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Everything posted by Roberts

  1. Roberts had slid down to the floor during the night. He lay on his side cradling his pistol. Usually given to snoring, his body was even too tired to do that. He'd not slept the day before he'd arrived.
  2. Red Cat gasped and sat up in the bed suddenly. Roberts woke immediately at the sound grasping his flintlock an looked toward the door. Jacky an Ransom were still sound asleep and the room was quiet. Her eyes were wide in the pale of her cheeks. She sat silently staring not fully awake. "Cat, Cat 'ti's ok" he said softly "Roberts is here lass, I'm here an no one will do ye any harm" He'd seen her have nightmares before... but that was long ago. Roberts took her shoulders and lay her gently back afraid she tear the stiches Jacky'd put in her side. She relaxed at his voice and closed her eyes again muttering summin he didn't understand. Placing a hand to her head and again on her back he was relieved to feel no fever. He watched her for a time until her breathing became even and though he'd only rested briefly, he didn't want to fall asleep. In the dim light of the candle she seemed small... and despite her usual independent demeanor, curiously alone. He looked over at her friends.. tired and huddled asleep against each other having risked all for her and knew she really wasn't. "Aye, ye be lucky Cat.." he thought "aint many who'd stick their necks out so far in this life" he fell alseep again determined he'd be there this time if they needed him.
  3. Roberts was spent. The Rum had lessend the pain in his head to a dull throb. As he settled he thought on a old ships surgeon he'd known and was grateful fer those like Mr. Tar who knew well how to tend to a wound. More grateful that he'd tended to hers than his own. The room was chilly but the quiet was welcome. Not wanting to be far from Red Cat, he took the space closest to her cot, leaving Jacky an Ransom to their private huddle by the door. He slumped against the wall with his shoulder to the wooden post of the bed and fell asleep with his pistol loaded and in his lap.
  4. 90 - 106 this week..
  5. Roberts shoulders the door of the Fat Weasel open, carefully carrying Red Cat in his arms. She's been talking nonsense on and off but mostly staying still. His head hurts. As a matter of fact it's throbbing, but he's been through worse and she's his only concern now. A room is arranged and money changed hands in exchange for no questions. He reluctantly leaves the room to return the horses with Ransom after she threatens to add another lump to his thick head. "We need ta git the things Jacky asked fer. Ye kin do nothin else fer now. Let's get these animals back first " She said hustling him out the doorway.
  6. We need t' get her out of here, Roberts said. He knelt an scooped the Cat up in his arms with Jacky's help. He knew his mate to be tough, but he held her gingerly, afraid she might break at any moment. As Jacky n Ransom pulled the horses near. Red Cat, bloodied, bruised and sandy closed her eyes. The world was swimming and it made her feel better. But her mind was still foggy. "Am I dead?" ...."No !" said Roberts all too suddenly. "Gods, don't say such things Cat" .."Is he...?" She said weakly. "He's gone lass" "Ye have Mr. Tar and Miss Ransom t' thank fer yer life. I was out like a useless git" Roberts felt terrible and saying it made him feel worse. "Yer safe now..we has ye" With that she put her head on his chest and passed clean out. Roberts explained that the men hadn't killed her because she was worth more to the pirate hunter alive and worth more coin in the pockets of the sorry rum sotted thugs he hired. Most likely at the Dead Monkey. They had taken turns, their goal to wear her out and bring her to Silas in relatively one piece.
