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Mary Diamond

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Posts posted by Mary Diamond

  1. Morgan ~

    Congratulations and good luck on your undertaking! Might I recommend, with regards to you $4 linen, that you wash it first? I have purchased the $4 linen (a more open weave natural linen) from JoAnn's in the flat fold/clearance section ~ it shrank considerably, but, goodness, it is soft!

  2. OH! I almost forgot to post ~ we THREE are DEFINITELY attending, Mark, Yak and I! Tickets are purchased - WOOHOO!

    Thursday, Nov 29

    Arrive Miami 12:35pm

    Driving from Miami to Key West

    Returning Wednesday, Dec 5 ~ plenty of time to recover, and hopefully visit the Dry Tortugas!


  3. aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh ~

    A fantastic, sensual, dark movie. Agreed, to be considered with Pan's Labyrinth, or on another level, The Fountain. Not a movie for everyone, but exquisitely well done.

    mmmmmm ~

    Thank you, Rats, for this treasure.

  4. As I understand it, all re-enactors staying at the Fort must complete and SNAIL MAIL this form:


    Each person requires their own form (including children). Gets you covered by the Fort in case anything happens, as well as provides Harry your particulars.

    This may apply to all participants, I am not sure ~ Harry or William ( <_< sounds like a call in the Royal household), care to weigh in?


  5. We are waiting on Yak to confirm ~ he will most likely be leaving O'Hare Thursday 29 direct to KW, returning Sunday ~

    Mark and I (flying from O'Hare) ~ will be at the Fort Thursday through Sunday/Monday, with a few days on either side for relaxing/mini vacation.

  6. So, I know this has been tentatively broached elsewhere, but wanted to bring it front and center ~

    How many folks are flying into Miami with plans on driving or bus'ing down to KW? Any interest in sharing the trip with others?

    If so, please include flight arrival and departure times, so we might better HOOK up ~ :ph34r: (oh, that was silly :ph34r: )

    Thanks all!

  7. Seems like a good time to bring this up ~

    Harry or William,

    For those of us further removed ~ Is it possible to arrange for Black Powder to be available at PiP, due to the legal constraints associated with shipping bp?

    Would a show of hands from those in need be helpful?

    (Raising one, then my other, hand)


    What? I have 2 guns ~


  8. :lol:


    Lilly giggling....

    Come now Mary! Put that thing down before you scare the men...AGAIN!

    Aww, do I have to? :huh:

    in fact we have used several scenarios where the invaders to camp were repeled by...well what ever was handy....iron poker...an axe....cast iron pot firewood...etc.....same goes for this....a walking stick was carried in many a period portraits....but carried at the ready...not used for walking...especially in port were many local lawws prohibited carriying of weapons......

    Precisely! THIS GOES FOR YOU WALL-FLOWER LADIES, TOO! Grab a Frying Pan and jump right in ~


  9. A Goode First Effort for someone new to costuming!

    Attending a few details can bring you closer to PC, or "as is" for a more casual pirate impression ~ it really depends on what you are more comfortable with. I like the fabrics chosen ~ quite attractive colors! And don't be sorry about the fabric content ~ everyone has to start somewhere ~ I know I did!

    Well done!


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