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Everything posted by CaptainSatan

  1. There's another thread already started on this weapon Another Double Barrel Flintlock Thread
  2. Here's an update. Twin 8" .62 cal barrels This is the prototype for a double flintlock pistol from Middlesex Village . I have no idea when this weapon will be available to public. It seems a little post period for GAOP. But it would make a great HPW (Hollywood Pirate Weapon). For more information and photos go to their website. Double Barreled Flintlock Pistol
  3. Picture of my 1979 CJ-5 That's not me driving. It's actor/stunt man Tom Zembrod. The young lady is an actress named Brittany Hack. Her dad has a leather jacket company called US Wings.
  4. Guinness and Champagne (Black Velvet)
  5. Moderator edit: Link deleted for inappropriate content for the Pirate Pop forum. PM CaptainSatan directly if you want to the link to inappropriate photos of actor Geena Davis.
  7. The Flag of Barbarossa The War flag of Kheir-ed-Din Barbarossa. Now in the Naval Museum Istanbul
  8. I feel like having a drink...
  9. On a related note.... One in four New Yorkers has genital herpes. So much for modern medicine Germs, Guns, and Steel While it's not a book about piracy. It's good read for anyone interested in history. The TV show was pretty good too.
  10. Mohammed The prophet had a thing for little girls. When he was 53 he married a 9 year old little girl named A’isha.
  11. I've been away for a while myself
  12. I wish that I had a maid to frig!
  13. Morgan the Bastard has a nice ring to it
  14. This thread isn't that old. So this more of a nudge and less of a bump. I have a very impractical car that has limited cargo capacity and only gets about 12 miles per gallon. As a result I don't have plans to attend any events until next summer. Next year I will buy a more economical & practical vehicle. My goal is to pick up a little Toyota Tacoma truck. Hopefully we will be leaning towards gasoline from coal a year for now. If the gasoline situation goes from poor to bad next year. I will modify (downsize) my camp and go with a teeny tiny clown car like a Toyota Yaris. When I first started playing SCA back in the Bronze Age my only vehicle was a Volkswagen Super Beetle. So having a smaller, lighter camp wouldn't need to be that painful of an adjustment. Maybe I should throw a pool party for crew members in the Dallas/Fort Worth area? That way I won't have to drive anywhere. -CS
  15. I had a Mustang with a T-top back when I was stationed at Ft.Sam (San Antonio) during the Bronze Age. These days I'm addicted to Jeeps. Something about topless cars and topless wenches
  16. It looks like everyone had a splendid time. Thank you for sharing your photos. -CS
  17. My sole means of transportation is a 1979 Jeep CJ5 named Zeena.
  18. Usually it is a waiter, waitress, or sales clerk that will be the one to try and copy your credit card information. Most merchants have enough sense not to sh*t where they eat. Employees tend to be more transitional. Something that I do is I remove the three digit security code from the back of the credit and debit cards that I carry on my person. I do this by scratching off the numbers then blacking them out with a sharpie. That will not prevent all credit card crime. But it makes it much more difficult for thieves to order merchandise online. Also when I travel I will use a different credit card than the one that I usually carry. That way only charges that I make on my trip will be on that statement. I also save every receipt and keep track of how much money I've spent. If you scratch the three digit number off the back of your credit cards and you have a bad memory. You can store that number somewhere in your cell phone as part of a bogus phone number.
  19. Perhaps they were all eaten by coelocanths?
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