  7. In the course of events none had noticed Roberts absence. As he'd jumped from his horse the frightened animal had reared and kicked him square in the back knocking him to the ground. The kick wasn't so bad, but he'd struck his head on a rock and been knocked unconcious. Coming to after all was done, he sat for a moment and gathered his bearings. As his head cleared, he looked down the darkened beach and saw the figures of Jacky n Ransome huddled over someone on the ground. Roberts blood ran cold. He couldn't tell from his distance but he feared the worst. Standing unsteadily he came to their side. Jacky was cradling RedCat in his arms.. a grave loook of concern on his face. Ransome was wide eyed and looked up at Roberts. "She's alive.. "she said. He held her eyes for a moment looking for confirmation that the news wasn't too bad before he turned to look at his friend. "She's had it pretty bad I believe" added Jacky throwing an angry glare at Roberts. It registered but he didn't pay it much mind as Red Cat opened an eye and spoke
  8. As Roberts arrives at the small tavern, he hears a shout from the back. Running around the corner of the place he catches sight of Jacky Tar n Ransom thundering off and over a sandy hill on horseback! In the distance he can just make out the sound of steel against steel carried on the sea wind. Looking about about in frantic desperation. He knowed he'd never catch up on foot. Just then a well dressed patron ambles up to the hitching post and roberts waits for his chance. Impatiently willing himself to stay still until the right moment. The patron is obviously either drunk or the most inept rider Roberts has ever seen. Twice he gets his foot stuck in the stirrups and seems unsure of which side to get off. Roberts rolls his eyes able to stand it no more and lunges forward, throws the man to the ground mounting the horse as it breaks into a full gallop. He spurrs the frightened animal onward an is soon close behind the others over the dune. The sound of fighting is louder now. Just down the beach and along the dune. Among it he hears the sound of Red Cat's voice shouting curses and threats. Curses are hurled back inbetween the clash of swords and the occasional thump of someone falling in the sand and scrambling back up. Knowing her well over the years, n having fought alongside her, he could hear in her voice that she was wearing thin.. Johnathan Roberts drew his cutlass, flung himself from the horse and ran for the group. Jacky n Ransom rode towards the fight and the Cat..
  9. Roberts ran as fast as his bulk would allow towards the Fat Weasel. "Damnit Cat" he said to himself "Ye just canna stay outa trouble can ye. Just wait till we catch up wi ye" and as he ran he hoped they did.
  10. As Jacky an Ransom started out, they met Roberts still headin towards Th Weasel. "Aye she was along here, saw someone we know n he said she'd been seen goin inta the Fancy Parrot. But that were hours ago! they think she may 'ave been followed..an if I knew by who.." his expression grew darker an meaner than when they'd entered the Dead Monkey. He flexed a hand and balled it into a fist looking about and willing the scum to appear wot might bring any harm to 'er but the alley remained empty and dark. They hurried on towards the Weasel, splitting up as before. Roberts took the main road an Jacky an Ransom headed East to circle th Fancy Parrot once more on the way..just in case. They headed towards the back stair of the place. Had they walked past moments earlier they'd have spied a man hunched and walking briskly, preceded by a small band of thugs ...a scrap of blue velvet in his gnarled fist.
  11. The small party took leave of the rowdy tavern, an headed down the dock road towards the Fat Weasel and the smithy. Retracing their steps along the way. As they neared the second pub Roberts spoke up.. urgency in his voice. The more he though abot Red Cat the more worried he became. He sometimes had a sense about things.. and now his sense was tellin him summin was wrong.. "It'll be headin ta dawn in a few hours and I think we should split up ta double our efforts. I'll go ahead to th Fat Weasel, Ransome ye keep a look near the smithy and the doorways here by. Jacky, if ye don't mind me suggestin, why'ncha look back near the Fancy Parrot t'is only a short walk an summone did say they'd seen er there. We'll only be a few buildings apart an we kin meet u back here by this market stall. With that Roberts turned and headed towards the Fat Weasel haste in his step.
  12. Though commotion wasn't wont to attract attention in such a place, as they headed to th bar, the barkeep was already welcomin them. The portly man with a shock of greying hair and an eyepatch hustled over with his odd gait borne of a past injury."God's teeth! Johnathan Roberts! I ain't seen ye in a dog's age! ye just roll in wi the tide ?" The barkeep clapped Roberts on the back and introductions were made. Roberts took the man aside after settlin the other two pirates at the bar with drink. "Dunny, I be lookin fer Red Cat Jenny.." "Red Cat! how is the gerl! Be she about wit ye?!" Roberts winced at the barkeeps exclamation "shh keep it down man! we be lookin fer her an thought she mighta come yer way. She was fit ta kill when I seen her last" Dunny saw the seriousness in Johnathan's eyes and said "hold up a minute " he dissapeared around the bar and spoke with several wenches and the other barkeeps. Shuffling back he handed Roberts a tankard. "I ain't seen her meself, but Annie there said she seen summone who fit her description down about the blacksmiths earlier this eve. Shall I put the word out for her?" Roberts raised a hand. "No, I don't want t' draw attention case she be in trouble. I'll give ye the word if it be warranted" He downed the Ale an went t' collect the two pirates to suggest they head for the Smith and the more respectable tavern just beyond. The one Jacky Tar had mentioned.
