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'Bastian Devareaux

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Everything posted by 'Bastian Devareaux

  1. There is a Gentleman of the Road in the midst?! How truly grand!!! And I am just hearing of this now?! I shall most certainly purchase libation for Monsieur upon future meeting....Then again...I do not purchase spirits...I deal in them....and other things....
  2. Lucien had retreated to the solace of private garden. Accompanied by bottle of aged excellence; he had whiled away the hour's passing near regal banyan. Expression was hard-set; eyes troubled by recent event and the man responsible. It was not that he was a man of squeamish qualities; it was more that such extremes unsettled his sensibilities. Adjusting his posture deeply within cane furnishing, chalice was balanced by stem betwixt fingers and the soft tread of footfall roused attention from current thinkings. Valet waited for acknowledgement that was given with merest indication. "Correspondence has been delivered as you asked, Sir." "With utmost care, I am secure in assuming....?" "Yes Sir." Chalice was sampled from, rich flavor rolled on tongue with appreciation then swallowed, "Cancel any pending appointments I have for this day...I do not wish to disturbed unless it is of emergency. I shall leave that to you discretion." "Very good, sir. I shall attend to it immediately." Valet left proximity with the same care practiced on approach, the breeze lifted to stir garden flora...And morning avian visitor reappeared on fountain's rim.
  3. "Though justice be thy plea, remember this. If justice were served, we would none of us see salvation." William Shakespeare
  4. But....... but.... but.... Don't you and everyone else always wanna make thier garb/clothing / pyrate stuff even better........ or should this go into the "wots yer adiction post"........ Here, here, Patrick!
  5. out of how many total? Last I counted "your" crew has done 4 events total in their 1 year of existence. (Don't you love statistics ) Truly, Madame...It would appear that you have entirely too much time on your hands if you go to the effort of keeping track of trivialities such as the statistics noted...And I might add that they are just a hair off target. Perhaps you might focus on something of more import. And as a kindly nudge in the proper direction regarding the "your crew". Capitaine Sterling is the initial organizer of Archangel and does have final say upon designated decisions. The entity afore mentioned, has existed longer than your noted "year" and as I do recall, you have only been affiliated a number of months. Tsk, tsk. **sly grin and wink** All of the "Officers" have been selected by Le Capitaine, further showing who holds sway...Though in the overall, the entity is of democratic philosophies. I would assume that you know all of this already, but I did error in my judgments....once....a very long time ago....**smirk** All efforts and contributions are acknowledged and given due laurels...It makes the whole that much better. **doffs chapeau with flourished bow** We all are aware of our place and station, non? Now, do run along to herd your Merchants as is your place in the scheme of things....My, my, is that the sun setting? And which beach head was the "landing"? Pardon moi....I have to speak to a gentleman in regards to a horse...or duex...or trois. Back to your regularly scheduled program!
  6. Lucien was furious, but maintained cool outward veil, and no reply issued to dignify Pinon's statement. Slyed glance was given to where Sterling remained unmoving and he knew under current situation there was nothing that could be done to aid. Haughty gaze leveled on Wraith briefly then chamber was forefit.
  7. "Act of Self Defense, Mister Pinon? Is that what you wish to term said action. Bludgeoning a man fully shackled that can barely move about? And do not make error in my knowledge regarding law practice. I believe my Credentials from Cambridge stand well on their own." Lucien eyed wraith suspiciously, "No, Mister Pinon....I do believe that after such a display, I will allow you the honour of departing this deplorable chamber ahead of mine person."
  8. Besmudged gold circumfrance was snatched in mid-air travel, its' course disrupted in flight. Lucien's eyes narrowed and tone dropped to icy levels. "THAT is more than enough!!!" There was no disguising the disgust currently displayed on Lordling's face, "Remove yourself, Sir. It is obvious that you cannot hide your base origins nor control them."
  9. "Yes, Mister Pinon...I must say that I am rather curious as to what basis of truth there is concerning said implication. It is of further interest to have said information sent to me post haste. Rather slovenly practice on someone's part that the documentations in question are not in my possession. Do see to remedying such in the very near future" Condescending expression glossed over Lordling's features, " I am sure the Lord Magistrate would be quite interested in how shabbily things are attended to while in your charge."
  10. Scotch Bonnets ( mucho caliente )
  11. Lucien well heard Sterling's hushed verbose, but avoided drawing attention to it. Eyes narrowing a degree, impatient wave was given. "Mister Pinon, am I inclined to think that you are so bold as to question me? Perhaps your boldness shall not be so readily forgotten, Sir. Truly, you are making this venture an act of tedium and I must further comment that the current condition that is surrounding us seems rather extreme for the supposed murder of an Overseer. I find it to be rather laughable, but far from amusing. This man is the son of a Lord and is being placed in so disreputable squalor...." Lucien tsked. "Now, if you will excuse me, Sir. I have other matters to attend to and bid you good day"
  12. "Call it idle curiosity, Sir...For is it not know the reputation and scandals that have been whispered for quite the duration of time. And of what matter does it concern to you what I do with my time, Sir....My whims are quite mine own and is it not rather bold of you to question? Such qualities might be questioned in proper circles..." Lucien inclined his chin slightly, "But I do believe perhaps I might dismiss such. Is there anything else that you wish to bat about, for I assume it near time for noon meal."
  13. Lucien made graceful pivot and made no effort to veil his station in regard to newly arrived. "I am quite aware of what has been requested, Sir. But need I remind you that I have been appointed by the Crown and beyond that I do caution you in the tone of which you choose to address me. Must I inform you of what you well know...or is it of necessity for me to remind you of propriety and station?" Lucien proffered expression which compacted wordings before moving on. " If we have gained clarity on these trivialities , Sir, we may proceed."
  14. Lucien allowed hint of wry smile and he spoke in low ironic tones, "Such things are easily requested...But not so easily achieved. I shall inform the party involved of risks, but as to the last of it..." Intelligent eyes roved over the Other briefly, "I would not worry of their fate overmuch, Sir...Those that have interest in said party's well fare are not those who are easily gained advantage over."
  15. Heed of corridor was fleeted before gloved hand dipped into silk coat pocket then returned to view. Dancing in slow spin, dim light caressed bird's flight form on medallion surface. Sigil was extended for brief observation then tucked back safely within azure holdings.
  16. With retreated step taken, Lucien regained former posture and remained quiet as whispered plea was issued. At Sterling's sudden reaction and silence, Barrister set expression to loftiness and veiled what turned in methodical mind. Hearing once again focused on corridor behind. This judicial circumstance would not be an easy negotiation and Pinon's involvement made certain that other hands were at play. Irritation plagued his thinkings, normally no desire for London tugged him...But in London, information could be obtained and hidden grudges uncovered. Something reeked; something smacked of shadowy workings...Something screamed coup d'etat. This was a well thought out game of Chess and Lucien cared not for what pieces could not be viewed on the board.
  17. Tone fell upon deaf ears, though query did not. Lordling fastidiously plucked at the lace which hung curtain-like from his wrists and after finding satisfaction in its lay, attention returned to the corner and occupant. Another moment’s passing occurred as Lucien keened hearing to that which lay beyond door. Seeming pleased with what could be gleaned, a sly facet brushed his haughtiness and he stepped two paces closer. Posturing as if he were in regal surrounds instead of dank subterra, he answered enigmatically, " A small and clever fox..."
  18. I have so many....which to choose.... Antiquated Books; Fine Art....gourmet coffee
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