as token of affection; swiftly follow by hushed words, "Your Mistress seems lacking of approval in our actions, Chaton..." Maid's eyes gave fleet flicker to one named, then down to where his hands laced at her front. "I am to assume that she is unawares of who I am. Perhaps that need be remedied in near future." Nora giggled. Lavender water scent teased the length of her hair, tantalizing his sense of smell with each movement and again Chorus begged its' day in court. And this time, case came very close to winning judgment... But grayish light now tickling far doorframe negated temptation; that and the face of another silently scolding the thoughts that came with Chorus' near overthrow. Bedding down for Dawn's further entrance was order of the Hour and it would prove best if return to Bella's chambers to obtained soon. Near silent sigh escaped his lungs and Sabastian eased forward, righting himself and Nora to proper sitting. A glance over shoulder told her that interval had run its' course, and though there had been other occasions where Dauphin had graced her bedding, this would not be an encore. Gaining her feet, Nora waited as he did likewise and lay coin on wooden surface. Drawing her close again, more coin was pressed into her private keeping and whisper to her ear, "Remember my words, Chaton." Sabastian stepped away then and as hallway beginnings were gained, flourished bow was presented for Selkie's benefit. Common was left for carriage in waiting.
^ Have a rather fine grasp of same and opposit. Human beings in general are a task to deal with. < Slept entirely too long....But feel SOOOOO much better. V Prefer the company of your own sex or the opposit. ( Get your minds out of the gutter. )
It took some doing, a few favors asked, the pressing of coin into proper hands, but at long last, what was requested would be granted. Granted with promises of protection if things went afoul. Parchment of smallish manner would make way to One secluded in dungeon-like encompasment. The messege it bore was of simplistic composition, but simplicity could be most profound. It wore no seal as crowning, nor signature within.... Just two words.... Je t'amie
He had arrived an hour's passing after receipt of messege. Now, sitting on surface of modest chair, Devon listened intently making effort to drive away notes of concern from whimsical expression. Just to the left and behind, he was all too conscious of the Frenchman's presence leaning against wall with arms crossed. Many things raced Irishman's mind, loyalties; survival; risk; thrawt; subjects that did little too paltice unease. Nevertheless, the blood that coursed his viens gave long witnessed proof of gambles and wager; and the temptation to thumb his nose at The Crown was too sweet an offer. "Tis possible to gain knowledge inna lay o' the land..." came his reply as head tilted in consideration. "Some o' me aquaints may be in the keepin's o' such." A small frown creased Celt brow. "But I canno' be makin' promises o' wha' gain may come." He paused in wordings, hearing trained behind to the ghostly indication regarding Chistophe's changing posture. Good natured smile crossed youthful expression, an effort to cheer and puctuation to the mischievous conjurings that sauntered in mental halls.
What are you reading right now ?
'Bastian Devareaux replied to Patrick Hand's topic in Beyond Pyracy
Yes well...Sometimes I need a break from the Heavies. It is recent aquisition and had to be imported. Light reading, then on to something of thicker meat.