  13. The tavern was small and dark even with candles in the iron chandeliers. The smell of rum, ale and blackpowder hung in the air. At one end was a huge stone fireplace with tankards and worn pewter plates on the mantle which ran almost the length of the wall. The tables and benches were hewn of rough wood that had seen better days, patched probably nightly in the aftermath of one of it's infamous brawls. The walls held some shot and probably more than a few stories. As Roberts walked in slightly ahead of Jacky an Ransom he set his jaw, steeled his eyes and seemed to grow just a bit larger. The three stood allowing their eyes to adjust to the light and looked about the room through the haze of burning tallow and pipes. Jacky an Ransom suggested that she may have come n gone..but knowin there were a few "darker corners" where business may be conducted, Roberts suggested they stay a moment. Not too many minutes had passed when a wiry and rough lookin man knocked Roberts with his shoulder as he passed as another came up behind. The man at his back caught a shot full in the ribs as Roberts threw an elbow back and sent him to the floor. He struck the first man with a beefy fist and he flew to the planking.. he recoiled with surprising speed for the scrawny lot he was.... But Roberts were faster. He drew his pistol and met the man's nose with the flint cocked back before he even straightened up. Stepping him back a few paces, Roberts addressed his would be assailants. "Now yer triflin wi the wrong dog mate," he drawled..with a vicious grin "You and yer lot might ave a better chance wi the Press gangs out back" the scrawny man backed off and grabbed his friend who was still clutching bruised ribs and they hustled away. Roberts let out a loud laugh "Aye! just like old times!"
  14. The big man laughs, a hearty rumble raising from his chest. "Mr Tar! um Captain.." He realizes suddenly mayhap bein he was only a first mate, he'd better show a bit of respect "Aye the dead monkey, no bigger collection of scum n scurrily be had this side o Tortuga!" His face seems to light up at the thought. Roberts was a man of action, though on the rare occasion he'd humored his good friend Red Cat sitting by quietly on one o those contemplative spells o hers. He found he'd even learn a thing or two. Likewise he was both good an bad influence on the adventerous lass, who seemed to be up for about anything. She even said she'd admired him ....which was summin he rerely found in his life. He began to feel quite guilty. Summat he was wholly unacustomed to. "I'll watch yer backs, I've more n a few friends thar..shouldn't be er...too much trouble"
  15. Roberts turned to False Ransom the trace of a bemused smile still visible on his lips, he could see she was the kind of woman that were fun t' tease wi. He also supposed she could hold her own and made note not ta tangle wi the lass if possible. "Miss Ransom as I told ye, thar be more'n one man who might owe the Cat a thing or two.." "Aye. it's a rough place to be sure, but she an I we go way back thar" He paused smilin at this statement, his blue eyes sparklin with a certain merriment " n' I lay odds it may be th place ta start.."
  16. Roberts watches the exchange between Jacky an his crewman and doesn't fail ta notice a furtive glance exchanged betwixt the blond sailor and Miss Ransom. Nor the slight blush arisin in her cheeks. After the young man takes his leave Roberts gives her a wink an she makes a face at him and a slashin motion across er throat. He chuckles. Jacky be lookin towards th alley an Roberts says "Which brothel? the Fancy Parrot or Annie's Revenge? Ye know I believe one o her favorite pubs be down this way..we used ta raise a bit o the devil there now and agin..what was it called? " He looks towards the sky with one eye squeezed shut like the answer might rain down on his head.."Oy yes! That's it now.. The Dead Monkey!" He looks pleased with himself an grins wide at the two pirates in his company. "Right strange name if ye ask me, but tis a large an rowdy place, where many a bloke might be what owes er summin" He heads towards the alley "this way mates!"
