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Mary Diamond

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Posts posted by Mary Diamond

  1. As will I, and Mark, my patient hubby, who is desperately hoping for a non-pc camping spot somewhere nearby to pop our OOP nylon tent, that he may cool his heels and read a book whilst wearing shorts, eating chips and drinking a Diet Coke with Lime.


    We will definitely be there, no doubt ~ but he really, REALLY (as in, Honey, I love you, but no canvas tentage) would prefer modern day camping. Any nearby options for such?

    Our friend Yak has triplets and a sick relative, so attendance remains in the Highly Hoped For category. Due to the triplets and single income, camping is the preferred option for him as well (most likely hanging with Mark, as this is his once every 4 years + 40th birthday vacation).

  2. Will you be posting pics so that those who didn't order might reconsider for next time? B)

    The button pic (left side buttons) in the first post is quite accurate ~ The only detail not completely shown is the shank, which is fully round. I will post a photo tomorrow showing the shank and a few buttons ~

    I did purchase some extra buttons in case of latecomers ~ B)

    If there is sufficient interest, I can place another order.


  3. Buttons have arrived! B)

    Let me just say the box was unbelievably heavy ~ 15 pounds worth of buttons in a box smaller than a shoebox!

    I have counted out each persons order, and have them bagged, ready to ship. Once I have them weighed, I will contact each person with their final cost including shipping.

    If additional buttons are needed, please contact me!

    Thanks for you orders and your patience ~


  4. Stitch? As in Lilo and...? (Stitch in the first movie was really cool. Then they kind of watered him down...)

    Oops, sorry for the delayed reaction :rolleyes:

    Yes, self and same, as our Stitchies bad-ness level is always very high ~ :rolleyes:

    I too was disappointed Stitch didn't reach his full outrageous potential in L&S II ~

  5. Sorry ~ continuing the hijack ~

    But! If we do bury treasure at Fort Zachary, say, Friday ~ and make it clear that the treasure remains there to be dug up ~ could generate attendance to just go looking for the chest, if it looked worthwhile ~

    And this is not to say we couldn't bury chests at a few Key West beaches (chests buried at remote beaches might have a 2 free passes to the event, with maps and such?).

    Love ya, Patrick! Keep that mind going!


    My vote is green, gold or red accents for boat colors.

  6. Yes, I am excited to receive the shipment. I am pleased with the quality and weight of the button - quite nice, indeed, for such a reasonable price! :huh::lol:

    I have delayed the order to accomodate a late request, so if there are any latecomers to this thread, please contact me ASAP if you are at all interested in these buttons.

    I hope to submit the order Tuesday, July 17.

  7. helenwills.jpg

    This is one of those photos I have always liked. It's a photo of Helen Wills Moody, a very successful tennis player who won 31 Grand Slam titles and 2 Olympic gold medals in the 1920s and 30s.

    Wills was an introvert who was quite detached - she rarely showed emotion, ignored her opponents, and took little interest in or notice of the crowd. You can sense this in the photo, but there is much more there. Something deeper. I've always thought this photo had that odd "Mona Lisa" bemused look about it.

    Magnificent control, deep waters ~

    I love it.

  8. Agreed! Rome is fantastic, lovely historical(ish - but good enough for me) drama - hubby and I were glued to the screen.

    Now we are stuck with Big Love, Entourage and Pirate Master. :huh:

    It's just not the same.

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