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Boots MacGee

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Everything posted by Boots MacGee

  1. Happy Birthday Blind Eddie
  2. BlackCat, Well I best not be lettin ya cross my path. I'm a bit supersticious. "Jus' kiddin" Welcome to tha Pub
  3. Thought I heard my name, Welcome Lass, and I'll be joinin ya for a Rum.
  4. Hollywood Walk of Fame
  5. "To Infinity... and Beyond"
  6. bury the hatchet..... (sometimes that heals ol' wounds)
  7. Where no man has gone before
  8. I'm glad the plunder was ta yer liking Ransom. Thank you fer tradin with me.
  9. I'm usually late with Birthdays so this works out great for me HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  10. Thank You Ransom..... Now I have another treasure that is too nice to keep in a treasure chest. I shall wear it to all future events, ol' Boots is very pleased with his new treasure, and the kindness of Ransom. SlĂ inte Mhath
  11. Beach Front Property
  12. Sock Monkey (Ack!!!!! Capt. Sterling was turned into one)
  13. academy awards (they have some long speeches)
  14. Looks like a cow skull on top, (if you look the picture upside down)
  15. ^ Boots < I was rough on shoes when I was a kid, so my parents always bought me boots V Favorite shoes to wear?
  16. Is it a Dream Tree?
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