  17. Roberts was surprised at the strength o Jacky Tar, He figgerd him ta be tough, but was surprised when the man near lifted him off the planks! He believed he'd better not argue th point after seein the look in Jacky an Ransoms eyes. As the two shoved him towards th pub door Johnathan began ta wunner why he hadn't gone after Red Cat, he ain't sen er in months, tho they be thick as thieves in th past ,an he jus figured she woulda stayed thar in th pub while he handled things. Now he worried for two reasons. One, since the haze in his head be clearin, he was gettin genuinely worried about her. Two, the looks Jacky n Ransom gave him told him there'd be hell ta pay if anything happened to her. Which he really hoped nothin did
  18. Roberts slams a hand down on th table makin the pewter candlestick jump as he lets out a hearty laugh.. "Aye Jacky lad! couldn'a said it better meself! (laugh laugh)and a fyne one t'is!" his laughter subsides to a few chuckles an he leans o'er the table.. "Now I know ye must tink Ill o me fer not goin after tha Cat.. but ya see I told er I'd take care o her problem an ta stay put!" he bangs a fist on the table with a look of frustration.. "But I shoulda know er better n tha. She's an unpredictable one she is, likes ta settle er own affairs.. t' be honest.... I feels fer th man she's likely met up wi by now.." a wicked smile decorates his sodden expression. Roberts takes a deep draught from his tankard and waits f' Jacky to absorb his words..
  19. Despite his gruffness Johnathan Roberts wouldn't intrude on another mans property..mostly Resigning hisself ta Mr. Tar's company f' the next few hours less'n the Cat returned soon, (not tha it war so bad, he was beginnin ta like the man) he kissed the saucy wenches hand, gave her one of those trademark looks o his and said "Well Lass ye best be on yer way.. but if ye don't find yer man.." and pausing for effect added" usted sabe dónde encontrarme" with that he released her dainty mitt and turned back ta tellin Jacky ..now what was it?
  20. Roberts happily losing his battle to stay sober, is brought around by the smell of...perfume?..or is it salsa? As he adjusts his bleary eyes tryin ta remember that he was about ta tell Jacky Tar summin important..he spies two big pools of brown staring at him! He removes his hat and makes a small attempt at standing for the lady, but being a rather big man, nothing he does is small. The table moves noisily back as his knee comes in contact with it so he sorta leans an then sets back heavily on the bench. Jacky's got a look of frustrated amusement crossin his face. "Evenin sennnnorita" "ow!" while he struggles to find something intriguing to say, his gaze begins ta lower (by accident) thinking of a quick save he says with a flourish "usted es una mujer misteriosa y hermosa" surprising everyone in the place.
  21. Seeing Mr. Tar took his advice made Roberts more comfortable and he sat for awhile seemin ta study the knots in the table. Was he asleep? Jacky wondered for a moment...some people passed clean out wi their eyes open.. Then as quicky the man spoke up... "Mate, I could tell ya stories.." he looked off into the distance for a moment "That Red Cat be one of a kynde" Sobering for a moment, he said "but that is for another time.." "Aye, I believe she'll be back in a while, and probably in none too goode of a mood." This was accompanied by the uncomfortable expression of a man familiar witha woman's scorn. " Ye see she has troubles she warn't aware of....thats....w..why I come ta tell........" His voice trailed off as a dark and lusty Spanish wench sailed across the room throwing a {come hither} look in his direction..
  22. Roberts wisely made that he didn't have all the answers. He knew who Mr. Tar was, and that RedCat spoke well of him. But he didn't know the man personally. Since he hadn't seen her in nigh on four months he wanted to be sure of those whose circle she now travelled in. Bein a bit too trustin at times and a little on the ..different side at others, he knew she made wise choices in friends but HE was more wary by nature and worried one day she may slip up. After two hours and twice as much in bottles, Johnathan Roberts felt it safe to reveal some of what he knew. Mayhap it was to calm his own nerves as well..She was mad as a hellcat when she 'd spoken to him and though they laughed it off before he left, he knew that look in her eyes.. she could be damnably as unpredictable as she was amusing..which usually meant trouble.
  23. Hang on a minute mate..." A gruff voice accompanies the hand upon Jacky's shoulder. Roberts figured Tar was a bit less impulsive and took a chance on a shot in the gut. Jacky Tar immediately looked past Roberts to the door but the Cat were no where in sight.. Even Ransom leaned out from her perch on th bar expectin her friend ta walk, bounce, stumble or othwerwise swagger in... "Wot's this!" Jacky grabbed the man by the lapel and drew himself near. "Whar is she?!"he demanded. Roberts shook himself loose, glanced back at Ransom ta make sure she hadn't already drawn a weapon, and the turned his attention to Jacky. Satisfied his back was safe for the moment, he beckoned the pirate towards a corner table.. "Don't open that note jest yet Mr Tar" The other man said with a tone that suggested this hadn't been the first time.. Let me tell ya a story.,,,
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